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HP OpenVMS Systems

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How do I set up IP printers?

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The Question is:

How do I set up IP printers?

The Answer is :

  Topic (1020) and the documentation for the particular printer
  will be of interest -- there are a huge number of IP printers,
  various IP protocols used for printing, and various ways to
  configure the host IP software.  With the information from
  topic (1020) and from the IP printing documentation for the
  particular IP stack in use, and details from the particular
  IP printer, you will be able to decide which IP printing
  mechanisms and tools are appropriate for your requirements.
  A one- or two-line question is often difficult or even impossible
  for the OpenVMS WEizard to answer -- details are required, and
  for cases such as this, this involves version information, the
  specific model of printer for cases such as this, the IP stack
  and version, and related supporting details.
  The TCP/IP Services product documentation is available at
  the OpenVMS documentation website.

answer written or last revised on ( 12-NOV-2004 )

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