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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with FTP Server IFI Errors?

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The Question is:

Running VMS Version-
UCX> show ver
  Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version V4.1
  on a AlphaServer 800 5/400 running OpenVMS V7.1-1H1
We are running FTP to mput multiple binary files to a PC. Every now and then,
 an FTP error occurs and FTP goes into an endless loop generating output to a
 log file -
%FTP-E-INPROCF, Error processing input file DKA200:[WCC.WHPC]*.V4A;
-RMS-F-IFI, invalid internal file identifier (IFI) value
%FTP-E-INPROCF, Error processing input file DKA200:[WCC.WHPC]*.V4A;
-RMS-F-IFI, invalid internal file identifier (IFI) value
This continues until somebody notices the problem or the disk is full. Any

The Answer is :

  Your OpenVMS Alpha version and your TCP/IP Services versions are
  both badly outdated and both are no longer supported, and both in
  need of (at the very minimum) of the current ECO kits (for both
  TCP/IP Services and OpenVMS) and (at best) upgrades to supported
  releases of these products.
  As of this writing, TCP/IP Services V5.3 with the current ECO, and
  OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-2 or V7.3-1 (with the mandatory ECO kits) would
  be good choices for your upgrade.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-NOV-2003 )

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