[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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C-Detected Coding Error, Compiler Messages?

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The Question is:

We are uppgrading a VAX running VMS 6.2 to VMS 7.3 and I am rebuilding the
I am using MMS
I get this error:
          struct sockaddr_in Sock2;
%CC-E-INCOMPNOLINK, In this declaration, "Sock2" has no linkage and is of an
 incomplete type.

The Answer is :

  Your application appears to contain a coding bug, probably around
  a missing declaration, or an incompletely declared structure, or
  a missing include file.
  Here is what the C help file has to say:
      Message        In this declaration, "<name>" has no linkage and is
                     of an incomplete type.
      Description    A declaration with no linkage cannot specify an
                     incomplete type.  Incomplete types can only be used
                     for identifiers with external or internal linkage.
      User Action    Either complete the type before the declaration or
                     modify the declaration to specify an external or
                     internal linkage.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-NOV-2003 )

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