OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual
- The module $SYSSRVNAM in the FORTRAN system
default library FORSYSDEF.TLB contains INTEGER and EXTERNAL
declarations for each of the system services, so you need not
explicitly provide these declarations in your program. Module $LNMDEF
defines constants and data structures used when calling the logical
name services, and module LIB$ROUTINES contains declarations for the
LIB$ Run-Time Library routines.
- The structure of an OpenVMS 3-longword item
list is declared and then used to define the record variable ITEM_LIST.
The second element will be used for the terminator.
- The VOLATILE declaration is required for
variables that are modified by means other than a direct assignment or
as an argument in a routine call.
- Return status variables should always be
declared as longword integers.
- The LEN intrinsic function returns the
allocated length of EQUIV_NAME. The %LOC built-in function returns the
address of its argument.
- By default, FORTRAN passes arguments by
reference, except for strings which are passed by CLASS_S descriptor.
Arguments are omitted in FORTRAN by leaving the comma as a placeholder.
All arguments must be specified or explicitly omitted.
- A condition value can be tested for success
or failure by a true/false test. For more information on testing return
statuses, see the OpenVMS FORTRAN documentation.
Example 20-8 System Service Call in
Pascal |
1:( { Normal Cell }
Buffer_Length : [WORD] 0..65535;
Item_Code : [WORD] 0..65535;
Buffer_Addr : UNSIGNED;
Return_Addr : UNSIGNED
2:( { Terminator }
Terminator : UNSIGNED
Item_List_Template(Count:INTEGER) = ARRAY [1..Count] OF Item_List_Cell;
Item_List : Item_List_Template(2);
Translated_Name : [VOLATILE] VARYING [255] OF CHAR; (3)
Status : INTEGER;
{ Specify the buffer to return the translation } (4)
Item_List[1].Buffer_Length := SIZE(Translated_Name.Body);
Item_List[1].Item_Code := LNM$_String;
Item_List[1].Buffer_Addr := IADDRESS(Translated_Name.Body);
Item_List[1].Return_Addr := IADDRESS(Translated_Name.Length);
{ Terminate the item list }
Item_List[2].Terminator := 0;
{ Translate the CYGNUS logical name }
Status := $trnlnm(Tabnam := 'LNM$FILE_DEV', Lognam := 'CYGNUS', (5)
Itmlst := Item_List);
IF NOT ODD(Status) (6)
WRITELN('CYGNUS is equivalent to ',Translated_Name);
Pascal Notes
- The Pascal environment file STARLET.PEN
defines OpenVMS system services, data structures and constants.
PASCAL$LIB_ROUTINES declares the LIB$ Run-Time Library routines.
- The structure of an item list entry is
defined using a variant record type.
- The VARYING OF CHAR type is a
variable-length character string with two components: a word-integer
length and a character string body, which in this example is 255 bytes
long. The VOLATILE attribute is required for variables that are
modified by means other than a direct assignment or as an argument in a
routine call.
- The functions SIZE and IADDRESS obtain the
allocated size of the string body and the address of the string body
and length. The returned length will be stored into the length field of
the varying string Translated_Name, so that it will appear to be the
correct size.
- The definition of the SYS$TRNLNM routine in
STARLET.PEN contains specifications of the passing mechanism to be used
for each argument; thus, it is not necessary to specify the mechanism
- The IF statement performs a logical test
following the function reference to see if the service completed
successfully. If an error or warning occurs during the service call,
the error is signaled.
Example 20-9 System Service Call in VAX
CYGDES: .ASCID /CYGNUS/ (1) ; Descriptor for CYGNUS string
TBLDES: .ASCID /LNM$FILE_DEV/ (2) ; Logical name table
NAMBUF: .BLKB 255 (3) ; Output buffer
NAMLEN: .BLKW 1 (4) ; Word to receive length
ITEMS: .WORD 255 ; Output buffer length
.WORD LNM$STRING ; Item code
.ADDRESS - ; Output buffer
.ADDRESS - ; Return length
.LONG 0 ; List terminator
.ENTRY ORION,0 (5) ; Routine entry point & mask
$TRNLNM_S - (6)
BLBC R0,ERROR (7) ; Check for error
- The input character string descriptor
argument is defined using the .ASCID directive.
- The name of the table to search is defined
using the .ASCID directive.
- Enough bytes to hold the output data are
allocated for an output character string argument.
- The MACRO directive .BLKW reserves a word to
hold the output length.
- A routine name and entry mask show the
beginning of executable code in a routine or subroutine.
- A macro name that has the suffix _S or _G
calls the service.
You can specify arguments either by keyword (as
in this example) or by positional order. (Keyword names correspond to
the names of the arguments shown in lowercase in the system service
format descriptions in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.) If you omit any optional
arguments (if you accept the defaults), you can omit them completely if
you specify arguments by keyword. If you specify arguments by
positional order, however, you must specify the comma for each missing
argument. Use the number sign (#) to indicate a literal value for
an argument.
- The BLBC instruction causes a branch to a
subroutine named ERROR (not shown) if the low bit of the condition
value returned from the service is clear (low bit clear = failure or
warning). You can use a BSBW instruction to branch unconditionally to a
routine that checks the return status.
Chapter 21 STARLET Structures and Definitions for C Programmers
This chapter describes the libraries that contain C header files for
routines supplied by the OpenVMS Alpha operating system.
The SYS$STARLET_C.TLB file, which was introduced in OpenVMS Alpha
Version 1.0, contains all the .H files that provide STARLET
functionality equivalent to STARLETSD.TLB. The file SYS$STARLET_C.TLB,
together with DECC$RTLDEF.TLB
that ships with the Compaq C Compiler, replaces VAXCDEF.TLB that
previously shipped with the VAX C Compiler. DECC$RTLDEF.TLB contains
all the .H files that support the compiler and RTL, such as STDIO.H.
If you are running an application from a release prior to OpenVMS Alpha
Version 1.0, the following differences may require source changes:
RMS structures
Previously, the RMS structures FAB, NAM, RAB,
XABALL, and so forth, were defined in the appropriate .H files as
"struct RAB {...", for example. The .H files supplied in
OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.0 define them as "struct rabdef
{...". To compensate for this difference, lines of the form
"#define RAB rabdef" have been added. However, there is one
situation where a source change is required because of this change. If
you have a private structure that contains a pointer to one of these
structures and your private structure is defined (but not used) before
the RMS structure has been defined, you will receive compile-time
errors similar to the following:
%CC-E-PASNOTMEM, In this statement, "rab$b_rac" is not a member of "rab".
This error can be avoided by reordering your source file so that
the RMS structure is defined before the private structure. Typically,
this involves moving around "#include" statements.
- LIB (privileged interface) structures
Historically, three
structures from LIB (NFBDEF.H, FATDEF.H, and FCHDEF.H) have been made
available as .H files. These files were shipped as .H files in OpenVMS
Alpha Version 1.0 and 1.5 (not in the new SYS$STARLET_C.TLB). As of
OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.0, the file SYS$LIB_C.TLB, containing all LIB
structures and definitions, has been added. These three .H files are
now part of that .TLB and are no longer shipped separately. Source
changes may be required, because no attempt has been made to preserve
any existing anomalies in these files. The structures and definitions
from LIB are for privileged interfaces only and are therefore subject
to change.
- Use of "variant_struct" and "variant_union"
In the new .H files, variant_struct and variant_union are always used;
whereas previously some structures used struct and union. Therefore,
the intermediate structure names cannot be specified when referencing
fields within data structures.
For example, the following statement:
AlignFaultItem.PC[0] = DataPtr->afr$r_pc_data_overlay.afr$q_fault_pc[0];
AlignFaultItem.PC[0] = DataPtr->afr$q_fault_pc[0];
- Member alignment
Each of the .H files in SYS$STARLET_C.TLB
saves and restores the state of "#pragma member_alignment".
- Conventions
The .H files in SYS$STARLET_C.TLB adhere to some conventions that were
only partly followed in VAXCDEF.TLB. All constants (#defines) have
uppercase names. All identifiers (routines, structure members, and so
forth) have lowercase names. Where there is a difference from
VAXCDEF.TLB, the old symbol name is also included for compatibility,
but users are encouraged to follow the new conventions.
- Use of Librarian utility to access the .H files
installation of OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.0, the contents of
SYS$STARLET_C.TLB are not extracted into the separate .H files. The
Compaq C
Compiler accesses these files from within SYS$STARLET_C.TLB, regardless
of the format of the #include statement. If you want to inspect an
individual .H file, you can use the Librarian utility, as in the
following example:
- Additional .H files included in SYS$STARLET_C.TLB
In addition
to the .H files derived from STARLET sources, SYS$STARLET_C.TLB
includes .H files that provide support for POSIX Threads Library, such
as CMA.H.
21.2 NEW STARLET Definitions for C
As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0, SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$STARLET_C.TLB (or
STARLET) provides C function prototypes for system services, as well as
new and enhanced data structure definitions. The new definitions are
more consistent with the OpenVMS C language coding conventions and
definitions (typedefs) used in SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$LIB_C.TLB.
To maintain source compatibility for existing users of STARLET.H, the
"old style" function declarations and definitions are still
provided by default. To take advantage of the new system service
function prototypes and type definitions, you must explicitly enable
You can define the __NEW_STARLET symbol with a Compaq C command line
qualifier or include the definition directly in your source program.
For example:
- Define the _NEW_STARLET symbol with the Compaq C command line
qualifier as follows:
- Define the _NEW_STARLET symbol in your C source program before
including the SYS$STARLET_C.TLB header files:
#define __NEW_STARLET 1
#include <starlet.h>
#include <vadef.h>
To see the currently available system service function prototypes in
STARLET.H, you can use the Librarian utility as shown in the following
The following example shows a new system service function prototype as
it is defined in STARLET.H:
#pragma __required_pointer_size __long
int sys$expreg_64(
struct _generic_64 *region_id_64,
unsigned __int64 length_64,
unsigned int acmode,
unsigned int flags,
void *(*(return_va_64)),
unsigned __int64 *return_length_64);
#pragma __required_pointer_size __short
For more information about Compaq C pointer size pragmas, see the
DEC C User's Guide for OpenVMS Systems.
The following source code example shows the sys$expreg_64 function
prototype referenced in a program.
#define __NEW_STARLET 1 /* Enable "New Starlet" features */
#include <starlet.h> /* Declare prototypes for system services */
#include <gen64def.h> /* Define GENERIC_64 type */
#include <vadef.h> /* Define VA$ constants */
#include <ints.h> /* Define 64-bit integer types */
#include <far_pointers.h> /* Define 64-bit pointer types */
int status; /* Ubiquitous VMS status value */
GENERIC_64 region = { VA$C_P2 }; /* Expand in "default" P2 region */
VOID_PQ p2_va; /* Returned VA in P2 space */
uint64 length; /* Allocated size in bytes */
extern uint64 page_size; /* Page size in bytes */
status = sys$expreg_64( ®ion, request_size, 0, 0, &p2_va, &length );
Table 21-1 lists the data structures that are used by the new
function protypes.
Table 21-1 Structures Used by_NEW_STARLET Prototypes
Structure Used by Prototype |
Defined by Header File |
Common Prefix for Structure Member Names |
Description |
struct _cluevthndl
Cluster event handle
struct _fabdef
File access block
struct _generic_64
Generic quadword structure
struct _ieee
IEEE Floating point control structure
struct _ile2
Item list entry 2
struct _ile3
Item list entry 3
struct _iosa
I/O status area
struct _iosb
I/O status block
struct _lksb
Lock status block
struct _rabdef
RMS record access block
struct _secid
Global section identifier
struct _va_range
32-bit virtual address range
1Use of this structure type is not required by the function
prototypes in starlet.h. This structure type is provided as a
convenience and can be used where it is appropriate.
Part 5 I/O, System and Programming Routines
This part describes the I/O operations, and the system and programming
routines used by run-time libraries and system services.
Chapter 22 Run-Time Library Input/Output Operations
This chapter describes the different I/O programming capabilities
provided by the run-time library and illustrates these capabilities
with examples of common I/O tasks. This chapter contains the following
Section 22.1 describes the input and output operations within a
Section 22.2 describes using SYS$INPUT and SYS$OUTPUT.
Section 22.3 describes using LIB$GET_INPUT and LIB$PUT_OUTPUT for
simple user I/O.
Section 22.4 describes using the SMG$ run-time library routines for
managing the appearance of terminal screens.
Section 22.5 describes using screen management input routines and the
SYS$QIO and SYS$QIOW system services to perform special actions.
The operating system and its compilers provide the following methods
for completing input and output operations within a program:
- DEC Text Processing Utility
- DECforms software
- Program language I/O statements
- OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS) and Run-Time Library (RTL)
- SYS$QIO and SYS$QIOW system services
- Non-Compaq-supplied device drivers to control the I/O to the device
The DEC Text Processing Utility (DECTPU) is a text processor that can
be used to create text editing interfaces. DECTPU has the following
- High-level procedure language with several data types, relational
operators, error interception, looping, case language statements, and
built-in procedures
- Compiler for the DECTPU procedure language
- Interpreter for the DECTPU procedure language
- Extensible Versatile Editor (EVE) editing interface which, in
addition to the EVE keypad, provides EDT, VT100, WPS, and numeric
keypad emulation
In addition, DECTPU offers the following special features:
- Multiple buffers
- Multiple windows
- Multiple subprocesses
- Text processing in batch mode
- Insert or overstrike text entry
- Free or bound cursor motion
- Learn sequences
- Pattern matching
- Key definition
The method you select for I/O operations depends on the task you want
to accomplish, ease of use, speed, and level of control you want.
The Compaq DECforms for OpenVMS software is a forms management product
for transaction processing. DECforms integrates text and graphics into
forms and menus that application programs use as an interface to users.
DECforms software offers application developers software development
tools and a run-time environment for implementing interfaces.
DECforms software integrates with the Application Control and
Management System (ACMS), a transaction process (TP) monitor that works
with other Compaq commercial applications to provide complete
customizable development and run-time environments for TP applications.
An asynchronous call interface to ACMS allows a single DECforms
run-time process to control multiple terminals simultaneously in a
multithreaded way, resulting in an efficient use of memory. By using
the ACMS Remote Access Option, DECforms software can be distributed to
remote CPUs. This technique allows the host CPU to offload forms
processing and distribute it as closely as possible to the end user.
In contrast to OpenVMS RMS, RTLs, SYS$QIOs, and device driver I/O,
program language I/O statements have the slowest speed and lowest level
of control, but they are the easiest to use and are highly portable.
OpenVMS RMS and RTL routines can perform most I/O operations for a
high-level or assembly language program. For information about OpenVMS
RMS, see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.
System services can complete any I/O operation and can access devices
not supported within OpenVMS RMS. See Chapter 23 for a description
of using I/O system services.
Writing a device driver provides the most control over I/O operations,
but can be more complex to implement. For information about device
drivers for VAX systems, see the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual. The OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual has
been archived but is available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.
Several types of I/O operations can be performed within a program,
including the following:
- RTL routines allow you either to read simple input from a user or
send simple output to a user. One RTL routine allows you to specify a
string to prompt for input from the current input device, defined by
SYS$INPUT. Another RTL routine allows you to write a string to the
current output device, defined by SYS$OUTPUT. See Section 22.2 and
Section 22.3 for more information.
- RTL routines allow you either to read complex input from a user or
to send complex output to a user. By providing an extensive number of
screen management (SMG$) routines, the RTL allows you either to read
multiple lines of input from users or to send complex output to users.
The SMG$ routines also allow you to create and modify complicated
displays that accept input and produce output. See Section 22.4 for
more information.
- RTL routines allow you to use programming language I/O statements
to send data to and receive data from files. Program language I/O
statements call OpenVMS RMS routines to complete most file I/O. You can
also use OpenVMS RMS directly in your programs for accomplishing file
I/O. See Chapter 28 for more information.
- The SYS$QIO and SYS$QIOW system services allow you to send data to
and from devices with the most flexibility and control. You can use
system services to access devices not supported by your programming
language or by OpenVMS RMS.
You can perform other special I/O
actions, such as using interrupts, controlling echo, handling
unsolicited input, using the type-ahead buffer, using case conversion,
and sending sytem broadcast messges, by using SMG$ routines or, for
example, by using SYS$BRKTHRU system service to broadcast messages. See
Section 22.5 for more information.