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TCP/IP Services Log File Management?

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The Question is:

I'm trying to prevent the creation of the tcpip$rexec_run.log's...I'm creating
 many thousands of them.  I'm familiar with the method of creating the
 tcpip$rexec_run.log;32767 file, but I would prefer something more elegant, ala
 a logical that can be set.
Any thoughts?

The Answer is :

  The general area of TCP/IP Services log file management does
  not presently provide the requested degree of elegance and
  management flexibility.
  Please contact the support center, if you desire this ability
  be added.  (What log file management present in this area of
  TCP/IP Services involves use of a logical name which redirects
  the output (log) target during the server process creation.)
  For a related discussion, please see topics including (9527).
  Periodic batch jobs and command sequences such as the file
  version RENAME sequence discussed in the FAQ are available,
  as are file and directory version limits settings, of course.

answer written or last revised on ( 14-APR-2004 )

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