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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Configuring NTP? Polling Time-Base?

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The Question is:

WE USE NTP Software v5.3 .
ntp log is as follow
18 May 09:35:17  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 10:35:18  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 11:35:22  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 12:35:25  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 13:35:27  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 14:35:31  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 15:35:34  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 16:35:41  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 17:35:45  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 18:35:48  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 19:35:52  offset: -0.011124 sec  freq: 7.731 ppm  poll: 16 sec  error: 0.
18 May 20:23:52  time slew 0.169633 s
18 May 20:35:56  offset: 0.169633 sec  freq: 11.206 ppm  poll: 64 sec  error: 0.
we have some question
  1. NTP time synchronize time per 1 hour,How
     do we define sync every 10 minute?
  2. NTP Message error:0.005623 is correct,
     If is not correct,could you explain
     the message.
could you send mail this answer to my mail.
thanks/best regards.

The Answer is :

  This NTP configuration looks to be operating normally.
  For information on configuring and operating NTP, please see the
  TCP/IP Services Management documentation.
  For control over the polling interval, please see the documentation
  of the ntpq and ntpdc commands.
  You will want to verify that your NTP time-base -- and preferably an
  NTP server time-base, and not an SNTP server time-base -- is stable,
  and is not encountering some form of jitter.
  If you are seeing a particular problem, please apply the available
  ECO kit for TCP/IP Services and please contact the support center

answer written or last revised on ( 16-JUN-2004 )

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