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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Complex Telnet Printer Configuration Failure?

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The Question is:

I am having a problem with TCPIP print queues and a blank page before the
 document prints. I set up a library to send escape sequences to Laserjet
 printers (2200d and 4100tn) to set the page length to 66 lines. Prior to
 setting up the library, there was n
o blank page.
I have looked at the Wizard documents (including 1020) and have not been able
 to get rid of the blank page. Following are the commands and settings of the
 queue and library.$       SET DEVICE/SPOOL=(LABREAR,SPOOL_DISK1) LTA8049:
^ R /ON="LABREAR:9100"
Form name                            Number   Description
---------                            ------   -----------
LASER (stock=DEFAULT)                     1   LASER
Printer queue LABREAR, idle, on OHF2::"LABREAR:9100", mounted form LASER
Setup module=  <ESC>P<ESC>&l66f7C<ESC>\
When I use the <ESC>P in the SETUP, I do not have the blank page, but it prints
 a small 2, a space and a checkmark before the text of the first page. If I
 remove the <ESC>P, I get the leading blank page.
I have also tried setting the queue to no_initial_ff, which helps on the first
 document after the queue starts, but no others. I have also set the UCX and
 TCPIP sym_suppress_formfeed to 1, to no affect.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would use direct LAT access to the printer (based
  on the LTA8049: device name) or would use direct IP-based printing,
  rather than a served-access scheme -- and would particularly avoid
  schemes that route traffic through intervening hosts or similar
  conversion mechanisms.
  As described in topic (9134), (1020) and elsewhere, the OpenVMS Wizard
  would encourage simplification of printing configurations -- complex
  configurations can and will cause problems.  (You are seeing ample
  evidence of this here, of course.)  If you cannot access the printers
  via LAT from the other hosts involved and the printer does not have
  IP access, consider use of a JetDirect or similar mechanism to allow
  the OpenVMS and other hosts to access the printer directly.
  DCPS is the usual mechanism used for non-trivial printing operations.
  Your (unspecified) TCP/IP Services and your OpenVMS versions are both
  outdated, and both are in need of an upgrade and of current ECOs.
  (TCP/IP Services details based on the symbiont names shown.)  The
  OpenVMS Wizard would encourage a move to more current versions.
  The OpenVMS Wizard is unfamiliar with the setup module shown -- that
  which the OpenVMS Wizard is familiar with is described in (1020).

answer written or last revised on ( 24-NOV-2003 )

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