[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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![]() HP OpenVMS Systemsask the wizard |
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The Question is: While migrating "C" modules from VAX to ALPHA, I am getting compilation errors as: "%CC-F-NOINCLFILE, Cannot find file <filename> specified in #include diRECTIVE." Question1 : If I want to find out the list of header files in this include dirctive, where should I look for? Question 2: I am getting specifically for these header files: itmdef.h, waidef.h. Are these files obsoleted in ALPHA? Thanks in advance.... The Answer is : Documentation on migrating from VAX C to more recent C compilers is available in the OpenVMS VAX Compaq C documentation. Details on the C include processing depend on the compiler version, though recent compiler versions provide a reference copy of include files in SYS$SYSROOT:[DECC$LIB...]. (The files are actually loaded from text libraries, as described in the manuals -- again, these directories contain reference copies.) Details on the specific include statements are lacking, but the OpenVMS Wizard will assume these are angle-bracket references to itmdef.h and uaidef.h. itmdef.h was not documented, though a similar itemdef.h is available. uaidef.h -- if that is what was intended, as the OpenVMS Wizard does not recognize waidef.h -- is available. (If waidef.h was intended, that may well be a local definition file.) It may or may not be feasible to port the contents of the itmdef.h or any other definition files, and it might be easier to recode the files or the applications. (Details on the particular contents would be necessary.) Please contact HP services for assistance in porting your code.