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Kernel changes and Kernel-Mode LINKs?

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The Question is:

We've been using an utility written in macro for a long time. Now we have
 upgraded to OpenVMS 7.3-1, and when we try to link it we get this error mesagge:
$link getproclocks,GETPRLOCK_DEFS
%LINK-W-NUDFSYMS, 3 undefined symbols:
%LINK-W-USEUNDEF, undefined symbol EXE$CVT_EPID_TO_PCB referenced
        in psect $LINKAGE offset %X00000080
        in module GETPROCLOCKS file
%LINK-W-USEUNDEF, undefined symbol PCB$L_LOCKQFL referenced
        in psect $LINKAGE offset %X00000090
        in module GETPROCLOCKS file
%LINK-W-USEUNDEF, undefined symbol LKB$L_OWNQFL referenced
        in psect $LINKAGE offset %X00000098
        in module GETPROCLOCKS file
Seems to me that these routines (PCB$L_LOCKQFL, LKB$L_OWNQFL) are no longer
 available, maybe they were replaced by new ones or placed in another object
Is this so? Which are the new routines? How do I call them?
Thanks for your time.
ps.: here is the source code of the macro programs involved:
$type getprlock_defs.mar
$type getproclocks.mar
        .title  getproclocks
        .ident  'V1.1-0'
; This subroutine returns a list of lockids for a given process that are
; in waiting or granted state.  This list is built without acquiring any
; synchronization so it can be wrong....
; There are several lines that need adjusting depending on whether this is a
; VAX or an Alpha. These lines can be found by searching for ###
; Aplha Build Instructions
;    $ macro/mig getproclocks
;    $ link/sysexe getproclocks
; Vax Build Instructions
;    Change lines as required for VAX
;    $ macro getproclocks
;    $ link getproclocks,sys$input:/opt
;    sys$system:sys.stb/sele
;    ^Z
; ### VAX Comment the next line out
        .link 'sys$loadable_images:process_management.stb' /selective_search
        .library        'sys$share:lib.mlb'
        .psect  _data,wrt,noexe
buffer: .long   0
buflen: .long   0
pid:    .long   0
fail:   .long   0
prompt: .ascid  'Enter PID: '
result: .ascid  '        '
bb:     .blkb   512
symnum: .ascid  'lockcnt'
symnumval: .ascid '00000000'
symdsc: .ascid  'lock0000'
symdsc_2:       .quad   0
symval: .ascid  '        '
nodename:       .blkb   32
nodename_l:     .long   0
syi_itms:       .word   32
                .word   SYI$_NODENAME
                .address nodename
                .address nodename_l
                .long   0
        .psect  _code,nowrt,exe
        .entry  getproclocks,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7>
; 4(ap) lv      pid
; 8(ap) ala     pointer to memory to receive list
; 12(ap) lv     number of entries that fit in list
        cmpl    (ap),#3
        beql    8$
        movl    #ss$_insfarg,r0
4$:     ret
        ; Check system is valid node.

The Answer is :

  Please use LINK/SYSEXE (and often also /NOSYSLIB) when linking
  against the OpenVMS kernel structures.
  The provided example was incomplete, and the OpenVMS Wizard cannot
  confirm that the LINK command was the error.
  Additionally, the LKB$L_OWNQFL and PCB$L_LOCKQFL cells were promoted
  from longword ($L) to quadword ($Q) entries; to LKB$Q_OWNQFL and
  PCB$Q_LOCKQFL.   You may (will) need to modify your code accordingly.
$ search sys$share:*.req _OWNQFL,_LOCKQFL
macro LKB$Q_OWNQFL = 112,0,0,1 %;
literal LKB$S_OWNQFL = 8;               !  Owner queue forward link
macro PCB$Q_LOCKQFL = 872,0,0,1 %;
literal PCB$S_LOCKQFL = 8;              !  Lock queue forward link
  If you require assistance in porting code or in obtaining alternatives
  to existing kernel-mode hacks, please contact HP Services for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-MAY-2003 )

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