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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS Laser Printer Support?

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The Question is:

I would like to be able to print to laser printer's. As of today we print to
 dotmatrix printers. Does openvms have any kind of  printer support?

The Answer is :

  Most HP Laser Printers are now supported, please see the DCPS Software
  Product Description (SPD) for a complete list of these printers.  DCPS
  also has support for various third-party printers.
  DCPS is licensed with OpenVMS in current releases.
  Direct printing to arbitrary printers is also often possible, please
  see the numerous existing discussions of printing, printing problems,
  and printer (in)compatibilities here in the Ask The Wizard area.
  Topic (1020) will provide you with a good start to these discussions,
  with pointers to many of the existing discussions.
  Reading (possibly too much) into your question, the OpenVMS Wizard
  would encourage you to acquire a DCPS-supported printer, and would
  specifically encourage an IP-enabled printer (or HP JetDirect) be
  used to connect to the printer.  The OpenVMS Wizard would tend to
  discourage local parallel or other direct-connected printers -- the
  use of network printers might appear initially more daunting, but
  a network-based printer is often easier to manage, configure, and
  use -- particularly over the long-term.

answer written or last revised on ( 2-AUG-2003 )

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