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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Apache CSWS_Java JNI Class Error?

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The Question is:

Dear Wizard.
I have been trying to run a servlet program(JAVA) who calls a JNI(C program)
 but I am getting some errors.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jni_module in java.library.path
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java, Compiled Code)
If I run a standalone program in java who calls the (JNI), It  works.
Do you know where I have to put the shareable image (JNI)?
I put the image in SYS$SHARE, in the same directory, I defined a logical but
 nothing works.
The servlet container is TOMCAT 4.0.4

The Answer is :

  Please acquire and follow the instructions for setting up Java
  (and particularly CSWS_JAVA) for use with Apache, and please
  ensure that you have the specified OpenVMS ECOs loaded for use
  with Java and Apache.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-JUL-2003 )

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