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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Managing Applications

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Appendix B
Error Messages

This appendix contains file specifications for the ACMS error message files and information about how ACMS reports error messages generated by other products.

B.1 ACMS Error Messages

For explanations and user actions on the messages the ACMS commands and application management utilities return, use the help available for each utility, or type or print the following files at DCL command level:


Online help is not available for terminal user messages. For an explanation of terminal user messages, display or print the following file:


Online help is not available for Audit Trail Logger errors. For an explanation of messages written to the Audit Trail Logger, display or print the following file:


B.2 Error Messages from Other Products

The ACMS Audit Trail Report (ATR) Utility cannot translate message codes from any facility other than ACMS and TDMS. When an error generated by another product occurs, ACMS reports the error message number of the message, not the message itself, for example:

message number 000288664

Enable the ATR Utility to translate message codes from other products by using the SET MESSAGE command and specifying the name of the product's error message file, for example:


See documentation on the product you are interested in for the name of its error message file.

Appendix C
Requirements for Successful ACMS Sign-Ins

As system manager, you must understand the problems users can have when they try to sign in to ACMS. You have control over the tools that can prevent or allow successful sign-ins. This appendix lists a set of requirements to help ensure that users can access ACMS.

C.1 ACMS Sign-In Requirements

The ACMS software requires that certain files be present and certain entries be available in various databases before users can sign in to ACMS on ACMS-controlled or OpenVMS-controlled terminals. The requirements listed here can help you identify problems users encounter.

First, check the Software Event Log (SWL) and the Audit Trail Report (ATR) for additional details on the failure. If the SWL and audit information is not detailed enough to resolve the problem, then continue with the following checklist.

When these errors occur for only some of the users typing an ACMS/ENTER, check the following items:

  • The user must have a valid entry in the OpenVMS SYSUAF.DAT file. In cases in which the OpenVMS SYSUAF.DAT file has been modified (such as where cluster creation has required several SYSUAF.DAT files to be merged together), ACMS must be stopped and restarted to map the newly modified SYSUAF.DAT into memory.
  • The user doing the ACMS/ENTER is listed specifically in the User Definition Utility (ACMSUDF.DAT) file, or $ALL is used.
  • The terminal from where the ACMS/ENTER was keyed is listed specifically in the Device Definition Utility (ACMSDDF.DAT) file, or $ALL is used.
  • The terminal type is supported by both ACMS and any forms product in use by ACMS (such as DECforms or TDMS).
  • The menu database file (.MDB) specified in the ACMSUDF.DAT database for the terminal user must be valid and exist in the correct disk directory. Beware of process logical names, because separate processes are involved. (SYSTEM logicals are recommended.)
  • The menu specified in the ACMSUDF.DAT database for the terminal user must be a menu that exists in the specified .MDB file.
  • The terminal user's user name matches that of the agent handling the user, or the agent's user name is authorized with the /AGENT qualifier in the ACMSUDF.DAT database.
  • The terminal user's user name must be less than or equal to 12 characters in length.

When these errors occur for all users typing an ACMS/ENTER, check these items:

  • The file SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]RIGHTSLIST.DAT must exist on the system. If it does not, add the file with AUTHORIZE by entering:

  • The command menu .MDB file, ACMSCMD.MDB, must be valid and exist in the ACMS$DIRECTORY disk directory.
  • The ACMS menu request library file, ACMSREQ.RLB, must be valid and exist in the SYS$LIBRARY disk directory.
  • The user name used by the Command Process (CP) and the Queued Task Initiator (QTI) must have been added as an agent in the ACMSUDF.DAT database. By default, this user name is SYSTEM.
  • The application must be properly authorized for use in ACMS with the Application Authorization Utility (AAU).
  • Check to be sure the .ADB file is valid by entering the following:


    If this command generates an error, then rebuild the application to create a new .ADB file.
  • Check to see that the user name specified for the Terminal Subsystem Controller (TSC) has sufficient ASTLM quota.

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