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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS and future Integrity (Itanium) Hardware?

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The Question is:

After OpenVMS runs on Itanium, and Itanium is used in laptops, will OpenVMS be
 available on laptops? like the Tadpole.  Will PC type device drivers be

The Answer is :

  Versions of OpenVMS are available on Itanium systems now, with (as
  of this writing) the E8.2 Software Developer's Kit (SDK) kit being
  the most current OpenVMS version available for Integrity systems.
  The OpenVMS Wizard is not in a position to discuss plans -- if any
  - for particular future hardware offerings.
  OpenVMS VAX already boots on various Intel IA-32 and compatable laptops.
  Please see the available VAX emulators discussed in the OpenVMS FAQ.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-SEP-2004 )

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