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HP OpenVMS Systems

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RWZ Optical Disks, OSDS and OSMS Software?

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The Question is:

 We are having Alpha 2000 servers running on Open VMS AXP os version 6.1,
 connected in cluster environment. We have two optical drives RWZ52 placed in
 BA350-KB box. Both alpha 2000 servers are connected to BA350 box through NCR
 53C810 PCI scsi controllers
.. At hardware level we are able to see individual drives in each system (not
 both the drives and both drives having same id (dkb100)). In os level the
 drives are accesible in both the systems with following logical name
 $3$wdb100 and $4$wdb100  and the
evice full information is drives are served to cluster via MSCP server.
      we are not able to copy from one optical drive to other.
      We are able to copy small files ( example: up to 20 block size) from
 optical drive to drive. For the bigger files it is giving error messages as :
 file read error and fatal drive error.
Both drives are accesible in both systems but for remote drive the drive will
 be mounted with write locked even if the media is not write protected.
Is there any limitations with the controllers, waiting for ur replies.

The Answer is :

  The RWZ series optical storage hardware products and the associated
  OSDS and OSMS software product lines are now owned by and supported
  by US Design.
  Please contact the vendor for information on these products.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-FEB-2004 )

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