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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Troubleshooting pool and pagefile leaks?

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The Question is:

We are running VMS V7.3-1 and the operating system keep increasing it's memory
 usage. We have checked all individual processes and none are using up memory.
Here is the memory usage from 2 days ago;
$ show memory/full
              System Memory Resources on 12-DEC-2003 20:36:44.52
Physical Memory Usage (pages):     Total        Free      In Use    Modified
  Main Memory (1024.00MB)         131072       56848       72680        1544
Paging File Usage (8KB pages):                 Index        Free        Size
                                                 254      131576      131576
  Total committed paging file usage:                                  436677
Of the physical pages in use, 6672 pages are permanently allocated to OpenVMS.
And here is today
              System Memory Resources on 15-DEC-2003 15:33:33.60
Physical Memory Usage (pages):     Total        Free      In Use    Modified
  Main Memory (1024.00MB)         131072       46776       82297        1999
Paging File Usage (8KB pages):                 Index        Free        Size
                                                 254      131576      131576
  Total committed paging file usage:                                  735754
Of the physical pages in use, 6779 pages are permanently allocated to OpenVMS.
Notice the increase in the "Total committed paging file usage" as well as the
 "pages permanently allocated to OpenVMS"
What is causing this and how do we stop it?

The Answer is :

  Something certainly appears to be leaking, but without details...
  Please apply mandatory ECOs for OpenVMS and any ECOs available for
  layered products in use, and -- if the problem persists -- please
  contact the support center.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-DEC-2003 )

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