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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Suspected Bad Blocks? (BBLHEADER)

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The Question is:

Hi. ES45 + DS20 CLuster with HSG80s. Mandatory patches are on. When I do an
 analize/disk/norepair some disks (not all) are showing erros like this:
$ anal/disk /norepa/conf $1$dga201:
Analyze/Disk_Structure for _$1$DGA201: started on 23-SEP-2004 16:02:07.07
%ANALDISK-I-BBLHEADER, file (737,189,0) [APP.lOGS]FILE001.LOG;1
        contains suspected bad blocks
Then I do a dir/full and VMS shows:
GUI_040802_063003.LOG;1                   File ID:  (737,189,0)
Size:        29480/29696      Owner:    [TRAIN,TOM_TRAIN]
Created:     2-AUG-2004 06:30:03.70
Revised:    23-AUG-2004 21:16:50.52 (5178)
Expires:    <None specified>
Backup:     23-SEP-2004 03:05:23.25
Effective:  <None specified>
Recording:  <None specified>
Accessed:   <None specified>
Attributes: <None specified>
Modified:   <None specified>
Linkcount:  1
File organization:  Sequential
Shelved state:      Online
Caching attribute:  Writethrough
File attributes:    Allocation: 29696, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0, No
 version limit, File contains bad blocks
Record format:      Stream_LF, maximum 0 bytes, longest 32767 bytes
Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
RMS attributes:     None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection:    System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RWED, World:RE
Access Cntrl List:  None
Client attributes:  None
The file is ok: I can copy, dump, backup, etc. It learned that the "File
 contains bad block" is just a flag set on the file header. My questions are:
1. What could have set this flag on the file header?
2. How can I reset this attribute in order to have a clean anal/disk?
Thank you,

The Answer is :

  The command HELP/MESSAGE BBLHEADER can provide information specific
  to the error.
  As for the trigger, the software that sets this flag has detected
  a block-level disk hardware error.  These can be transient, or
  these can reflect a hard failure of the underlying disk storage.
  Please review the information available in topic (6926) for a more
  detailed the discussion of OpenVMS bad block handling, and of
  related tools, procedures and the benefits of host-based
  volume shadowing or controller-based volume shadowing.
  In addition to verifying the installation of mandatory OpenVMS ECO
  kits and any non-mandatory kits associated with shadowing, I/O or
  other components in use in your configuration, you will want want
  to ensure that the storage controller firmware is also current.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-SEP-2004 )

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