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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party Hardware? (Seagate)

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The Question is:

I want to add a SEAGATE ST39214N disk to the system. The drive is offline. In
 the system error report I get the error type 04 INVALID INQUIRY DATA RECEIVED.
 The system is a AlphaStation 400 3/233.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is not in a position to provide third-party device
  integration, testing or support services -- please contact your hardware
  support vendor or the HP services organization for assistance.  (The
  task of integration and testing is regularly a non-trivial and often
  an expensive effort, and can easily require access to the device and
  the system(s) involved.  For a supported and supportable hardware
  configuration, please use supported devices -- these devices have
  been tested and are known to function.)
  For details on the specific error being reported by OpenVMS, please
  see the system error log.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-DEC-2003 )

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