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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party Software? (Legato)

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The Question is:

I'm getting messages like
WW_FILE_BUFFER (530): insufficient VM
during a Legato Networker backup of a ~475GB disk on my VMS system.  The backup
 saveset fails with this message.  Does the message look like a VMS message?
 Does anyone know what it means?

The Answer is :

  No, this does not look like an OpenVMS message.
  For information on a potentially-related OpenVMS message, please see
  the discussion of the INSVIRMEM error in the OpenVMS FAQ.
  For Legato support and assistance, please see the Legato documentation
  and quota requirements (if any) and please contact Legato or your
  prefered Legato support vendor -- the OpenVMS Wizard is not in a
  position to provide support for third-party packages.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-SEP-2004 )

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