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![]() HP OpenVMS Systemsask the wizard |
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The Question is: I have created a min install disk from AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN.COM for use on a DS20E VMS 7.2-1 system (as per 1075 ask the wizard). When booting from a "normal" disk everything is fine. When an image of that same disk is backed up into an LD disk and b urned as a CD-ROM, the following error occurs during boot and the system is hung: "%SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER SABKUP$DQA0: has been write-locked. Mount verification in progress" It seems obvious that the CD version is write locked - what can/should be done to circumvent (as you have suggested this CD method in the past as a viable stand-alone boot method?) Thanks The Answer is : OpenVMS System Disks and CD and DVD Recording © Copyright 1976, 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Neither HP nor any of its subsidiaries shall be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Document Abstract This document describes CD and DVD recording, and ways to generate bootable media for use with the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 operating systems. This document does not discuss specific recording tools, though a recording tool is assumed available and is required when recording optical media. There are presently no DVD recording devices that have native support within OpenVMS. There are recording packages for OpenVMS, please see the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for related materials and recording information. http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/faq No information contained here should be construed as a statement of support by HP. __________________________________________________________ 1.1 CD and DVD Technology Introduction The two core technology platforms are Compact Disk (CD) and Digital Versatile Disk (DVD), and there are various formulations of each of these technologies. This section will provide a general overview of the technologies. _____________________________ 1.1.1 Compact Disk (CD) Technologies CD was first available as a pressed media, known as CD-ROM. The recording medium of CD-ROM is physically pressed into a series of pits, encoding the desired data onto the medium. A red laser is then used to read the signals produced by reflections from the patterns of pits. CD then evolved into recordable technologies, including a write-once technology known as CD-R and a rewritable format known as CD-RW. These differed from classic CD- ROM as they are produced by writing a pattern onto a photochemical layer on special disks, typically using the same laser used to read the disk, albiet at higher power. The results of the recording process are intended to optically duplicate the appearance of pressed media. Recording typically starts at the inside of the disk nearest the hub, and spirals outward toward the edge of the optical medium. Older CD-ROM drives may not be able to read CD-R or CD-RW media. Capacities on CD media are sometimes given in bytes and sometimes in minutes. The former assumes data, and the latter assumes audio storage. Each CD disk can hold upwards of 600 or 700 megabytes and potentially more, depending on the particular drive and the particular recording medium. CDs with capacities of 600 megabytes are recordable and transportable across the widest variety of devices, though 700 MB is also widely compatible. Reading and writing of CD media occurs at pre-set speeds, with the original and classic recording speed of 150 kilobytes per second and subsequently known as 1X CD recording. Drives are commonly available that record at speeds far faster than this, with the three broad ranges of recording speed being broken down into the original and classic speed range, the High Speed range (4X to 24X), and the Ultra-Speed range (10X and up). Most current drives now operate at variable speeds, depending on various factors including as the position of the data on the disk and even potentially on the error rates detected as the medium is read. The drive peak speeds are usually cited in the marketing materials, and the actual speeds can be lower. The central factor in a successful CD recording process involves choosing a speed that is supported by the particular medium in use, by the drive, and by the host system. Faster recording requires the photochemical change to occur sufficiently quickly when each pit is written, and support in the drive itself for the particular recording speed, and the ability of the host to stream data out to the device. Additional information on recording speeds is available in Section 1.1.5. There are other CD recording formats and variants, though these other variants are now in comparatively limited or otherwise specialized use. The majority of recent CD devices on IDE/ATAPI, SCSI and USB buses support the Multimedia Commands (MMC) command interface. _____________________________ 1.1.2 Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) Technologies Like CD, DVD was first available as a pressed media, known as DVD-ROM. Like CD, a red laser is then used to read the signals produced by the reflections from the patterns of pits. DVD then evolved into multiple recordable technologies, including three general families of recording technologies. Like CD, both write-once and rewritable formats are available. Unlike CD, there are variants of each. The write-once formats are known as DVD-R and DVD+R, and the rewritable formats as DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM. DVD-R and DVD-RW (collectively known here as DVD-R/RW) use relatively similar command sets, while DVD+R and DVD+RW (collectively DVD+R/RW) use a different command set and provide slightly different capabilities. DVD-R/RW initially targeted video recording, while DVD+R/RW initially targeted the requirements of digital data recording. The DVD-RAM format was targeted at environments with somewhat higher read-write cycles[2]. Like CD-R/RW recording, the results of the recording process are intended to optically duplicate the appearance of pressed media. Each of the formats requires specific and appropriate recording media. HP has traditionally targeted the DVD+R and DVD+RW technologies, though current HP DVD drives support DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R and DVD-RW formats, as well as DL (Double Layer, Dual Layer) recording capabilities. Drives that support CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW recording are now common in the market, and there are drives which can additionally read and record the DVD-RAM format. Unlike CD recording, traditional DVD-ROM media can be recorded in two layers, with adjustments made to the focus of the laser used to read the pits of each layer. This increases the recording capacity of one side of the DVD medium from 4.7 GB to approximately 9.4 GB. DVD Dual-Layer (DL) recording is a relatively recent innovation, and allows recording two layers of data on a single side of the recording medium. Newer technologies target the use of a blue laser to read and write data, allowing for much higher densities. Paralleling CD-R/RW recording, older DVD-ROM drives may not be able to read recorded DVD media, and there can be incompatibilities seen across various combinations of drives, drive types and media types. You will want to test compatibility, you will want to ensure current drive firmware, and you will want to ensure the older drives are replaced. Newer media formats and newer media recording speeds can require firmware updates with older drives; in specific notable cases, attempted use of newer media can damage or destroy a down-revision drive, and can damage or destroy the media. Various DVD drives can feature commodity-level hardware pricing, and the entire drive is usually considered the replaceable unit. Do expect to replace your DVD drive, whether to move to a faster speed, to add new format support, or to effect a repair. Like CD recording, there are other DVD recording formats and variants. _____________________________ 1.1.3 Media Care and Handling The recording substrate for all CD and DVD media is generally located very close to the side of the disk medium with the label, and comparatively far from what is often considered to be the recording surface. The recording layer can be physically or chemically damaged by the label, by removal of the label, by the use of ballpoint pen or similar marker, or even by the use of specific and incompatible inks or dyes. Environmental and physical factors such as mishandling, thermal extremes, moisture, exposure to direct sunlight, and scratches can also all lead to accellerated media degradation and to media failure. Rotational imbalances caused by defects in the medium or by unbalanced or misapplied labels can also cause serious problems, and potentially even catastrophic failures. Catastrophic failures can also potentially damage the drive or the drive optics. _____________________________ 1.1.4 Device Firmware and Device Damage There are cases where drive firmware has been found incompatible with (usually) newer media types or newer media speeds, and this has led to compatibility problems, to media failures, and occasionally even to conditions that resulted in physical damage to the recording drive. Always ensure that the device firmware is the most current available version, and that it is compatible with the recording medium in use. If you are moving to faster media or to newer formats, always ensure the device in use is compatible with the speed and the media, particularly with DVD media. _____________________________ 1.1.5 Recording Media and Recording Speeds CD-R/RW recording and rewriting is sensitive to the recording speeds permitted by the drive and to the maximum recording speed permitted by the recording medium. This tool defaults to the maximum CD-R/RW recording speed permitted by the drive, and must assume that the CD-R/RW recording medium loaded has a sufficient speed rating for that default recording speed. It is possible to exceed the rated CD recording speed or to otherwise have inappropriate CD recording media loaded, and this can and often will lead to recording problems or recording failures. Most commonly, this will result in write errors and in recording failures; in incomplete, erroneous or partially recorded media. Use of under-rated CD recording media is not recommended. If you must use the lower-speed CD recording media, the use of the /SPEED qualifier is often required for successful completion of the recording process; you may be required to select a recording speed below the rated speed of the CD drive itself, and specifically a recording speed that is compatible both with the CD drive and with the CD recording media loaded in the drive. Unlike CD-R/RW, the permissible recording speed for DVD+R/RW media is encoded directly onto the disk blank when the media is manufactured, and this tool will honor that speed. It is expected that a DVD+R/RW drive loaded with lower-speed media will record at the lower speed; at the speed appropriate for the media. __________________________________________________________ 1.2 General Preparation and Recording Instructions LD Assumed This description assumes the use of LD. Other similar logical disk tools can also be used, as can -- if your chosen recording tool supports it -- an appropriately-sized physical disk device. An RZ29 series disk, for instance, provides a capacity of 8,380,080 blocks, and can thus potentially be used as a mastering device for DVD recording operations. Each time the OpenVMS Alpha system is bootstrapped, start LD manually or in your SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ VMS.COM procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:LD$STARTUP.COM Create and initially configure the LD logical disk file (partition file). This step is needed only once: $ ld create [/log] [/size=XXX] [/contiguous] filespec.dsk XFC and LD There exist particular configuration requirements with the combination of LD and the OpenVMS XFC file cache. Please refer to Section 1.3.1 for additional details and for the necessary cache- related commands. It is expected that this requirement will be removed in a future release of LD and/or XFC. With DVD+R and CD-R/RW media recording, the size of the input determines the data recorded to the media. In particular, you can select the media size to be generated by correctly sizing the input data source. With DVD+RW recording, the output device is always the same size; it is always the maximum capacity of the disk. On the classic Single-Layer (SL) DVD+RW media, this is always 4.7GB. With HP DVD+RW media, the observed size of such media is 9,180,416 blocks. Accordingly, you will want to size your input appropriately, or you will want to use the OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2 (and later) Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) feature. Enable the volume for DVE, and size the limit for at least the 4.7 GB capacity of the DVD+RW target. Double- Layer (DL) recording devices and media are expected to require a larger limiting value, obviously. Each time the system is bootstrapped, connect the LD device to the target logical disk file: $ ld connect filespec.dsk LDA1: - [/tracks=XXX] [/sectors=XXX] [/cylinders=XXX] You may want to the pick the tracks, sectors and cylinders values to match the output geometry, and you will want to assume CHKSCB errors may arise when ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE is used in cases where the geometries do not match. These particular CHKSCB geometry-related messages reported by ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE are entirely benign, are commonly and widely seen on existing recorded optical media used with OpenVMS. These messages can safely be ignored. An example of the messages typical of an analysis of a recorded volume follows: $ analyze/disk dqa1: Analyze/Disk_Structure for _VMS$DQA1: started on dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc %ANALDISK-W-CHKSCB, invalid storage control block, RVN 1 %ANALDISK-I-OPENQUOTA, error opening QUOTA.SYS -SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file $ SYS$LDDRIVER, SYS$DKDRIVER and SYS$DQDRIVER do not currently implement consistent geometry-related synthesis; the drivers calculate different pseudo- geometries for the same input device maximum block count. (Note that the disk geometry values are entirely synthetic constructs on most (all?) recent storage devices, whether magnetic disk or optical media. Save for some messages generated within analysis and reporting tools, the values are also entirely inconsequential. Again, these messages can safely be ignored.) Here is the SYS$DQDRIVER geometry from a typical 600 MB CD-R/RW DQcu:-type disk device: Total blocks: 1200000 Sectors per track: 33 Total cylinders: 1102 Tracks per cylinder: 33 Here is the SYS$DKDRIVER geometry (yes, the drivers can disagree in the synthesis) from a typical 600 MB CD-R/RW DKcu:-type disk device: Total blocks 1200008 Sectors per track 4 Total cylinders 37501 Tracks per cylinder 8 For each master to be created, initialize and populate the master volume: $ INITIALIZE /SYSTEM [/ERASE] - [/CLUSTER=n] [/GPT] [/...] - LDA1: volumelabel $ MOUNT LDA1: volumelabel $ !... populate the target volume as required $ DISMOUNT LDA1: You will want to consider the use of INITIALIZE/ERASE, and particularly if there is the potential for sensitive data stored on the underlying disk device. Without the disk erasure during initialization, the contents of (uninitialized or otherwise unerased) blocks underneath the logical disk file can be replicated out onto the target media. If working to create OpenVMS I64 system disks, you will generally want to select the /GPT option to create the necessary GPT-related files within the created disk volume structure. INITIALIZE/GPT is the default for the OpenVMS I64 initializations, though it must currently be explicitly selected when initializing volumes on OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX platforms; volumes that are intended for later use bootstrapping on OpenVMS I64 platforms. Additionally, the cluster factor may be best chosen as a multiple of four (4) if the target volume is a system disk, as this causes the proper alignment of the core bootstrap files. For related information, please see INITIALIZE/CLUSTER and see section To record the contents of the master volume to the CD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW SCSI or ATAPI device, please review the command(s) associated with your chosen recording tool. If you are using a recording device on another operating system platform, you will want to use the binary or raw recording mode of the tool, after having performed an FTP binary transfer of the LD partition file to the target platform (if not recording on OpenVMS). The typical recording operation requires the selection of what most recording tools refer to as a raw, binary, or image transfer (to perform a block-by-block recording of the contents of the LD partition file out onto the medium), the Disk-at-Once (DAO) recording selection is common, and the output recording format is usually ISO Mode 1 data using 2048 byte blocking. Consult the documentation for the particular chosen recording tool for additional details and required syntax. _____________________________ 1.2.1 Creating Bootable OpenVMS Media This section contains information on creating bootable OpenVMS media, and is not specifically related to the chosen recording utility. To create bootable media, there are a variety of ways to transfer hp OpenVMS operating system files files onto the target media. This section will describe the use of certain tools provided with hp OpenVMS, as well as specific considerations related to bootstrapping optical media. _____________________________ Write-locked Bootable Media If you are using SYS$SYSTEM:AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN.COM or SYS$SYSTEM:I64VMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN.COM to create bootable OpenVMS environment, remember to mark the the target medium as being write-locked; remember to set the WLKSYSDSK system parameter in the LD master copy to 1. The following assumes the target device for the mastering is LDA1:, and assumes [SYSE], the default system root for AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN or I64VMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN operations: $ run sys$system:sysman SYSMAN> parameters use lda1:[syse.sysexe]alphavmssys.par SYSMAN> parameters show wlksysdsk SYSMAN> parameters set wlksysdsk 1 SYSMAN> parameters write lda1:[syse.sysexe]alphavmssys.par SYSMAN> $ run sys$system:sysman SYSMAN> parameters use lda1:[syse.sysexe]ia64vmssys.par SYSMAN> parameters show wlksysdsk SYSMAN> parameters set wlksysdsk 1 SYSMAN> parameters write lda1:[syse.sysexe]ia64vmssys.par SYSMAN> Failure to establish the correct write-lock setting and failure to set up the proper system root can lead to bootstrap problems when booting the OpenVMS operating system from CD or DVD media. _____________________________ The Bootblock Structures If not invoked within the tools utilized to transfer the hp OpenVMS files onto the target logical disk, you must also directly invoke the SET BOOTBLOCK utility (or run SYS$SETBOOT.EXE directly) to write the I64 EFI console bootstrap structures specific to OpenVMS I64 onto the disk, or you must invoke the hp OpenVMS WRITEBOOT utility to write OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha bootstrap structures. OpenVMS I64 bootstraps requires one additional key consideration, the target sector size for the medium. With magnetic disk bootstraps, the sector size is always 512 bytes. With optical media, the sector size is typically 2048 bytes. When selecting the bootstrap structures to write to an OpenVMS I64 system disk using the SET BOOTBLOCK utility, the default is to write 512-byte structures. The use of 2048-byte sector structures must be manually selected when writing to the logical disk; when writing to a logical disk that will eventually master optical media. The sector size selection has no effect on any other structures nor on any other disk data written to the disk, nor any effects on the running hp OpenVMS environment once OpenVMS has bootstrapped; all disks will present the appearance of 512-byte blocks once OpenVMS has bootstrapped. This 2048-byte sector size selection only affects the I64 EFI bootstrap structures, and is only required when mastering for OpenVMS I64 optical media bootstraps. An example of selecting the larger block size with SET BOOTBLOCK follows: SET BOOTBLOCK/BLOCK_SIZE=2048/PRESERVE=SIGNATURE ddcu: The INITIALIZE[/ERASE][/GPT]/CLUSTER=4 command -- or another multiple of four (4) -- will properly align the two core bootstrap files (SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$EFI.SYS and SYS$MAINTENANCE:SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS) as required by SET BOOTBLOCK. These are the only two files that must be aligned to the 2048-byte sector boundary. _____________________________ Generating a System Disk Master Use LD CREATE ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK/SIZE=size to create the partition, set the caching attributes on the file to disable XFC caching, then issue LD CONNECT ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK LDcu: to connect the LD device, full initialization of the volume including erasure of the master partition, then use SYS$SYSTEM:AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN.COM on OpenVMS Alpha, SYS$SYSTEM:I64VMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN.COM on OpenVMS I64, or BACKUP/IMAGE or otherwise to load the logical disk partition with the contents of a system disk. MOUNT and then configure the volume contents as required for the application, including modifying the WLKSYSDSK system parameter as discussed earlier, then (if the target is OpenVMS I64) use the DCL command SET BOOTBLOCK/BLOCK_SIZE=2048/IA64 LDcu: to write the bootblock appropriate for a 2048-byte block device, DISMOUNT the device, then use the prefered recording tool to transfer LDcu: to DQcu:; to transfer the contents to the target recording device. If the target is OpenVMS Alpha, use WRITEBOOT.EXE in place of SET BOOTBLOCK or SYS$SETBOOT.EXE. If you have the OpenVMS I64 cross-tools tools kit installed and are generating a system disk for use with OpenVMS I64, use of INITIALIZE/ERASE/GPT/CLUSTER is recommended. The direct invocation of the image SYS$SETBOOT.EXE (which triggers a prompting mode, akin to that of WRITEBOOT) or the use of the associated DCL command SET BOOTBLOCK command is also recommended. (SET BOOTBLOCK/SYS$SETBOOT.EXE applies to OpenVMS I64, and WRITEBOOT applies to OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha.) When creating an OpenVMS Alpha system disk within the partition, the following is the general sequence: $ LD CREATE ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK/SIZE=size $ SET FILE /CACHING_ATTRIBUTE=NO_CACHING - ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK $ LD CONNECT ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK LDcu: $ INITIALIZE[/ERASE][...] LDcu: vollab $ @SYS$SYSTEM:AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN.COM $! or BACKUP/IMAGE ddcu: LDcu: $ MOUNT LDcu: vollab $ run sys$system:sysman SYSMAN> parameters use ldcu:[syse.sysexe]alphavmssys.par SYSMAN> parameters set wlksysdsk 1 SYSMAN> parameters write ldcu:[syse.sysexe]alphavmssys.par SYSMAN> exit $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:WRITEBOOT $ DISMOUNT LDcu: $ [prefered DVD recording tool] When creating an OpenVMS I64 system disk in the disk partition, the following is the general sequence: $ LD CREATE ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK/SIZE=size $ SET FILE /CACHING_ATTRIBUTE=NO_CACHING - ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK $ LD CONNECT ddcu:[dir]partition.DSK LDcu: $ INITIALIZE[/ERASE][/GPT][/CLUSTER=n][...] LDcu: vollab $ @SYS$SYSTEM:I64VMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN.COM $! or BACKUP/IMAGE ddcu: LDcu: $ MOUNT LDcu: vollab $ run sys$system:sysman SYSMAN> parameters use ldcu:[syse.sysexe]ia64vmssys.par SYSMAN> parameters set wlksysdsk 1 SYSMAN> parameters write ldcu:[syse.sysexe]ia64vmssys.par SYSMAN> exit $ SET BOOTBLOCK/BLOCK_SIZE=2048/IA64 LDcu: $ DISMOUNT LDcu: $ [prefered DVD recording tool] _____________________________ The Bootstrap Root If the selected system root for the bootable medium is [SYSE], remember that the associated SRM console bootstrap command is: >>> BOOT -FLAGS E,0 If you want the default bootstrap to be SYS0, which is the common setting for bootstraps from various devices, please remember to create the root in [SYS0] using the available AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN command syntax, or remember to add an alias using a DCL command similar to the following: $ SET FILE/ENTER=LDA1:[000000]SYS0.DIR - LDA1:[000000]SYSE.DIR _____________________________ The Core Utilities For information on AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL_MIN, on SYSMAN, on the WLKSYSDSK system parameter, on SET FILE/ENTER, on the SRM console, on WRITEBOOT and on SET BOOTBLOCK, and other related materials, please see the hp OpenVMS documentation. _____________________________ 1.3 LD Logical Disk Driver This description assumes LD (latent in V7.3-1 and later, though the command verb must be manually loaded into DCLTABLES, or the LD command verb can be loaded into DCLTABLES using the LD731 kit found on OpenVMS Freeware V6.0) has been configured and started. The LD command verb and related portions of the interface are expected to be available by default in OpenVMS V8.2 and later. LD provides a pseudo disk, sometimes known as an emulated or file-based or loop disk, and the user interface is comprised of a LD utility and its associated DCL command verb, and a device driver known as SYS$LDDRIVER. LD provides the mechanism by which the master copy of the media can be created. (Other similar pseudo disk packages can potentially be used, there are no specific requirements for LD and SYS$LDDRIVER. Other pseudo disk packages have not been tested.) Do not configure LD devices larger than four gigabytes (GB) prior to the version of SYS$LDDRIVER integrated in OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-1; older kits and older versions have a four GB addressing limit. If you are using the version of LD shipped with V7.3-1 or are using a later OpenVMS release, this note and this restriction does not apply. If you are using an LD06* or an older VMSINSTAL kit, please upgrade before working with larger disks. _____________________________ 1.3.1 XFC and LD When creating and initially configuring the LD logical disk file (partition file) as discussed in Section 1.2, you will want to use the following command sequence: $ ld create [/log] [/size=XXX] [/contiguous] filespec.dsk $ SET FILE /CACHING_ATTRIBUTE=NO_CACHING filespec.dsk Note that only the LD logical disk file (a backing partition file) should have XFC file caching disabled. Files that are not logical disk files and that are not accessed via the LD device should have XFC caching left enabled. A correction to the operations and communications between LD and XFC is expected. Once available, the logical disk file can be left with XFC caching enabled. Change the XFC cache settings on the logical disk file once. Having or altering the settings to enable XFC caching can lead to data inconsistencies between the LD contents and the XFC cache contents of the logical disk file, and to errant or unexpected recorded media contents, and is not recommended. When reading from an input file, XFC caching should be enabled. When transfering data from an input LDcu: device, caching should be disabled on the LD logical disk file (partition file). It is strongly recommended that the XFC caching setting be toggled exactly once on any particular file, and subsequently left unchanged for current and future operations on the specified file. Repeatedly toggling the XFC caching setting is not recommended, and can result in corrupted file data and/or corrupted recordings. _____________________________ 1.3.2 IDE/ATAPI Bus Interface If you have an Acer or other DMA-capable IDE interface, the version of SYS$DQDRIVER shipped with V7.3-2 will not permit the formatting nor the reformatting of rewritable media, and is expected to mishandle the formatting (FORMAT_UNIT) request. The CMD649 on OpenVMS I64, and the Cypress and the Intel PIIXE IDE interfaces on both OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha are expected to permit the (re)formatting operation to succeed. The Acer is not expected to permit reformatting operations. Table 1-1 contains various of the AlphaServer and AlphaStation IDE controller hardware identification values. ________________________________________________________________ Table 1-1 IDE/ATAPI Controllers _______________________________________________________ Device_Name_______Device_ID_________Format_OK?_________ Acer 0x522910B9 No CMD649 0x06491095 Yes Cypress 0xC6931080 Yes _________Intel_PIIXE_______0x76018086________Yes________________ The ANALYZE/SYSTEM (SDA) command CLUE CONFIG can also potentially be used to identify the particular IDE controller in use. Look for the identification of the controller associated with the DQcu: devices. These values are also directly visible from the SRM console. In SYS$DQDRIVER version X-48 and related versions (including the driver version shipping with OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2), the error is the omission of the FORMAT_ UNIT command code (0x04) from within the following SYS$DQDRIVER.C device driver code: if ( (packet [0] == 0x0A) || (packet [0] == 0x2A) || (packet [0] == 0xAA) || (packet [0] == 0x55) ) data_dir = TRUE; The following are the packet command codes that should set the data_dir variable to TRUE: WRITE_6 (0x0a), WRITE_10 (0x2a), WRITE_12 (0xaa), WRITE_VERIFY_10 (0x2e), MODE_SELECT_10 (0x55), FORMAT_UNIT (0x04), RESERVE_TRACK (0x53), SEND_DVD_STRUCT (0xbf), SEND_KEY (0xa3), SEND_OPC_INFO (0x54), and WRITE_BUFFER (0x3b). The FORMAT_UNIT packet command code is used to initialize and to reformat RW-type rewritable media. The FORMAT_UNIT packet command is not otherwise used, nor used with other recordable media types. The underlying SYS$DQDRIVER issue might be corrected in an unspecified future version of SYS$DQDRIVER. No schedule and no plans for the correction have been announced, and the code change is not present within the OpenVMS V8.2 source code pool, as of 06-Aug-2004. The change is not present in the OpenVMS E8.2 field test release.