Minimizes network traffic
ACMS$CALL results in a single
network transmission in each direction. Remote updates require network
transmissions for each database verb. The result can be multiple
network transmissions for each update.
Figure 6-10 Remote Update Using Rdb Remote Server
6.6.3 Distributed Transactions in the AVERTZ Application
The AVERTZ sample application maintains a history log database, in
addition to the main database. Any customer or reservation information
written to the main database must be written to the history log
database as well, for auditing purposes. The AVERTZ application uses
distributed transactions to ensure that both databases commit the same
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Applications details the writing of distributed transactions in an
ACMS task.
6.7 Handling Exceptions
ACMS raises an exception if it detects an error condition while a task
is executing. You can use the exception handler component of the task
definition language to control task execution after an exception is
raised in a task. Use of exception handlers in tasks is optional. If
you do not specify an action to take when an exception is raised, ACMS
cancels the task. You use exception handler action clauses to direct
the flow of the task after an exception is raised. For example, you can
use an exception handler to retry a distributed transaction that times
The three types of exceptions are:
- Step exception
You can handle a step exception in the:
- Exception handler part of the step on which the exception occurs
- Exception handler on an outer block step
- Transaction exception
A transaction exception is an error that causes a
distributed transaction to fail.
You can handle a transaction
exception in:
- Exception handler part of the step that starts the transaction
- Exception handler on an outer block step
Nonrecoverable exception
A nonrecoverable
exception is an error from which the task cannot recover. When
a nonrecoverable exception is raised, ACMS cancels the task.
See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Applications for details about implementing exception handling.
Chapter 7
Designing Server Procedures
This chapter provides guidelines for mapping your defined transactions
to step procedure implementations. It helps you decide when and where a
step procedure performs the desired operations, such as database
recovery and validation.
7.1 Writing Server Procedures
Procedures for ACMS tasks that use RMS files, Rdb, and DBMS databases
are similar in the following ways:
- Structuring the procedure as a subprogram or function
programming language used must be able to receive parameters and return
status to a calling program. Structure your procedure as an externally
callable subroutine.
- Assigning a unique name to each procedure in a server
This name
is an entry point into the procedure and must correspond to the
procedure name defined in the task group and referred to in the task
- Opening files and binding databases in initialization procedures
rather than in the step procedures
An initialization procedure
performs work specific to a server process.
- Using workspaces to pass information between the task definition
and the procedure.
- Using CDD for record definitions and for workspace record
definitions (for languages supporting CDD)
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures describes these programming considerations in detail.
7.2 Returning Status to the Task Definition
In most situations, a task needs to know whether or not the work done
in a processing step is successful so that it can determine what to do
next. The step procedure must pass a value back to the task. The value
can be tested in the task, and the task can take an action based on the
result of the test. A procedure returns a value to a task definition in
one of the following ways:
- Using the return status facility provided for subprograms or
functions in the language used
- Putting status information directly into a user-defined workspace
that has been passed as a parameter to the procedure
User-defined workspaces are more flexible than the return status
facility, but require additional memory. The return status facility
uses the predefined ACMS$PROCESSING_STATUS workspace, but offers a
limited set of values to pass.
The chapter on writing step procedures in Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures describes
to return messages based on the result of a returned status.( See
Section 7.3.)
7.3 Returning Messages to Users
You can return messages in several ways:
- Task retrieves the error message text from the message file
Use the GET MESSAGE task syntax to translate a success or failure
status from the procedure for a specific message in a message file.
ACMS stores the return status in the ACMS$PROCESSING_STATUS workspace.
Based on the return status, the task retrieves error message text from
the message file, and places the message text in the message portion of
The task syntax minimizes
coding needed for access to the messages. Also, by using message files
you can change the message text without affecting the task definition
or the step procedure code.
However, you cannot use FAO arguments
with this method. FAO arguments allow for arguments to messages. For
example, with an FAO argument, the user receives a message saying
"Order 2387 not found", rather than simply "Order not
found". Process the message in the step procedure to use FAO
- Step procedure retrieves the message text from the message file
Use OpenVMS system services or run-time library (RTL) routines to
retrieve and process the error message text in the step procedure.
Use this method if you want FAO arguments for your messages. You
must use a user-defined workspace to pass the message, so you must do
more coding than if you use GET MESSAGE to process the message in the
- Form receives a status indicator to be processed by the form in a
user-defined workspace
You can hard code messages in the DECforms
form, and display the message based on an error indicator returned to
the form. Use this method if you want to use the DECforms capability
for user-specific language. However, hard-coded messages make
maintenance more difficult.
- Step procedure contains literal error message
You construct
the complete error message using literal message text stored in the
step procedure, formatting variable error messages if necessary. The
advantage to this method is that you do not need to use message files
or OpenVMS system services, or RTL routines to return error messages to
users. The disadvantage is that you must always modify and recompile
the step procedure and relink the procedure server image if you need to
change the format of an error message.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures describes the details of step procedure coding used to
process messages by any of these methods. Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Applications describes the
task syntax needed for processing messages.
7.4 Handling Errors
You typically write an error handler to process errors returned by a
resource manager, such as Rdb, DBMS, or RMS, when starting and ending a
database transaction or recovery unit, and when accessing data in a
database or a file.
Some errors are expected, and are handled by resuming normal program
execution. For example, a resource manager might return an error if a
record does not exist in a file or a database. In this case, the
procedure can return an error status to the task. In the action part of
the processing step, the task retrieves the error message text
associated with the error status and then transfers control to an
exchange step to display the error message for the user. Alternatively,
if the error condition is handled by an exception handler on the
processing step or on an outer block step, the procedure can raise a
step exception by calling the ACMS$RAISE_STEP_EXCEPTION service. The
action clauses in the exception handler can then process the exception
condition and resume execution elsewhere in the task.
Resource managers can also return a number of recoverable errors that a
procedure should check for and handle. For example, resource managers
return deadlock errors if the OpenVMS lock manager detects a deadlock
condition between two or more processes. If the database transaction or
recovery unit is participating in a distributed transaction, the
procedure can raise a transaction exception by calling the
ACMS$RAISE_TRANS_EXCEPTION service. After ACMS aborts the distributed
transaction, an exception handler in the the task can automatically
retry the transaction. Alternatively, if the database transaction or
recovery unit is not participating in a distributed transaction, the
error handler can roll back and retry the database transaction or
recovery unit within the procedure.
Finally, resource managers can return a number of nonrecoverable
errors. For example, suppose the failure of a disk on which a file or
database storage area resides. The procedure server cannot continue
until resolution of the problem. If a non-recoverable error is
detected, a procedure can log the error in the ACMS audit log by
signaling the error condition, and then cancel the task by raising a
non-recoverable exception using the ACMS$RAISE_NONREC_EXCEPTION service.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures describes the details of handling errors and raising
exceptions in step procedures.
7.4.1 Avoiding Cancel Procedures
Avoid cancel procedures as much as possible. Traditionally, cancel
procedures have been used to clean up procedure execution, to free
nontransaction-based resources, and to rollback an active database
transaction or recovery unit. Whenever possible, however, you should
try to avoid designing and writing step procedures that require server
cancel procedures to clean up server processes following an exception.
Reasons for avoiding cancel procedures are:
- Adverse effect on application performance
By calling a cancel
procedure following an exception, ACMS must make an additional call to
each server process to execute the server cancel procedure. If a server
process does not need to be run down following an exception, there is a
delay in the allocation of the server process to another task instance.
If the server process is run down as a result of the exception, then
calling the cancel procedure increases the time required to shut down
and restart the server process, and could be better handled by the use
of a termination procedure.
- Difficulty of writing cancel procedures
Since an exception can
be raised at any time while a task is executing, a server cancel
procedure must be able to clean up a server process under all
conditions. Writing a cancel procedure that performs all the necessary
cleanup operations correctly is very difficult; it is easy to miss
something that should be cleaned up. Besides, cancel procedures make
your applications more complex and thus more difficult to maintain.
Use the following guidelines to design and write tasks and step
procedures that avoid cancel procedures:
- Control recovery units with transaction steps in the task
Resource managers automatically roll back active
recovery units participating in a distributed transaction if that
transaction aborts. Therefore, you do not need to write a cancel
procedure to do rollback if all recovery units participate in
distributed transactions controlled by the task definition.
Following an exception, ACMS will not run down a server process
participating in a distributed transaction until the transaction has
been rolled back. Therefore, a database recovery process will not be
started if a server process is run down as the result of an exception
being raised. See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures for details about situations in which
cancel procedures are unavoidable.
- Allow server processes to run down following an exception.
most cases, if an exception requires ACMS to interrupt a step procedure
while it is executing, allowing the server process to run down as part
of the exception handling sequence has the advantage that OpenVMS will
automatically perform most, if not all, of the necessary cleanup
operations. For example, when a process is run down, OpenVMS
automatically closes any channels that are still open. Also, any locks
currently owned by the process are freed.
- If an exception requires the interruption of server process
execution, avoid operations that require cleanup.
For example, if
you use task workspaces to store data rather than allocate memory using
LIB$GET_VM, then you do not need to use a cancel procedure to free
memory allocated in this way.
However, some applications may
require that a step procedure acquire a
nondistributed-transaction-based resource. For example, a step
procedure may need to acquire an OpenVMS lock using the $ENQ service
before performing a critical operation. Using the $DEQ service, the
step procedure releases the lock as soon as the operation has been
When an exception is raised, ACMS immediately interrupts
a server process. If the code is interrupted during the time that the
server process has acquired the lock, the server may not have the
opportunity to call the $DEQ service. Since the server is using an
OpenVMS lock mechanism, OpenVMS will automatically release the lock
when the server process runs down. If the server is using an
application-specific mechanism to maintain locks on resources, however,
then running a server process down following an exception does not
solve the problem; the resource will still be locked.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures, describes how to prevent the interruption of a procedure
server while it is executing, and the conditions under which a
procedure is run down.
7.5 Performance Considerations
Use precompiled data manipulation language or SQL module language in
step procedures for database access, if the language you are using
supports them.
Using the DBQ$INTERPRET and RDB$INTERPRET services is discouraged,
because these services must interpret and compile the DML statements at
run time. This can be costly in CPU usage and response time.
If you need to update a local database and a remote database in a
distributed transaction, you can increase performance by using the ACMS
SI services to call a task to update the remote database. Writing the
step procedure using the following guidelines allows you to update both
databases simultaneously:
- Call the ACMS$START_CALL service to start the remote task.
- Update the local database while the remote task is updating the
remote database.
- Call the ACMS$WAIT_FOR_CALL_END service to wait for the remote
task to complete.
7.6 Performing Terminal I/O from a Procedure Server
One of the major advantages of implementing an application with ACMS is
that you can easily separate your terminal I/O from your database I/O.
You do this by performing terminal I/O in exchange steps and database
I/O in processing steps. This design offers better performance and the
ability to distribute tasks over multiple nodes.
However, sometimes terminal I/O is unavoidable in a processing
step---for example, if you are incorporating an existing program into
an application. In such cases, it may be simpler to make the existing
program a single-step task that does terminal I/O than to convert the
program to a multiple-step task, which requires removing the terminal
I/O from the program and placing it in exchange steps. Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures
gives details about how to handle terminal I/O from a processing step.
Chapter 8
Designing User Interfaces
This chapter provides guidelines for designing DECforms menus and
forms. It also describes issues in the design of nonstandard ACMS user
interfaces, such as customer-written interfaces created using the ACMS
Systems Interface (SI) or Request Interface (RI).
8.1 Designing a User Interface
A good user interface is one that is consistent and easy to use. When
choosing and designing a user interface:
- Keep the user in mind
You must understand the users'
vocabulary, what work they do, and how they do it. Talk with users,
observe them, involve them in the design, and be a user yourself.
- Put the user in control
Provide flexibility by providing
multiple ways of having access to an application's functions. Use
progressive disclosure, so that necessary and common functions are
presented first. More sophisticated and less frequently used functions
should be hidden from view, but must be easily accessible.
- Provide direct manipulation
Make your application respond to
input as rapidly as possible. Make the output of your application
available as input.
- Keep your interface natural
Design so that work flows
naturally. Give each screen object a distinct appearance, but maintain
a graphically uniform interface. Provide an easy navigation mechanism.
- Provide consistency
When components work in a manner that is
consistent with other components:
- Users are less afraid to try new functions.
- Similar components operate analogously and have similar uses.
- Same action always has the same result.
- Function and position of components does not change based on
- Keyboard functions are standard across functions and tasks.
- Communicate application actions to the user
Well designed
forms let the users know what is happening:
- Give users feedback whenever they have initiated an action.
- Anticipate errors so that you can avoid them in your design,
enable the support of recovery attempts, and provide appropriate help
- Require that the user take explicit action before altering or
deleting data.
- Avoid common user interface design pitfalls
The following
guidelines can help you avoid common pitfalls:
- Pay attention to details. For example, consistent capitalization
of menu items and dialog box labels reduces textual distraction for
- Allow for as much redesign as possible. The first design is not a
solution but a fresh perspective from which to view interface design
- Design interactively. The development cycle of implementation,
feedback, evaluation, and change avoids costly errors by allowing for
early recognition and correction of problems.
- Start with a fresh perspective. Avoid the temptation to convert an
existing interface to a new one simply by translating it.
- Hide implementation details. The interface design is driven by the
user's work, not the underlying system.
- Recognize conflicting guidelines. Two or more design guidelines
often conflict with each other. Recognize these occurrences and
carefully weigh all the factors when designing a solution.
8.2 Choosing a User Interface for ACMS
ACMS provides great flexibility in collecting user input for processing
in an application. You can use any combination of the following tools
to capture data for use in an ACMS application:
- DECforms software
- TDMS software
- ACMS Request Interface
- ACMS Systems Interface
Compaq TP Desktop Connector (formerly ACMS Desktop)
provides access to ACMS systems from desktop systems running their
native operating systems. (See the TP Desktop Connector for OpenVMS
Programming and Management Guide.)
Compaq recommends the use of DECforms. ACMS support of DECforms is
asynchronous, allowing for the most efficient use of resources. (See
Section 8.3.1.) Figure 8-1 illustrates the use of various interfaces
to ACMS.
Figure 8-1 Interfaces to ACMS
Submitter services select tasks and optionally send and receive data at
the beginning and end of the task. Tasks interface with presentation
services using the following exchange types:
- Forms I/O
DECforms is the forms I/O presentation server. DECforms is the
recommended tool for creating and controlling the user interface to an
ACMS application. Section 8.3 describes design issues specific to
- Request I/O
TDMS is the default request I/O presentation server. You can also use
the ACMS Request Interface (RI) to write your own request I/O
presentation service. Section 8.4 describes design issues specific to
TDMS. See Section 8.6.1 for a description of RI design issues.
- Stream I/O
You can use stream I/O syntax to exchange information with ACMS
agents, using the stream services in the ACMS Systems Interface (SI).
Section 8.6.1 describes stream I/O design issues.
DECforms and TDMS limit you to collecting user input from
DECforms-supported and TDMS-supported terminals.
Compaq TP Desktop Connector (formerly ACMS Desktop)
supports tasks written to use forms I/O or request I/O from
desktop systems running their native operating systems. Request I/O and
the RI provide the flexibility of choosing an interface from other I/O
devices to ACMS without affecting the multiple-step task structure or
the ease-of-maintenance features inherent in an ACMS application.
You can also perform terminal I/O from step procedures running in the
processing steps of your task. However, because this method ties up a
server process, it can result in loss of performance, and might require
the Application Execution Controller (EXC) to start additional server
processes. Also, you cannot use remote tasks if you include terminal
I/O in a step procedure. See Chapter 7 for more information about
I/O from step procedures.
8.3 Using DECforms
DECforms helps separate form from function. The form in which data is
gathered and displayed to the user is completely separate from the
function that the application must perform in processing the data.
8.3.1 DECforms Structure and Design
With DECforms, a form describes not only the fields and background text
displayed on the screen, but also provides such features as:
- FIMS compliance
- Device-class independence
- Storage of form context between exchanges
- Procedural elements that control the user's interaction with the
- Input verification (values, ranges, types, cross-field)
- Procedural escapes
A DECforms form consists of the following:
- Form
Encompasses the panel, viewport, and layout to describe
how to display, collect, and process information.
- Layout
Describes the attributes and appearance of the entire
form, including its default size and background color, the different
types of display devices the form can be used on (for example VT100,
VT200 or VT300), and different user languages (for example, French or
- Panel
Physically displays the background information and field
images on the display device.
- Viewport
Defines the area of the screen where one or more
panels are displayed. (Viewports can overlap each other.)
You can declare only one form in each source file, but you can declare
multiple layouts, panels, and viewports within a form.
The main design issues for DECforms are:
- Screen design
- Controls
- Menus
- Dialog boxes
- Help
- Internationalization issues
See the DECforms documentation for detailed descriptions of these