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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Security Auditing, Accounting?

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The Question is:

I am trying to run a report that allows me to see which users used shell access
 in the system for the prior year. Which one of the current logs could I look
 at for a way to audit this access.

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center, as it appears there
  are some potential terminology mapping issues latent within this
  question.  In particular, OpenVMS does not particularly track
  shell (DCL) access as a specific event.
  OpenVMS does audit events deemed security relevent, which can
  include logins, logouts, protection violations, successful and
  unsuccessful object accesses, object creations and deletions,
  use of privileges, and various other activities.
  For details on security auditing, please see the OpenVMS security
  For details on system accounting, please see the security manual
  and the system management utilities manual.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-APR-2004 )

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