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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Release Notes


Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Distribution Kit
Chapter 2 Features of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Chapter 3 Guidelines for Using PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software
Chapter 4 Problems Corrected in PATHWORKS Advanced Server V6.0C-ECO1
Chapter 5 Problems Corrected in Advanced Server V6.0C-ECO2/V6.0D
Chapter 6 Problems Corrected in PATHWORKS Advanced Server V6.1
Chapter 7 Restrictions in PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Distribution Kit
Chapter 2
2 Features of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
     2.1     New Features Provided by PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
         2.1.1         Windows 2000 Support
         2.1.2         Member Server Support
         2.1.3         Support of Alias File Names
         2.1.4         DNS Support for Resolving NetBIOS Names
         2.1.5         Server-Based License Management for Performance Gains
     2.2     Overview of Advanced Server Features
         2.2.1         Dynamic Cluster Load Balancing in Wide Area Networks
         2.2.2         Support for OpenVMS V6.2 Alpha and VAX Systems to Facilitate Migration of PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Server Users
         2.2.3         Domain Database Replication and Network Logon Performance Improvement
         2.2.4         Improved Handling of File and Directory Permissions
         2.2.5         Enhanced Interoperation Between the PATHWORKS Advanced Server and Windows NT
         2.2.6         Windows NT Domain Services
         2.2.7         Installation and Configuration
                Upgrade Utility
         2.2.8         File and Print Services
         2.2.9         Client Support
         2.2.10         Transport Support
                TCP/IP Support
                        WINS Support for Resolving NetBIOS Names in a WAN
                        DNS Support for Resolving NetBIOS Names in a WAN
                NetBEUI Support
                DECnet Support
         2.2.11         XQP+ Support
         2.2.12         PostScript Printing Support
         2.2.13         Management Interfaces
                ADMINISTER Command Line Interface
                Windows NT Server Administration Tools
         2.2.14         Windows 2000 File and Print Server Tools
         2.2.15         Account Lockout
         2.2.16         PATHWORKS Advanced Server Licensing
         2.2.17         External Authentication Support
         2.2.18         Support of ODS-5 Devices
         2.2.19         Optional Support for Eight-Bit Characters in File Names
     2.3     Differences Between PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) and PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
     2.4     Unsupported PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Features
Chapter 3
3 Guidelines for Using PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software
     3.1     Disk Space Requirements
     3.2     Upgrading a Version 5 Member Server or Standalone Server
         3.2.1         Upgrading File Security
     3.3     Server Installation in OpenVMS Clusters with Multiple System Disks
     3.4     Configuring the Advanced Server
         3.4.1         Initial Server Configuration Procedure
         3.4.2         Modifying Server System Environment Parameters
         3.4.3         LANMAN.INI Parameters
     3.5     Startup of the Advanced Server
     3.6     Shutting Down the OpenVMS System with the Advanced Server
     3.7     Guideline for File Share Description Strings
     3.8     Startup THREAD Resume Error Message
     3.9     "LANMAN.INI Has an Unknown Keyword" Messages in System Event Log
     3.10     The Advanced Server in an OpenVMS Cluster
         3.10.1         Installation and Configuration Considerations for Clusters
         3.10.2         Management Considerations for Clusters
         3.10.3         Licensing Considerations for Clusters
     3.11     PWRK$LMDMN Process and Startup File Replaced
     3.12     Licensing Information
         3.12.1         License Enforcement
         3.12.2         Configuring the License Server to Upgrade Client License
         3.12.3         Client License Support
         3.12.4         Client License Software for Windows 2000 Clients
     3.13     Guidelines for External Authentication
     3.14     Certain Clients Can Log On Using Only One Transport
     3.15     Installing Optional Server Administration Tools
     3.16     RMS Protections
     3.17     Using TCP/IP Products with PATHWORKS Advanced Server
     3.18     Patches Required for Running the Advanced Server
         3.18.1         Patch Required for Servers Running on OpenVMS V6.2
         3.18.2         Patch Required for Servers Running on OpenVMS Version 7.1
         3.18.3         Patches Required for XQP Support
     3.19     Enabling XQP+ Support
     3.20     Case-sensitivity for File Names and ADMINISTER Commands
Chapter 4
4 Problems Corrected in PATHWORKS Advanced Server V6.0C-ECO1
     4.1     Installation and Configuration Problems
         4.1.1         Backup Domain Controller Cannot Be Added to a Windows 2000 Domain
     4.2     Server Problems
         4.2.1         File Created by a Windows Client Might Not Be Truncated Correctly
         4.2.2         Operations on a Share That Includes a File with a Large Number of Versions Cause a "Yikes" Error to be Logged
         4.2.3         PWRK$FIXACE Utility Might Fail with ACCVIO
         4.2.4         Advanced Server Crashes in mbreaddoneast Routine (LIBIPC)
         4.2.5         NetBIOS Message Hangs Operator Terminal
         4.2.6         Windows 2000 PDC Fails During Replication to Advanced Server BDC
         4.2.7         Excessive Event 5719 Messages Logged on all Backup Domain Controllers in a Domain
         4.2.8         PWRK$LMSRV Crashes in Module UXREDIR, Routine TCON
         4.2.9         PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in PTRMAP
         4.2.10         System Crashes in PWRK$STREAMSOS_V7
         4.2.11         Incomplete Directory Listings
         4.2.12         Windows NT Workstation User Unable to Log In - NET5722 Errors
     4.3     File Access/Printing Problems
         4.3.1         "Access Denied" Error Messages Received Sporadically
         4.3.2         Users with Logons Restricted to One Workstation Cannot Print to Shared Printers on Other Workstations
         4.3.3         Unlocked User Account Denied Access, Event 1909 Logged: "Account Locked Out"
     4.4     ADMINISTER Command Problems
         4.4.1         REMOVE SHARE Command Fails with Share Name That Has Trailing Spaces
         4.4.2         Logon Denied After Adding a User Account or Changing a Password in a Domain with a Windows 2000 Primary Domain Controller
         4.4.3         SHOW COMPUTERS Command Displays Inconsistent Information from Servers in Different Subnets of the Same Domain
         4.4.4         Once Permissions Are Removed from a File or Directory, Owner Cannot Change Permissions
         4.4.5         Time Values in SHOW Command Displays Fail to Roll Over Past 23 Hours
         4.4.6         SHOW FILES /PERMISSIONS Command Brings "The RPC server is unavailable" Error
         4.4.7         Advanced Server Removes Host Mappings Unexpectedly When User Account Name Resolution Fails with SHOW HOSTMAP Command
     4.5     Cluster-Related Problems
         4.5.1         With Open File Caching, PWRK$LMSRV Hangs with Deadlock
     4.6     PATHWORKS Advanced Server Interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle) Problems
         4.6.1         PATHWORKS Advanced Server Is Incompatible with Certain Versions of Oracle Database Software

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