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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
ADU Reference Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Application Definition Utility Commands
Chapter 2 %INCLUDE
Chapter 3 Task Definition Clauses
Chapter 4 Task Group Definition Clauses
Chapter 5 Application Definition Clauses
Chapter 6 Menu Definition Clauses
Chapter 7 Declining Task Definition Clauses
Appendix A ADU Error Messages
Appendix B Summary of ACMS System Workspaces


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Application Definition Utility Commands
     1.1     Explanations of Reference Page Terminology
     1.2     Starting and Stopping ADU
         1.2.1         Starting ADU
         1.2.2         Stopping ADU
     1.3     Command Summary
     1.4     Common ADU Command Qualifiers
    Command 1     @ (At sign) Command (ADU>)
    Command 2     ATTACH (ADU>)
    Command 3     BUILD (ADU>)
    Command 4     COPY (ADU>)
    Command 5     COMPILE (ADU>)
    Command 6     CREATE (ADU>)
    Command 7     DELETE (ADU>)
    Command 8     DUMP (ADU>)
    Command 9     EDIT (ADU>)
    Command 10     EXIT Command (ADU>)
    Command 11     HELP (ADU>)
    Command 12     LINK (ADU>)
    Command 13     LIST (ADU>)
    Command 14     MODIFY (ADU>)
    Command 15     REPLACE (ADU>)
    Command 16     SAVE (ADU>)
    Command 17     SET DEFAULT (ADU>)
    Command 18     SET LOG (ADU>)
    Command 19     SET VERIFY (ADU>)
    Command 20     SHOW DEFAULT (ADU)
    Command 21     SHOW LOG (ADU>)
    Command 22     SHOW VERSION (ADU>)
    Command 23     SPAWN (ADU>)
Chapter 2
    Command 24     %INCLUDE
Chapter 3
3 Task Definition Clauses
     3.1     Multiple-Step Task Definitions
     3.2     Nested Blocks
     3.3     Block Step Phrases
     3.4     Block Conditional Clauses
     3.5     Exchange Step Clauses
     3.6     Processing Step Phrases and Clauses
     3.7     Step Labels
     3.8     Action Clauses
     3.9     Exception Handler Action Clauses
     3.10     Boolean Expressions
         3.10.1         Relational Expressions
         3.10.2         Types of Boolean Expressions
         3.10.3         Relational Operators
         3.10.4         Boolean Operators and Associativity
         3.10.5         Precedence
         3.10.6         Parentheses
         3.10.7         Comparisons
     3.11     I/O Restrictions for Distributed Processing
     3.12     Additional I/O Considerations
    Command 25     BLOCK Clause (Block)
    Command 26     CALL Clause (Processing)
    Command 27     CALL TASK Clause (Processing)
    Command 28     CANCEL ACTION Phrase (Block)
    Command 29     CANCEL TASK Clause (Action)
    Command 30     CANCELABLE Clause (Task)
    Command 31     COMMIT TRANSACTION Clause (Action)
    Command 32     CONTROL FIELD Clause (Block, Exchange, Processing, Action)
    Command 33     DATATRIEVE COMMAND Clause (Processing)
    Command 34     DCL COMMAND Clause (Processing)
    Command 35     DEFAULT FORM Clause (Task)
    Command 36     DEFAULT REQUEST LIBRARY Clause (Task)
    Command 37     DEFAULT SERVER Clause (Task)
    Command 38     DELAY Clause (Task)
    Command 39     EXCEPTION HANDLER Clause (Block, Exchange, Processing)
    Command 40     EXCHANGE Clause (Task)
    Command 41     EXIT BLOCK Clause (Action)
    Command 42     EXIT TASK Clause (Action)
    Command 43     FORM I/O Phrase (Block)
    Command 44     GET ERROR MESSAGE Clause (Action)
    Command 45     GLOBAL Clause (Task)
    Command 46     GOTO STEP Clause (Action)
    Command 47     IF THEN ELSE Clause (Block, Exchange, Processing, Action)
    Command 48     IMAGE Clause (Processing)
    Command 49     LOCAL Clause (Task)
    Command 50     MOVE Clause (Action)
    Command 51     NO EXCHANGE Clause (Exchange)
    Command 52     NO PROCESSING Clause (Processing)
    Command 53     NO SERVER CONTEXT ACTION Clause (Action)
    Command 54     NO TERMINAL I/O Phrase (Block, Processing)
    Command 55     NONPARTICIPATING SERVER Phrase (Processing)
    Command 56     PROCESSING Clause (Task)
    Command 57     RAISE EXCEPTION Clause (Action)
    Command 58     READ Clause (Exchange)
    Command 59     RECEIVE Clause (Exchange)
    Command 60     RELEASE SERVER CONTEXT Clause (Action)
    Command 61     REPEAT STEP Clause (Action)
    Command 62     REQUEST Clause (Exchange)
    Command 63     REQUEST I/O Phrase (Block, Processing)
    Command 64     RETAIN SERVER CONTEXT Clause (Action)
    Command 65     ROLLBACK TRANSACTION Clause (Action)
    Command 66     SELECT FIRST Clause (Block, Exchange, Processing, Action)
    Command 67     SEND Clause (Exchange)
    Command 68     SERVER CONTEXT Phrase (Block)
    Command 69     STREAM I/O Phrase (Block)
    Command 70     TASK ARGUMENTS Phrase (Task)
    Command 71     TERMINAL I/O Phrase (Processing)
    Command 72     TRANSACTION Phrase (Block, Processing)
    Command 73     TRANSCEIVE Clause (Exchange)
    Command 74     USE WORKSPACES Clause (Task)
    Command 75     WAIT Clause (Task)
    Command 76     WHILE DO Clause (Block, Exchange, Processing)
    Command 77     WORKSPACES Clause (Task)
    Command 78     WRITE Clause (Exchange)

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