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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP Small Buffer Depletion?

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The Question is:

I'm trying to determine what process on my system is causing ucx to create
 routing redirects. When I issue the command UCX SHO COMM/ROUTE the CREATED BY
 REDIRECTS continues to increase which in turn causes the depleation of our
 small ucx buffers. At this
point I've been unable to determine the cause and any help you might provide
 would be greatly appreciated.
System hardware: VaxServer 3100 model 10-E
Memory size: 16 meg
System software: VMS 6.2
UCX version: 4.1 eco8

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would initially assume this to be a problem within
  TCP/IP Services.  Please move to TCP/IP Services V4.2 with the current
  ECO installed, as a start.  Please also consider an upgrade to a more
  recent OpenVMS VAX release, and to the current TCP/IP Services release.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-MAY-2003 )

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