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![]() HP OpenVMS Systemsask the wizard |
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The Question is: We need to install TCP/IP FTP client on our VAX 4000 model 108 running OpenVMS 7.1 My questions are: 1) Is TCP/IP services for open VMS version 5.1 included on the consolidated software media (CD ROM) delivered with the purchase of a VAX4000 model 108? If not how can I order, buy or download it? 2) Do I need to by a new license PAK to register this product or is this already included in the Open VMS 7.1 base license? The Answer is : TCP/IP Services is included on the OpenVMS distribution disk. Most OpenVMS VAX systems are purchased with a license package which includes various licenses including TCP/IP Services, please examine the materials that were provided with your system or contact your HP reseller or HP sales representative if you do not have access to these materials. The base license itself does not include a TCP/IP Services license, the typical licenses are the UCX and NET-APP-SUP* license PAKs. (License PAK names and such are included in the OpenVMS FAQ; for the common products.) OpenVMS VAX V7.3 is the current release. Use of older OpenVMS releases and older TCP/IP Services releases is not a configuration that the OpenVMS Wizard can particularly recommend. With OpenVMS VAX, an upgrade from V7.1 to V7.3 is not expected to perturb application nor system code. Please do apply the ECO kits for the OpenVMS VAX and TCP/IP Services release in use, as available. For purchasing and pricing information, please see the How To Buy links in the left navigation of the OpenVMS website.