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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Managing Applications

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Part 2
Reference Section

This part of the manual contains reference information for each ACMS command. The following types of commands are described in this section:
  • Device Definition Utility (DDU)
  • User Definition Utility (UDU)
  • Application Authorization Utility (AAU)
  • Queue Manager (ACMSQUEMGR) Utility
  • Operator
  • ACMSGEN Utility
  • Audit Trail Report (ATR) Utility
  • Software Event Logger Utility Program (SWLUP)

The chapters in Part 1 provide tutorial discussions of these commands and utilities.

Chapter 17
DDU Commands

This chapter provides reference information and examples for each ACMS Device Definition Utility (DDU) command. See Chapter 2 for a general description of DDU.

ADD Command (DDU>)

Authorizes and assigns sign-in characteristics to an ACMS terminal by creating a DDU definition and adding it to the device authorization file (ACMSDDF.DAT).


ADD device-name

Command Qualifiers Default
/[NO]AUTOLOGIN=username From DEFAULT definition
  • =
    • print-file-spec
    • spooled-device-name
From DEFAULT definition

Privileges Required




The name of the device. The device name can be a logical name, a physical device name, or a group device name. Do not include a colon (:) when you specify a device name. See Table 2-1 for a list of the DDU group device names.



The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier enables automatic sign-ins for ACMS-controlled terminals. With automatic sign-in enabled, the user does not need to enter a user name to sign in to ACMS. If a password is required, the user receives the password prompt after pressing [Return]. If a password is not required, the user is signed in to ACMS as soon as [Return] is pressed on the terminal's keyboard.

ACMS places the user name you specify with the /AUTOLOGIN qualifier in the device authorization file and uses that user name each time a user presses [Return]. The user name can contain 1 through 12 characters.

The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier has no effect unless the terminal has the Controlled sign-in characteristic. You can assign a Controlled sign-in characteristic by specifying the /CONTROLLED qualifier.

Disable automatic sign-ins with the /NOAUTOLOGIN qualifier. The default for this qualifier is whatever is defined in the DEFAULT definition. See the description of the DDU DEFAULT command for information on the DEFAULT definition.


The /CONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at application port terminals with the Controlled sign-in characteristic sign in directly to ACMS. Users at dedicated service port terminals sign in either directly to ACMS or not, depending on the node they connect to at the "Local>" prompt. See Section 2.11 for a description of application ports and dedicated service ports.

The /NOCONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Not Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at terminals with the Not Controlled characteristic sign in directly to OpenVMS. For access to ACMS, you must enter the ACMS/ENTER command.

When you specify the /CONTROLLED qualifier, you can specify only a physical device name or the group device names TT and LT. See Table 2-1 for a description of the DDU group device names. The default for this qualifier is whatever is defined in the DEFAULT definition. See the description of the DDU DEFAULT command for information on the DEFAULT definition.


The ACMS Terminal Subsystem Controller (TSC) does not support dialup lines as ACMS-controlled terminals. Because the TSC keeps a channel to ACMS-controlled terminals even when the user signs out, the modem does not receive any hangup notification. If you operate a terminal using ACMS over dialup lines, you must first log in to OpenVMS, and then issue the ACMS/ENTER/NORETURN command. The /NORETURN qualifier deletes the OpenVMS process after you enter ACMS.


The /PRINTFILE qualifier assigns the Printfile characteristic to a device. The print response must appear in the form source IFDL file, and a print key must also be defined there. When the user presses the print key, the DECforms panel screens are automatically sent to the print file or spooled device specified after the /PRINTFILE qualifier.

When you specify the /PRINTFILE qualifier, you can specify only a spooled device name or a file name. The default for this qualifier is whatever is defined in the DEFAULT definition.


DDU writes the definition you are creating to the device authorization file in your current default directory, or to the file pointed to by the EXECUTIVE mode system logical name, ACMSDDF.

New definitions go into effect after you use the ACMS/RESET TERMINALS command, the ACMS/START SYSTEM command, or the ACMS/START TERMINALS command.

For more information about the DDU database authorization file (ACMSDDF.DAT) and the DDU in general, see Chapter 2.




This command creates a device definition for the terminal TTE6, using the sign-in characteristics defined in the DDU DEFAULT definition.



This command creates a device definition with the Controlled and Autologin sign-in characteristics for terminal TTE6. Users at terminal TTE6 sign in directly to ACMS without typing a user name. ACMS places the user name JUDGE in the device definition file and uses that user name whenever a user presses [Return] at terminal TTE6.



This command adds a definition for the group device name $ALL, which authorizes all unauthorized terminals and assigns the terminals the Not Controlled sign-in characteristic.



This command adds a definition for the group device name LT. The LT device name authorizes all unauthorized LAT terminals and assigns the terminals the Not Controlled sign-in characteristic.

COPY Command (DDU>)

Authorizes a terminal, using the sign-in characteristics from the DDU definition you specify.


COPY source-device-name new-device-name

Command Qualifiers Default
/[NO]AUTOLOGIN=user-name From source definition
/[NO]CONTROLLED From source definition
  • =
    • print-file-spec
    • spooled-device-name
From source definition

Privileges Required




The device name in the source definition. The source device name can be a logical name, a physical device name, or a group device name. Do not include a colon (:) when you specify a device name. See Table 2-1 for a list of the DDU group device names.


The device name in the definition you are creating. The new device name cannot already exist in the device authorization file. See source-device-name for syntax rules.



The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier enables automatic sign-ins for ACMS-controlled terminals. With automatic sign-in enabled, the user does not need to enter a user name to sign in to ACMS. If a password is required, the user receives the password prompt after pressing [Return]. If a password is not required, the user is signed in to ACMS as soon as [Return] is pressed on the terminal's keyboard.

ACMS places the user name you specify with the /AUTOLOGIN qualifier in the device authorization file and uses that user name each time a user presses [Return] at that terminal. A user name can contain 1 through 12 characters.

The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier has no effect unless the terminal has the Controlled sign-in characteristic. Assign a Controlled sign-in characteristic by specifying the /CONTROLLED qualifier. Disable automatic sign-ins with the /NOAUTOLOGIN qualifier. The default for this qualifier is whatever is defined in the definition you are copying.


The /CONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at application port terminals with the Controlled sign-in characteristic sign in directly to ACMS. Users at dedicated service port terminals sign in either directly to ACMS or not, depending on the node they connect to at the "Local>" prompt. See Section 2.11 for a description of application ports and dedicated service ports.

The /NOCONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Not Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at terminals with the Not Controlled characteristic log in directly to OpenVMS. For access to ACMS, you must enter the ACMS/ENTER command.

When you use the /CONTROLLED qualifier, you can specify only a physical device name or the group device names TT and LT. See Table 2-1 for a description of the DDU group device names. The default for this qualifier is whatever is defined in the definition you are copying.


The ACMS Terminal Subsystem Controller (TSC) does not support dialup lines as ACMS-controlled terminals. Because the TSC keeps a channel to ACMS-controlled terminals even when the user signs out, the modem does not receive any hangup notification. If you operate a terminal using ACMS over dialup lines, you must first log in to OpenVMS, and then issue the ACMS/ENTER/NORETURN command. The /NORETURN qualifier deletes the OpenVMS process after you enter ACMS.


The /PRINTFILE qualifier assigns the Printfile characteristic to a device. The PRINT response must appear in the form source IFDL file, and a print key must also be defined there. When the user presses the print key, the DECforms panel screens automatically are sent to the print file or spooled device specified after the /PRINTFILE qualifier.

When you specify the /PRINTFILE qualifier, you can specify only a spooled device name or a file name. The default for this qualifier is The default for this qualifier is whatever is defined in the definition you are copying.


DDU writes the definition you are creating to the device authorization file in your current default directory, or to the file pointed to by the EXECUTIVE mode system logical name, ACMSDDF.

Changes to definitions go into effect after you use one of the following commands:




This command authorizes terminal TTE2 using the sign-in characteristics defined for terminal TTE1.

DEFAULT Command (DDU>)

Changes information in the DDU DEFAULT definition.



Command Qualifiers Default
/[NO]AUTOLOGIN=user-name From current DEFAULT definition
/[NO]CONTROLLED From current DEFAULT definition
  • =
    • print-file-spec
    • spooled-device-name
From DEFAULT definition

Privileges Required




The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier enables automatic sign-ins for ACMS-controlled terminals. With automatic login enabled, the user does not need to enter a user name to sign in to ACMS. If a password is required, the user receives the password prompt after pressing [Return]. If a password is not required, the user is signed in to ACMS as soon as [Return] is pressed on the terminal's keyboard.

ACMS places the user name you specify with the /AUTOLOGIN qualifier in the device authorization file and uses that user name each time a user presses [Return] at that terminal. The user name can contain 1 through 12 characters.

The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier has no effect unless the terminal has the Controlled sign-in characteristic. Assign a Controlled sign-in characteristic by specifying the /CONTROLLED qualifier. Disable automatic sign-ins with the /NOAUTOLOGIN qualifier. The default is whatever sign-in characteristics are currently defined in the DDU DEFAULT definition.


The /CONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at application port terminals with the Controlled sign-in characteristic sign in directly to ACMS. Users at dedicated service port terminals sign in either directly to ACMS or not, depending on the node they connect to at the "Local>" prompt. See Section 2.11 for a description of application ports and dedicated service ports.

The /NOCONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Not Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at terminals with the Not Controlled characteristic log in directly to OpenVMS. For access to ACMS, you must enter the ACMS/ENTER command.

When you specify the /CONTROLLED qualifier, you can specify only a physical device name or the group device names TT and LT. See Table 2-1 for a description of the DDU group device names. The default is whatever sign-in characteristics are currently defined in the DDU DEFAULT definition.


The ACMS Terminal Subsystem Controller (TSC) does not support dialup lines as ACMS-controlled terminals. Because the TSC keeps a channel to ACMS-controlled terminals even when the user signs out, the modem does not receive any hangup notification. If you operate a terminal using ACMS over dialup lines, you must first log in to OpenVMS, and then issue the ACMS/ENTER/NORETURN command. The /NORETURN qualifier deletes the OpenVMS process after you enter ACMS.


The /PRINTFILE qualifier assigns the Printfile characteristic to a device. The PRINT response must appear in the form source IFDL file, and a print key must also be defined there. When the user presses the print key, the DECforms panel screens automatically are sent to the print file or spooled device specified after the /PRINTFILE qualifier.

When you specify the /PRINTFILE qualifier, you can specify only a spooled device name or a file name. The default for this qualifier is whatever is defined in the default definition.


The ADD command is the only command affected by the characteristics defined in the DDU DEFAULT definition. If you do not specify any qualifiers when you use the ADD command to create a new DDU definition, the definition takes the sign-in characteristics assigned in the DEFAULT definition. You can use qualifiers with the ADD command to override the characteristics defined with the DEFAULT command.

ACMS creates a DEFAULT definition the first time you run DDU, or whenever you create a new device authorization file. By default, the DDU DEFAULT definition created by ACMS has the Not Controlled and No Autologin sign-in characteristics.

Changes to definitions go into effect after you use one of the following commands:




This command specifies that the DEFAULT definition has the Not Controlled sign-in characteristic.

EXIT Command (DDU>)

Ends the DDU session and returns you to the DCL prompt.



Privileges Required



You can also end a session by pressing [Ctrl/Z]. Pressing [Ctrl/Z] signals the end of the file for data entered from the terminal. EXIT is displayed when you press [Ctrl/Z].



This command causes you to exit from DDU and returns you to DCL.

HELP Command (DDU>)

Displays information about DDU commands and qualifiers.


HELP [ topic [...] ]

Command Qualifier Default

Privileges Required




The DDU command or topic you want to know about. If you do not specify a topic, HELP provides a list of topics to choose from.



The /PROMPT qualifier causes DDU help to display prompts with help information. If you use the /NOPROMPT qualifier, DDU help does not display prompts. /PROMPT is the default.




   Changes the contents of the DEFAULT definition in the database
   For example:
   The DEFAULT definition contains default characteristics for terminals
   defined with the ADD command
  Additional information available:
DEFAULT Subtopic?


This command displays help information about the DEFAULT command.

LIST Command (DDU>)

Writes DDU definitions to ACMSDDU.LIS in your default directory, or to an output file you specify.


LIST device-name

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/BRIEF Full DDU definitions

Privileges Required




The name of the device. Do not include a colon (:) when you specify a device name. The device name can be a logical name, a physical device name, a group device name, or the wildcard character (*). See Table 2-1 for a list of the DDU group device names. To write all definitions to an output file, use the wildcard character instead of a device name. You can use the wildcard character as a prefix, a suffix, or both to list device names with common characters (for example: TT*, *TT, or *TT*).



Lists only the device names in DDU definitions. The default is to list complete definitions.


Changes the file specification for the listing file. The default file specification is ACMSDDU.LIS, in your current default directory.






This command writes the full definitions for all device names in the device authorization to the default output file ACMSDDU.LIS.



This command writes a definition for the group device name VT to the listing file ACMSDDU.LIS.



This command writes all the device names in the device authorization file to the file ACMSDDU.LIS.



This command writes all device definitions containing the letter T to the output file LOCAL.LIS.

MODIFY Command (DDU>)

Changes the sign-in characteristics in a DDU definition.


MODIFY device-name

Command Qualifiers Default
/[NO]AUTOLOGIN=user-name From current definition
/[NO]CONTROLLED From current definition
  • =
    • print-file-spec
    • spooled-device-name
From current definition

Privileges Required None



The name of the device. Do not include a colon (:) when you specify a device name. The device name can be a logical name, a physical device name, or a group device name. See Table 2-1 for a list of the DDU group device names.



The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier enables automatic sign-ins for ACMS-controlled terminals. With automatic sign-in enabled, the user does not need to enter a user name to sign in to ACMS. If a password is required, the user receives the password prompt after pressing [Return]. If a password is not required, the user is signed in to ACMS as soon as [Return] is pressed on the terminal's keyboard.

ACMS places the user name you specify with the /AUTOLOGIN qualifier in the device authorization file and uses that user name each time a user presses [Return] at that terminal. The user name can contain 1 through 12 characters.

The /AUTOLOGIN qualifier has no effect unless the terminal has the Controlled sign-in characteristic. You can assign a Controlled sign-in characteristic by specifying the /CONTROLLED qualifier. You can disable automatic sign-ins with the /NOAUTOLOGIN qualifier. The default for this qualifier is whatever sign-in characteristics are currently defined in the definition you are modifying.


The /CONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at application port terminals with the Controlled sign-in characteristic sign in directly to ACMS. Users at dedicated service port terminals sign in either directly to ACMS or not, depending on the node they connect to at the "Local>" prompt. See Section 2.11 for a description of application ports and dedicated service ports.

The /NOCONTROLLED qualifier assigns the Not Controlled sign-in characteristic to a device. Users at terminals with the Not Controlled characteristic log in directly to OpenVMS. For access to ACMS, a user must enter the ACMS/ENTER command.

When you specify the /CONTROLLED qualifier, you can specify only a physical device name or the group device names TT and LT. See Table 2-1 for a description of the DDU group device names. The default for this qualifier is whatever is currently defined in the definition you are modifying.


The ACMS Terminal Subsystem Controller (TSC) does not support dialup lines as ACMS-controlled terminals. Because the TSC keeps a channel to ACMS-controlled terminals even when the user signs out, the modem does not receive any hangup notification. If you operate a terminal using ACMS over dialup lines, you must first log in to OpenVMS, and then issue the ACMS/ENTER/NORETURN command. The /NORETURN qualifier deletes the OpenVMS process after you enter ACMS.


The /PRINTFILE qualifier assigns the Printfile characteristic to a device. The PRINT response must appear in the form source IFDL file, and a print key must also be defined there. When the user presses the print key, the DECforms panel screens automatically are sent to the print file or spooled device specified after the /PRINTFILE qualifier.

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