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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Managing Applications

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Part 1 Managing the ACMS System and ACMS Applications
Chapter 1 Introduction to Application Management
Chapter 2 Authorizing and Controlling Terminals
Chapter 3 Authorizing Users
Chapter 4 Authorizing Applications
Chapter 5 Creating and Managing Queues
Chapter 6 Using Distributed Forms Processing
Chapter 7 Using Data Compression
Chapter 8 Controlling the ACMS System
Chapter 9 Installing and Managing Applications
Chapter 10 Setting ACMS Quotas, Parameters, and Privileges
Chapter 11 Changing ACMS Parameter Values with the ACMSGEN Utility
Chapter 12 Auditing Applications with the Audit Trail Logger
Chapter 13 Logging Software Events
Chapter 14 Tuning Your Application
Chapter 15 Using DECtrace with ACMS Applications
Chapter 16 Managing ACMS Licensing
Part 2 Reference Section
Chapter 17 DDU Commands
Chapter 18 UDU Commands
Chapter 19 AAU Commands
Chapter 20 ACMSQUEMGR Commands
Chapter 21 Operator Commands
Chapter 22 ACMSGEN Commands
Chapter 23 ATR Commands
Chapter 24 SWLUP Commands
Appendix A Parameter and Quota Calculations
Appendix B Error Messages
Appendix C Requirements for Successful ACMS Sign-Ins


Preface Preface
Part 1
Part 1 Managing the ACMS System and ACMS Applications
Chapter 1
1 Introduction to Application Management
     1.1     ACMS Authorization Tools
     1.2     Controlling ACMS Operations
     1.3     Monitoring an ACMS System
     1.4     Tuning an ACMS System
     1.5     ACMS Application Management Tools
     1.6     Learning to Manage an ACMS System
Chapter 2
2 Authorizing and Controlling Terminals
     2.1     How DDU Works
     2.2     How to Run DDU
     2.3     Creating a DDU Definition
     2.4     Copying DDU Definitions
     2.5     Modifying DDU Definitions
         2.5.1         Enabling Autologin Terminals
         2.5.2         Using the /PRINTFILE Qualifier
     2.6     Renaming Device Names in DDU Definitions
     2.7     Removing DDU Definitions
     2.8     DDU DEFAULT Definition
     2.9     Displaying DDU Definitions
     2.10     Defining ACMS-Controlled Terminals
     2.11     Authorizing LAT Terminal Ports as Controlled Terminals
     2.12     Controlling LAT Terminals
         2.12.1         LAT Setup for an Applications Port
         2.12.2         LAT Setup for a Dedicated Service Port
                Setup of the Terminal Server Port
                Creation of a Service
                Creation of Dedicated Service Ports
                Association of the Dedicated Service Port with the Desired Service
                Terminal Setup
                 Using a Dedicated Service Port
     2.13     Enabling Automatic User Sign-ins
     2.14     Summary of DDU Commands and Qualifiers
Chapter 3
3 Authorizing Users
     3.1     How UDU Works
     3.2     How to Run UDU
     3.3     Running UDU the First Time
     3.4     Authorizing New Users
         3.4.1         Authorizing Users with ADD, COPY, DEFAULT, and $ALL
         3.4.2         Defining User Initial and Final Tasks
         3.4.3         Defining the Initial Menu Display
         3.4.4         Specifying a Language for a User
         3.4.5         Specifying a Printfile for a User
         3.4.6         Authorizing User Names as Agents
     3.5     Working with Existing UDU Definitions
         3.5.1         Looking at UDU Definitions with SHOW and LIST
         3.5.2         Deleting UDU Definitions
         3.5.3         Renaming UDU Definitions
     3.6     Summary of UDU Commands and Qualifiers
Chapter 4
4 Authorizing Applications
     4.1     How AAU Works
     4.2     How to Run AAU
     4.3     Before Authorizing Applications
     4.4     Authorizing New Applications
         4.4.1         Authorizing All Applications with $ALL
         4.4.2         Authorizing Individual Applications
         4.4.3         Authorizing Applications with /[NO]WILD_SUFFIX
     4.5     Working with Existing AAU Authorizations
         4.5.1         Looking at AAU Authorizations with SHOW and LIST
         4.5.2         Deleting Authorizations from ACMSAAF.DAT
         4.5.3         Renaming AAU Authorizations
     4.6     Summary of AAU Commands and Qualifiers
Chapter 5
5 Creating and Managing Queues
     5.1     How ACMSQUEMGR Works
     5.2     How to Run ACMSQUEMGR
     5.3     Managing Task Queues
         5.3.1         Creating Task Queues
         5.3.2         Setting the Characteristics of Task Queues
         5.3.3         Modifying Task Queues
         5.3.4         Deleting Task Queues
         5.3.5         Displaying Task Queue Information
     5.4     Managing Queued Task Elements
         5.4.1         Setting the Characteristics of Queued Task Elements
         5.4.2         Deleting Queued Task Elements
         5.4.3         Displaying Queued Task Elements
     5.5     Backing Up Task Queue Files Online
     5.6     Summary of ACMSQUEMGR Commands and Qualifiers
Chapter 6
6 Using Distributed Forms Processing
     6.1     What Is Distributed Forms Processing?
     6.2     Preparing Your System for Distributed Forms Processing
         6.2.1         Common Setup Tasks for Distributed Forms Processing
         6.2.2         Actions Required on Submitter Nodes
         6.2.3         Actions Required on Application Nodes
                Assigning Individual Proxy Accounts
                        How ACMS Searches for a User's Proxy
                        Deciding Which Proxy to Use
                        Setting Up the ACMS Proxy File
                        Creating ACMS Proxies
                        Creating OpenVMS Proxies
                Assigning a Default Submitter User Name Account
                Assigning Proxy Accounts in an OpenVMS Cluster Environment
         6.2.4         File Protection for Application and Form Files
     6.3     Defining Application Specifications
         6.3.1         Using Logical Names for Applications
         6.3.2         Search Lists and Primitive Failover
         6.3.3         Redirecting Users to Other Applications at Run Time
     6.4     Distributed Operations ACMS Performs Automatically
         6.4.1         Automatic File Distribution
         6.4.2         ACMS Systemwide Cache Directory
     6.5     Tailoring ACMS Distributed Forms Processing to Your Site
         6.5.1         Manually Distributing Applications
         6.5.2         Creating Agent-Specific Cache Directories
         6.5.3         Accessing Remote Application Files
     6.6     Managing and Caching DECforms Escape Routine Files
         6.6.1         Making Escape Routines Available to the CP Agent
         6.6.2         Privileged Agents that Execute Escape Routines

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