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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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Third-party Software? (Freeware)

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The Question is:

I would like to begin using the freeware utility "CLEAR_ERRORS".
I would like to know if there have been any cases of a system crashing while
 using this utility ?

The Answer is :

  Please contact the organization(s) or individual(s) that are supporting
  the package -- if any.
  The OpenVMS Wizard is not in a position to provide support for
  third-party (or Freeware) packages, and is -- as a rule -- generally
  not familiar with these packages.
  For information on clearing hardware errors, please see the V7.3-2
  command intended for this purpose (SET DEVICE/RESET), and please see
  the counter-related information in the OpenVMS FAQ.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-DEC-2003 )

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