[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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eXcursion and EAFNOSUPPORT Error?

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The Question is:

Using Xcursion V3.5 I'm trying to connect via cre/term/detach over a TCP/IP but
 I'm getting a EAFNOSUPPORT error back from VMS. How can I correct
this problem?

The Answer is :

  There are usually other messages included with the EAFNOSUPPORT
  error.  getnodeadd errors, Network Warning socket errors, etc.
  The usual translation of the base error is "Error, Address Family
  Not Supported"; the particular transport requested is not supported
  or otherwise not configured or not operating.
  Please move to a supported version of eXcursion, as it would appear
  that this (unrecognized) version is very old -- the OpenVMS Wizard
  will here assume this is the version that was provided for use with
  Microsoft Windows NT V3.5, which would make it quite old.  Please
  consider using the version of eXcursion that is included within the
  current PATHWORKS 32 release.
  For assistance with the eXcursion client on (supported) versions of
  PATHWORKS 32, please contact the customer support center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 28-MAY-2003 )

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