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The Question is: We are writing a simple DCL menu interface and would like the ability to display the total number of users logged into the system. Apart from using a "show users" or "show lic/usage" commands, is there a way of obtaining the total number of intercative users logged into a system? I thought that there maybe a argument in the F$GETSYI lexical function but I can't find it. I know that we can write some simple DCL code to extract this information from a "show users" command but normally OpenVMS would provide some lexical function to obtain this type of information. The Answer is : There is no supported means, save for a privileged process scan. Parsing the output of a DCL command is not supported and not recommended. Parsing the output can fail when the format of the command output changes. You could, of course, create a small image that performs this task and then calls lib$set_symbol to set a DCL symbol containing the information, and then install the image (with WORLD privilege).