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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-Party Hardware? (Liebert UPS)

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The Question is:

Is there any software that runs on OpenVMS Alpha that will proform an
 autoshutdown from a Liebert UPS?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS FAQ discusses various UPS software available for use
  on OpenVMS.
  With a specification for the particular UPS device involved, the
  implementation of shutdown processing is generally easy.  Getting
  the specification for the communications with the particular UPS
  device involved can itself be the most difficult part of the effort.
  Liebert apparently uses SMNP, and mechanisms for processing SNMP
  traffic are available on OpenVMS.  The particular Liebert product
  used for controlling and communicating with the Liebert UPS is
  the SiteNet package, and Liebert specifically lists OpenVMS support
  for the Liebert SiteNet product.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-APR-2003 )

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