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The Question is: We have an Alpha 800 running OVMS 7.2-1. we installed java v1.1.8-5 to be able to shutdown the server from a UPS using its java application named jGuard. When I run the application, the server communicates with the UPS, but when it comes to start the shutdown process, i receive the following error: ................................................ SIGBUS 10* bus error Full thread dump: "Thread-5" (TID:0x1ce3f8, sys_thread_t:0x18797e0, state:R, pthread_t: t@2593 4656, sp:0x18B7F10 pc:0x13F9D8 threadID:0x18BBB40, stack_base:0x18B9D78 stack_si ze:0x34000) prio=5: pending=java.io.IOException *current thread* java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(Compiled Code) java.lang.Runtime.exec(Compiled Code) java.lang.Runtime.exec(Compiled Code) e.a(Compiled Code) c.run(Compiled Code) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java) "Screen Updater" (TID:0x1e36c0, sys_thread_t:0x1372e70, state:CW, pthread_t: t@20708160, sp:0x13BCD30 pc:0x13FFE0 threadID:0x13BFB40, stack_base:0x13BDD78 tack_size:0x34000) prio=4 java.lang.Object.wait(Compiled Code) sun.awt.ScreenUpdater.nextEntry(Compiled Code) sun.awt.ScreenUpdater.run(Compiled Code) "process reaper" (TID:0x1e4330, sys_thread_t:0x12493d0, state:CW, pthread_t: t@19626816, sp:0x12B5190 pc:0x13FFE0 threadID:0x12B7B40, stack_base:0x12B5D78 tack_size:0x34000) prio=5 java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java) "AWT-Motif" (TID:0x1cfa60, sys_thread_t:0x118f0c8, state:CW, pthread_t: t@18 938688, sp:0x120D100 pc:0x13FFE0 threadID:0x120FB40, stack_base:0x120DD78 stack_ size:0x34000) prio=5 java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java) "AWT-Input" (TID:0x1cfa80, sys_thread_t:0x118ee08, state:R, pthread_t: t@186 35584, sp:0x11C3550 pc:0x13FB60 threadID:0x11C5B40, stack_base:0x11C3D78 stack_s ize:0x34000) prio=5 "AWT-EventQueue-0" (TID:0x1cfa98, sys_thread_t:0xe2b590, state:CW, pthread_t : t@15801152, sp:0xF0ECF0 pc:0x13FFE0 threadID:0xF11B40, stack_base:0xF0FD78 sta ck_size:0x34000) prio=5 java.lang.Object.wait(Compiled Code) java.awt.EventQueue.getNextEvent(Compiled Code) java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Compiled Code) "Thread-9" (TID:0x1ce870, sys_thread_t:0xb41180, state:CW, pthread_t: t@1476 0768, sp:0xE10E10 pc:0x140010 threadID:0xE13B40, stack_base:0xE11D78 stack_size: 0x34000) prio=5 unmp.c.run(Compiled Code) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java) "Thread-8" (TID:0x1ce8b0, sys_thread_t:0xb3d430, state:R, pthread_t: t@14531 392, sp:0xDD8F30 pc:0x13FB60 threadID:0xDDBB40, stack_base:0xDD9D78 stack_size:0 x34000) prio=5 java.net.DatagramSocket.receive(Compiled Code) unmp.ReceiverThread.run(Compiled Code) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java) "SIGQUIT handler" (TID:0x1c7788, sys_thread_t:0x927ce0, state:R, pthread_t: t@10165056, sp:0x0 pc:0x0 threadID:0x9B1B40, stack_base:0x9AFD78 stack_size:0x34 000) prio=2 "Finalizer thread" (TID:0x1c7570, sys_thread_t:0x918898, state:CW, pthread_t : t@9935680, sp:0x977760 pc:0x13FFE0 threadID:0x979B40, stack_base:0x977D78 stac k_size:0x34000) prio=2 "main" (TID:0x1c7598, sys_thread_t:0x918770, state:CW, pthread_t: t@20759938 40, sp:0x7AF53030 pc:0x13FFE0 threadID:0x7BBD26F0, stack_base:0x7AF536F8 stack_s ize:0x3AF58000) prio=5 Monitor Cache Dump: java.net.DatagramPacket@23A278/4BE698: owner "Thread-8" (0xb3d430, 1 entry) sun.awt.motif.MToolkit@1CFB20/332330: <unowned> Waiting to be notified: "AWT-Motif" (0x118f0c8) <unknown key> (0xb41180): <unowned> Waiting to be notified: "AWT-Motif" (0x118f0c8) <unknown key> (0xb41180): <unowned> Waiting to be notified: "Thread-9" (0xb41180) java.util.Hashtable@1E3F30/384A10: owner "Thread-5" (0x18797e0, 1 entry) sun.awt.ScreenUpdater@1E36C0/381AD8: <unowned> Waiting to be notified: "Screen Updater" (0x1372e70) java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl@1CE8F0/32E4E0: owner "Thread-8" (0xb3d430, 1 entry) java.net.DatagramSocket@1CE8F8/32E4D8: owner "Thread-8" (0xb3d430, 1 entry) java.awt.EventQueue@1CFAE8/3327E8: <unowned> Waiting to be notified: "AWT-EventQueue-0" (0xe2b590) Registered Monitor Dump:P The Answer is : Please use a more current (and preferably supported) configuration of OpenVMS Alpha and of Java -- if you can replicate this with a current configuration and ECOs, please then contact the customer support center directly. Java V1.1.8-5 is very old -- V1.4.2-3 is current, as of this writing.) Please particularly ensure you have applied the mandatory ECO kits for the OpenVMS release in use, and any ECO kits that are specifically required by the JRE; by the Java Run-time Environment.