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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party Storage? (Seagate)

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The Question is:

After fitting a new hard disk to replace a failed one (shadowed)I cannot
 initialise the new disk. It claims to be offline and has oe error showing. How
 do I get the disk online?
How do I low level format a disk?
SCSI disk is a seagate ST318406LW
Show configuration from the console correctly identifies the disk type and scsi
SYSMAN IO SHOW DEVICE looks okay with dk driver showing addresses for all the
 devices present

The Answer is :

  As has been remarked before, "SCSI is a collection of optionally
  implemented -- or optionally misimplemented -- features", and the
  other classic remark, "None of the S's in SCSI are Standard".
  There is typically no requirement for what some platforms might call
  a low-level format for SCSI disk devices accessed by OpenVMS.
  The volume-level format -- the file structure -- is established with
  the OpenVMS INITIALIZE command.
  There is apparently a configuration-level or hardware-level SCSI
  incompatibility here.  That the console can identify the device
  means that some simple operations have succeeded -- that the console
  has identified the device does not imply that the device will operate,
  nor that the device will operate under any particular I/O load.
  Please contact your hardware support vendor or storage vendor for
  assistance with the requisite integration and testing, and please
  also see the OpenVMS FAQ for related discussions of third-party
  hardware issues, requirements, testing, and support considerations.
  The effort involved in qualification of peripheral devices is large,
  and involves detecting, isolating and resolving obvious functional
  incompatibilities and obvious errors within the host, controller
  or drive interfaces, as well as more subtle considerations such
  as ensuring that the particular device thermal-cooling and other
  environmental requirements are met.  Acquisition of a supported
  device is often far cheaper than performing a local qualification,
  and particularly when -- such as is the case here -- errors are
  encountered.  Additionally, if operational problems should arise,
  then the supported configurations will typically see the necessary
  remediation work.
  The device support effort involved can range from trivially simple
  to what is effectively cost-prohibitive, and the particular results
  and which extreme might be involved are not entirely clear at the
  onset of the testing and support effort.  Put another way, there
  is definite value in the supported device configurations.
  Additionall, your OpenVMS version is outdated, and in need of an
  upgrade.  While the OpenVMS Wizard is entirely unfamiliar with the
  rated capacity of this Seagate device, the Wizard will also call
  your attention to the maximum disk capacity and storage-ECO-related
  information in the OpenVMS FAQ.  If you cannot upgrade from V7.1-2,
  please make certain that you have all current ECO kits applied.
  The OpenVMS Wizard is not in a position to provide device qualification
  and device integration assistance at no cost -- having been involved
  in this, this effort can involve weeks or months of technical effort;
  far beyond what the OpenVMS Wizard can offer.  Again, please contact
  your hardware support or storage vendor for this assistance, or please
  then expect to become of a subject matter expert for SCSI.
  Related discussions include (450),(514), (995), (1014), (1205), (1369),
  (1409), (1549), (1593), (1660), (1749), (1958), (1984), (2048), (2408),
  (2462), (2754), (2904), (2956), (3690), (4050), (4467), (4484), (4528),
  (4739), (5040), (5137), (5182), (5353), (5458), (5550), (5680), (6576),
  (6685), (6742), (7446), (8679), (8729), and many other topics.

answer written or last revised on ( 25-JUL-2003 )

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