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HP OpenVMS Systems

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External Authentication? (ACME)

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The Question is:

We would like to be able to provide customers with one userid and password for
 all applications and operating systems. Ideally, authentication would be
 redirected to the LDAP directory of the customer's choice and, after
 successful authentication, the goo
d password would be synchronized with the local password database on the
 platform or application, if one existed. This would allow local authentication
 failover in cases where redirection could not be achieved.  It would be
 acceptible to just be able to d
etect local password changes and sync the new password to other platforms and
 applications.  We can do this for every major operating system except OpenVMS.
  Are there and APIs available to aid us?  Kerberos is not the answer because
 it is not supported i
n too many places. I've read that there is a SDK for developers to write to
 ACME.  Is there and if so how do I get it?  Thanks.

The Answer is :

  External authentication mechanisms presently available for OpenVMS
  include the Kerberos mechanism used on most UNIX platforms and on
  Microsoft Windows 2000 and later, as well as the LAN Manager
  authentication environment used within other Microsoft-based
  An ACME External Authentication Software Developer's Kit (SDK) is
  expected to ship with the OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2 field test release,
  and is expected to contain documentation and modified versions of
  the LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE (SET PASSWORD) images that specifically
  use the ACME framework.  Additionally, an Enterprise Directory (LDAP)
  authentication evaluation kit is expected with the OpenVMS release.
  Early copies of the ACME documentation have been made available outside
  HP via formal request, as well -- mechanisms such as Radius-based
  authentication integration with ACME are reportedly under some level
  of development.  For details on current Radius authentication, please
  see the pointers in the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

answer written or last revised on ( 19-MAY-2003 )

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