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eSNMP MIB Details?

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The Question is:

I have browsed through probably all of the SNMP MIB related
questions and wizard answers found on this site.
What I am (and probably others are) looking for cannot be
found anywhere I looked. So I try to ask the question again,
hoping for something more than RTFM (which is certainly not
what I expect from the OpenVMS community).
The OpenVMS SNMP agent delivers quite a lot of system
related information. To understand this information, I need
the related MIB file (not documentation regarding creating
MIBs or programming SNMP MIB agents) for OpenVMS, and I
certainly don't need information about CIM (got it already).
This information is needed to decode the OID strings, for
which an example is shown below:
. = STRING: "DSA0:
. = STRING: "DSA0:
. = STRING: "DSA0:
. = STRING: "DSA0:
. = STRING: "DSA0:
It seems a bit strange that this obviously system related
information is located under the mib-2 tree (
instead of the vendor tree (, so maybe this is the
reason the MIB files are not available anywhere?
Anyway, I'd really need those files. Any help?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS MIBs are documented in the System Management Manual.
  The Extensible Simple Network Management Protocol (eSNMP) tools
  and interfaces are documented in the TCP/IP Services documentation.
  Some confusion arises due to the partitioning of the documentation;
  eSNMP and such are described in the TCP/IP Services manuals, while
  the various OpenVMS MIBs are described in the OpenVMS manuals.
  There are also private and/or undocumented MIBs for specific
  applications and specific tools potentially present, as well.
  In addition to eSNMP tools such as MIBCOMP and the provided gawk
  tool and gawk-based conversion script, there are also related
  tools and example materials located in:
  In particular, the *.MY files can be of central interest here.
  Also see TCPIP$SNMP:.
  Other MIB-related topics here in Ask The Wizard include (3687)
  and (4626).
  The authoritative resource for OIDs is the SNMP MIB-II documentation,
  as detailed within RFC1213.  Although that document is not known
  for its particular readability, the TCP/IP Services and OpenVMS
  MIB agent TCPIP$OS_MIBS.EXE does comply with it, save for those
  exceptions noted in the TCP/IP Services eSNMP programming manual
  and reference guide and/or within the associated release notes.
  The introduction in chapter 2 specifically mentions RFC1213,
  for just this reason.
  As an example, here is the translation of one of the sample values
  from the question:
\____+____/ |  | | | |    |
     |      |  | | | |    +-- the PID (in decimal)
     |      |  | | | +------- "hrSWRunPath"
     |      |  | | +--------- "hrSWRunEntry"
     |      |  | +----------- "hrSWRunTable"
     |      |  +------------- "hrSWRun"
     |      +---------------- "host"
     +----------------------- root of MIB-II
  In hexidecimal, the value of the entry for the CSP.EXE image
  from the question is 20200206, which is undoubtedly the more
  familiar representation of the Process ID (PID) value.
  The following director utility -- the [TCP/IP] Example-C SNMP
  Director Utility, available from the Natural Language
  Assistant (AskQ)  -- may be of interest, as well:

answer written or last revised on ( 12-AUG-2004 )

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