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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Release Notes

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Chapter 5
5 Problems Corrected in Advanced Server V6.0C-ECO2/V6.0D
     5.1     Server Problems
         5.1.1         PWRK$LMSRV Crashes During Client Operation Invoking NetLogon
         5.1.2         BDC Servers Experience High CPU Utilization and Replication Traffic
         5.1.3         Using OpenVMS Security Mode, READALL Privilege Is Ignored
         5.1.4         Client Directory Listings Incomplete
         5.1.5         SAM Database Becomes Corrupted After Shutdown
         5.1.6         SAM Corruption Issues Addressed
         5.1.7         Server Crashes with Access Violation in DirRecycleDirectory
         5.1.8         Server Crashes in ODS2NewASUSecurityAce
         5.1.9         PWRK$LMSRV Crashes in Routine ssignon_gethostmap
         5.1.10         Client Application Displays "Device-specific Error Has Occurred"
         5.1.11         PWRK$LMSRV Process crash in RPCBIND/rpc__binding_free
         5.1.12         PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in Routine CheckMsgAuthenticator
         5.1.13         BDC Servers Experience High CPU Utilization and Replication Traffic, or ADMINISTER Commands Fail with "RPC Server Is Unavailable" Errors
         5.1.14         PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in Module THREAD
     5.2     File Access/Printing Problems
         5.2.1         Windows 2000 Backup Fails to Advanced Server Share
         5.2.2         Files Remain Open
     5.3     Transport Problems
         5.3.1         Call to KNBNQ_UNSET_TIMER in the PWRK$LMMCP Process Might Cause OpenVMS to Crash
         5.3.2         System Hangs or Crashes with a Spinwait Bugcheck
         5.3.3         System Crashes in Routine RcvUDSthand
     5.4     Event Logging Problems
         5.4.1         Client Event Logs Fill with Many Event 3012 Errors
     5.5     Cluster-Related Problems
         5.5.1         Multiple Servers Perform Replication in a Cluster
         5.5.2         BDC Loses Connection to PDC; Unable to Participate in Replication
     5.6     Browser Problems
         5.6.1         Browser Fails to List Entire List of Servers or Domains
Chapter 6
6 Problems Corrected in PATHWORKS Advanced Server V6.1
     6.1     Server Problems
         6.1.1         Files Created by Windows 95 or Windows 98 Clients Have Wrong Timestamp
         6.1.2         Advanced Server Hangs and Logs "Server allocating 10 more queue elements" Messages
         6.1.3         Server Crashes with ACCVIO in Routine FIDGetCache
         6.1.4         Numerous Locks on a Resource Accumulate, Causing PWRK$LMSRV or the System to Crash
         6.1.5         PWRK$LMSRV Crashes with ODS2ReadRMS Errors
         6.1.6         PWRK$LMSRV Crashes with Access Violation in Module ODS2$LIB
         6.1.7         PWRK$Monitor Crashes While Attempting to Output an OpenVMS Error Message (932)
         6.1.8         Partial Synchronizations Require Excessive Time to Complete
         6.1.9         "release_secure_channel_lock failed" Error in Server Log and 5716 Event in Event Log
     6.2     File Access/Printing Problems
         6.2.1         Certain Applications Might Fail When Attempting to Display Files on ODS-5 Disk Volumes
     6.3     ADMINISTER Command Problems
         6.3.1         The Password of a Newly Created Account Is Not Expired by Default
         6.3.2         ADMIN/ANALYZE Command Loops with Error Messages
         6.3.3         Administrator Cannot Take File Ownership
     6.4     Transport Problems
         6.4.1         15-Character Alias Name Truncated in Claimed NETBIOS Name
     6.5     Event Logging Problems
         6.5.1         Displaying Application Event Log Files Fails to Display Events Data
     6.6     Windows 2000 Related Problems
         6.6.1         Attempts to Add a User Fails
         6.6.2         Windows 2000 Clients See Blank Date Fields for Shared Files
         6.6.3         DCL SET PASSWORD Command Fails in Windows 2000 Mixed-Mode Domain
         6.6.4         Roaming User Profiles Cannot Be Saved on the Advanced Server
         6.6.5         Access Denied When Copying a Subfolder of a Directory Tree Using the Windows 2000 Xcopy Command
     6.7     Miscellaneous Problems
         6.7.1         Advanced Server Supplies Obsolete Version of File Used by eXcursion
Chapter 7
7 Restrictions in PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
     7.1     Installation and Configuration Restrictions
         7.1.1         PWRK$CONFIG and PWRK$SETINI Command Procedures Fail After Domain Name Change Failure
         7.1.2         PATHWORKS Advanced Server Cannot Coexist with PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server
         7.1.3         PATHWORKS Advanced Server May Fail at Startup Time If SYLOGIN.COM Executes with Errors
         7.1.4         Advanced Server Fails to Start If Any Processes Are Running the ADMININSTER Command Line Interface
         7.1.5         PWRK$CONFIG Fails to Move the PATHWORKS On-Disk Structure
         7.1.6         Cannot Join a Domain if the PDC (Windows NT or Windows 2000) Has Restricted Anonymous Access
         7.1.7         Authentication Fails After Attempt to Synchronize with a PDC Using a Windows NT Server with Service Pack SP5
         7.1.8         PATHWORKS Does Not Start When PWRK$ROOT Device Is Mounted as Allocated
     7.2     Upgrade Restrictions
         7.2.1         Upgrade Fails with an "RMS-W-RTB" Error
     7.3     File Server Restrictions
         7.3.1         OpenVMS File Names with a Dot at Position 40 Are Not Displayed Properly from the Client
         7.3.2         You Cannot Map to an OpenVMS Search List
         7.3.3         Premature Disk Full Conditions
         7.3.4         DECram Performance Problem
         7.3.5         Access Denied to Files Restored from Backup of Another System
         7.3.6         "XCCB Not in Use" Errors in LMMCP Log File
         7.3.7         Do Not Use "DEV" as a Share Name
     7.4     User Interface Restrictions
         7.4.1         Case Sensitivity
         7.4.2         Alias Name Not in Browse List When Using DECnet Transport Only
         7.4.3         Server Description (SrvComment) Restriction
         7.4.4         Server Acting as a BDC Will Not Allow Changes to Share Permissions Until Synchronized with PDC
         7.4.5         Directory File (Folder) Name Length Restrictions
         7.4.6         Mouse Selection Highlights Entire Screen
         7.4.7         When a User Account Is Created Without a Password, an Encrypted Password is Supplied
         7.4.8         File Server Unable to Resolve Job Logical Translation as Part of a File Specification
         7.4.9         ADMINISTER SHOW SERVICES Command Fails When Directed to Windows NT Server with Service Pack 4
     7.5     Windows 2000 Related Restrictions
         7.5.1         Restricted Anonymous Access on Windows 2000 Server Affects External Authentication
         7.5.2         Restriction on Roaming User Profiles
     7.6     Printing/Print Management Restrictions
         7.6.1         Cannot See Print Job Name from Client
         7.6.2         Cannot Move Print Job Postion In Queue from Client
         7.6.3         Client Cannot Purge Print Queues
         7.6.4         Windows NT Print Manager Fails to Display PATHWORKS Advanced Server Printers
         7.6.5         ADMINISTER REMOVE PRINT QUEUE Fails to Delete a Routing Print Queue
     7.7     Event Logging Restrictions
         7.7.1         Event in Browser Function Is Not Reported Properly
         7.7.2         Certain Event Code Descriptions Do Not Appear in ADMINISTER SHOW EVENTS Display
         7.7.3         Event Log Files Fail to Overwrite When Full
         7.7.4         Unable to Set the Event Logging Setting
     7.8     Domain Management Restrictions
         7.8.1         Additions or Deletions of Trusts on One Cluster Node Are Unknown to the Other Cluster Nodes Until NetLogon Restart
         7.8.2         Error When Displaying Advanced Server Domains from a Windows NT Server Manager
         7.8.3         A BDC Cannot Be Removed from the Domain If It Has Been Promoted To Be a PDC in Another Domain
         7.8.4         Cannot Add a Trust to a Windows 2000 Domain by Means of Remote Administration
         7.8.5         Member Server Role Restrictions
                Restriction Connecting to Member Server Share from External Domain
                User with "Add Workstations to Domain" Rights Cannot Add Member Server to Domain
                Problems Using Certain Characters for a Member Server Computer Name or Cluster Alias Name
                You Must Restore Explicit Host Maps When Changing the Role of a Server to or from a Member Server
         7.8.6         Windows NT Explorer Error on Attempt to Take Ownership of Shared File or Directory
     7.9     Browser Restrictions
         7.9.1         Browser State Is Not Distributed on an OpenVMS Cluster
     7.10     Transport Restrictions
         7.10.1         DEFZA FDDI Controller Is Not Supported with PATHWORKS Advanced Server
         7.10.2         NetBIOS Fails to Start, Dumps Invalid Media Address
         7.10.3         Communication Device Names Must Not Begin with an Underscore
         7.10.4         A 15-Character Alias Name Causes NETLOGON Not to Start
     7.11     PATHWORKS Advanced Server in an OpenVMS Cluster Restrictions
         7.11.1         Using the Windows NT Server Manager to Promote a Clustered BDC
         7.11.2         SRVHIDDEN Parameter Causes Browser to Fail to Announce Itself
         7.11.3         Two or More PATHWORKS Advanced Servers in an OpenVMS Cluster Must All Be in the Same Subnet
     7.12     PATHWORKS Advanced Server Interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle) Restrictions
         7.12.1         PATHWORKS Advanced Server Fails to Start Correctly on Systems Running DEC Rdb

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