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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Controlling lib$spawn access to DCL? CAPTIVE?

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The Question is:

I have an application that makes use of LIB$SPAWN to provide access to DCL from
 within the application. I have the need to disable LIB$SPAWN access for a
 certain group of users. We don't have direct access to change the application
 code. Is there a way I
can disable LIB$SPAWN calls for a specific user or group of users so that they
 can still run the application, but without the DCL access via LIB$SPAWN?

The Answer is :

  Please review the CAPTIVE and RESTRICTED flags available within
  the authorization database; please review the OpenVMS system
  security manual and associated material.
  Also look at the SPAWN/TRUSTED qualifier, and at the associated
  trusted lib$spawn flag.
  Information on creating captive DCL command procedures is also
  available within the Digital Press Writing Real Programs in DCL
  book, and in various other available documentation.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-AUG-2004 )

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