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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Windows (Attached Printer) LPD Support?

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The Question is:

We are trying to print to an LPD queue connected to a Windows PC.  All files
 print properly except for those with the record attribute of fortran carriage
 control.  These get to the queue on the Alpha, but drop out without printing.
 Do you have any sugge
stions on how to fix this problem?

The Answer is :

  Your immediate question is centrally one of configuring Microsoft
  Windows IP server processes -- for record formats that the Windows
  server processes probably do not understand -- and not a topic the
  OpenVMS Wizard is familiar with.  Please contact a Windows Wizard
  for assistance with Microsoft Windows and its configuration and
  operations.  Or please convert the files being printed into formats
  that Windows might understand before queuing the jobs for printing.
  In general, printing through another host -- as has been previously
  discussed here in the Ask The Wizard area -- is a comparatively
  difficult proposition, and a common source of problems.   Please
  use a network-connected printer.   Use an add-on JetDirect or other
  NIC with the printer, or use a printer with an integrated JetDirect
  or NIC.  (This hardware is cheap, readily available, reliable, and
  trivially easier for all systems involved to use.)
  For additional information on IP printing, please see topic (1020).
  Questions related to this one include topics (8811) and (9311),
  among other discussions.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-JAN-2004 )

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