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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Apache (SWS) and ODS-5 Filenames?

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The Question is:

I am uploading a photo album with following file names generated by a PC
 application to a DS-10 running Apache:
Vacation 2003 089.jpg
The file gets uploaded onto ODS-5 volume as
HTML page generated by the album software attempts to access the file:
   <td class="thumbcell"><img src="../thumbnails/thumb_Vacation 2003 092.jpg"
 title="San Diego - 2003 vacation" alt="Current Photograph" class="selected"
When I attempt to access the web page in the browser it fails. What do I need
 to do in order to allow use of spaces in file specification. According to the
 documentation it is supported in extended file system.
Thanks. Sam.

The Answer is :

  This appears to be a combination of an HTML file generated by an
  unspecified Microsoft Windows application, a filename that contains
  space characters, the encoding of spaces within ODS-5 as implemented
  by an FTP server on OpenVMS, and the behaviour of Apache webserver
  in this context.  No version details have been provided.
  Please first review the available W3C HTML standards for the related
  file specifications and requirements, and please utilize an HTML
  validation suite (eg: W3C tidy) on the HTML before proceeding any
  further -- please ensure that the generated HTML is valid.  (Some
  applications generate correct HTML, and some do not.)
  It is required by RFC that spaces embedded within URLs be correctly
  encoded -- a percent sign, followed by the hexadecimal value for
  space (20), within the specification.  (Your Windows application
  apparently violates this.)
  (The OpenVMS Wizard here ignores encoding options and requirements
  within URL parameters; within the text located after the ? delimiter
  optionally found within a URL.)
  The details of URL encoding are defined in RFC1738, and anyone
  working with web pages should have at least passing familiarity
  with this and its related RFCs, as well as with the W3C tools.
  If you wish to continue with non-standard encoding, you may well
  encounter further compatibility problems with clients.  If you wish
  to enable Apache for operations within this environment on OpenVMS,
  please review the available documentation around enabling full ODS-5
  filename parsing (extended file specifications) and the related
  operations, and see APACHE$CONFIG.COM.
  And of course you could also edit the existing generated HTML to
  adjust the filenames used for the files.
  If you wish to configure Apache to use ODS-5 and spaces, and assuming
  OpenVMS 7.3-1 and the residency of the HTML and related files on an
  ODS-5 disk, add the following logical name definitions into the file
  APACHE$ROOT:[000000]LOGIN.COM before the "$EXIT" statement:
    $ define decc$argv_parse_style enable
    $ define decc$efs_case_preserve enable
    $ define decc$efs_charset enable
    $ define decc$efs_case_special enable
    $ define decc$enable_getenv_cache enable
    $ define decc$posix_seek_stream_file enable
  This enables Apache to understand extended file specifications. URLs
  can specify spaces, double-dots, etc.
  For example:
  Can be accessed via:
    URL: http://your.domain.com/test file.dat

answer written or last revised on ( 19-AUG-2003 )

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