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Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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2.6.1 Upgrading OpenVMS VAX Systems

The command procedure SYS$UPDATE:UCX$CLEANUP.COM is typically used to clean up a previous version of the TCP/IP Services product. However, running this command procedure when the new version of TCP/IP Services has been installed removes files that are necessary for the operation of the product.


Do not run the UCX$CLEANUP.COM command procedure after installing the new version of TCP/IP Services on an OpenVMS VAX system. If you run this command procedure, it will corrupt your TCP/IP Services installation.

Compaq strongly recommends that you remove this command procedure after installing the new version of TCP/IP Services.

2.6.2 Some UCX Files Remain After Installation

After you install and start the current version of TCP/IP Services, some files with a UCX$ prefix remain. (Most other files provided by this product use the prefix TCPIP$.) The files listed in Table 2-1 are required in order to maintain backward compatibility with previous versions of TCP/IP Services.


Table 2-1 UCX Files Required for Backward Compatibility
File Description
SYS$LIBRARY:UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE Allows the Compaq C Run-Time Library (CRTL) to use TCP/IP sockets.
The INETDEF files are shipped for compatibility with applications developed under TCP/IP Services Version 4.2. These files are identical to the files shipped with Version 4.2
SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$UCP.EXE An empty (zero block) marker file that allows some layered products that use an unsupported test for the presence of the TCP/IP Services to continue to operate.
SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$SERVICE.DAT An empty (zero block) marker file may be created if the file does not exist when TCPIP$STARTUP.COM executes. The file specified by the logical name TCPIP$SERVICE (which defaults to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$SERVICE.DAT) contains the actual service information.
These files print an informational message to SYS$OUTPUT, then execute the corresponding TCPIP file. This allows the TCP/IP Services product to continue to operate until the system manager changes command files to use the new TCPIP prefix.
SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$LPD_SMB.EXE Maintains backward compatibility for LPD print queues.
Shareable images required for user-written programs written under previous versions of the product.
SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]UCX$TELNETSYM.EXE TELNET print symbiont executable. This file is identical to TCPIP$TELNETSYM.EXE.

2.6.3 Preserving LPD Startup and Shutdown Behavior

Your LPD startup and shutdown command procedures may contain site-specific edits. You must preserve these edits manually when you upgrade to the current version of TCP/IP Services from a previous version. The procedure for preserving your edits differs for OpenVMS Alpha systems (see Section and OpenVMS VAX systems (see Section To preserve your site-specific startup and shutdown command procedure files, use the procedure that is appropriate to the type of system. Preserving LPD Behavior (Alpha Systems)

When you install TCP/IP Services over an earlier version of the product, follow the instructions displayed on your screen to preserve your edits in the LPD startup and shutdown command procedures.

The following shows a sample screen display.

The following product will be installed to destination: 
UCX product already installed. 
Another version of TCP/IP is installed. You must execute the following 
three commands before continuing with this installation: 

After you follow these instructions and complete the installation of TCP/IP Services, your site-specific edits to the LPD startup and shutdown files are found in:


Now merge your site-specific edits into:


To preserve your site-specific startup and shutdown information, you must install TCP/IP Services, then copy the site-specific edits from:


to the following files:


When you merge edits, do not include the commands to start and stop the queue UCX$LPD_QUEUE. This queue has been replaced with TCPIP$LPD_QUEUE. The commands for starting and stopping TCPIP$LPD_QUEUE are in the LPD startup and shutdown command procedure files.

After you merge the edits, modify the value of the /PROCESSOR qualifier in the LPD client queue startup commands that you have just appended, replacing TCPIP$LPD_SMB with UCX$LPD_SMB. For example, enter the following command:

LSE Command> SUBSTITUTE/ALL "ucx$lpd_smb" "tcpip$lpd_smb" 

2.6.4 Saving Mail Messages When You Upgrade

The new version of SMTP includes control files that are different from previous versions. Before upgrading to the current version of TCP/IP Services, run the ANALYZE utility to pick up any dead letters (SMTP control files that have not been submitted to a print queue), as follows:


2.6.5 Preserving SNMP Startup and Shutdown Behavior

After you upgrade to the current version of TCP/IP Services, you must perform one of the following actions to ensure correct SNMP startup:

  • If SNMP was configured under an old TCP/IP Services installation (UCX) and you want to retain the previous configuration, run the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure and select the option to automatically convert UCX configuration files.
  • After you upgrade to the current version of TCP/IP Services, run the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure. If SNMP is still enabled, disable SNMP then enable it again. This is necessary for the proper operation of this component.

If you have customized versions of the UCX$SNMP_STARTUP.COM and UCX$SNMP_SHUTDOWN.COM command procedures (used to start and stop extension subagents), save your customized files to a different directory before upgrading to the new version of TCP/IP Services. If you do not perform this step, your customized changes will be lost.

Check for versions of these files in the following locations:


After you install TCP/IP Services, manually merge your saved changes into the new files created after installation. For more information, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. >2.7 SNMP Installation and Setup Notes

The following sections describe procedures for installing and setting up SNMP.

2.7.1 SNMP Messages When You Install TCP/IP Services

For sites where the same version of TCP/IP Services is installed multiple times, informational messages similar to the following may appear in the installation dialog:

Do you want to review the options? [NO] 
Execution phase starting ... 
The following product will be installed to destination: 
The following product will be removed from destination: 
%PCSI-I-RETAIN, file [SYSEXE]TCPIP$ESNMP_SERVER.EXE was not replaced because 
file from kit does not have higher generation number 
%PCSI-I-RETAIN, file [SYSEXE]TCPIP$HR_MIB.EXE was not replaced because file 
from kit does not have higher generation number 
%PCSI-I-RETAIN, file [SYSEXE]TCPIP$OS_MIBS.EXE was not replaced because file 
from kit does not have higher generation number 
%PCSI-I-RETAIN, file [SYSLIB]TCPIP$ESNMP_SHR.EXE was not replaced because file 
from kit does not have higher generation number 
%PCSI-I-RETAIN, file [SYSLIB]UCX$ESNMP_SHR.EXE was not replaced because file 
from kit does not have higher generation number 

You can ignore these messages.

2.7.2 Verifying the SNMP Installation

SNMP has a separate installation verification procedure (IVP). To verify your SNMP configuration, perform these steps:

  1. Configure the SNMP services using the TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure, and start the TCP/IP Services software. Make sure that your process has SYSTEM user privileges.
  2. Run the TCP/IP Services configuration command procedure by entering the following command:

  3. Choose option 7 (Run tests).
  4. From the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS TEST Menu, choose option 2.
  5. To run the SNMP IVP any time after exiting the configuration procedure, enter the following command:


2.7.3 SNMP Subagent Startup Messages

The SNMP startup procedure can produce the following error messages in subagent log files:

25-JUL-2001 14:13:32.47 **ERROR ESNMP_INIT.C line 3777: Could not 
connect to master: connection refused 
25-JUL-2001 14:13:32.94 WARNING OS_MIBS.C line 942: Master agent 
cannot be reached.  Waiting to attempt reconnect. 

These messages are the result of a timing problem and can be ignored.

2.8 Setting Up the TCP/IP Services Message Database

At installation, the TCP/IP Services message database is installed at SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]TCPIP.MSGHLP$DATA.

To get information about TCP/IP messages, include this database with the OpenVMS message database, as follows:

  1. Define the logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY to point to all the databases in the directory:

  2. Enter the DCL command HELP/MESSAGE to make sure the TCP/IP message database is now recognized. For example:

     SESDCN,  FTPD: Session disconnection from 'host' at 'time' 
      Facility:     TCPIP, FTP Server 
      Explanation:  This message appears when a session is disconnected, stating 
                    the name of the client initiating the disconnection and the 
                    time of the disconnection. 
      User Action:  None. 
    Press RETURN to continue ... 

    In this example, Help Message displays all the messages that contain FTP as part of the message ID.

2.9 Troubleshooting SMTP and LPD Shutdown Problems

If SMTP or LPD shutdown generates errors indicating that the queue manager is not running, check your site-specific shutdown command procedure (VMS_SYSHUTDOWN.COM). If this procedure contains the command to stop the queue manager (STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER), make sure this command comes after any invocation of the TCPIP$SHUTDOWN.COM procedure.


You do not have to stop the queue manager explicitly. The queue manager is automatically stopped and started when you restart the system.

Chapter 3
Problems and Restrictions

This chapter provides information about problems and restrictions in the current version of TCP/IP Services.

3.1 Determining the TCP/IP Device Name from a Channel Assignment

OpenVMS provides several ways to determine the name of a device on a channel assignment. Using the SYS$GETDVI/SYS$GETDVIW system services, the DVI$_DEVNAM, DVI$_FULLDEVNAM, and DVI$_UNIT items all return information about the device. While the first two provide the full device name, DVI$_UNIT returns only the unit number of the device. To form the complete device name, a program must prefix the unit number (as a string) with the device name and controller information. In the case of the TCP/IP device name, the programmer could add the string BG or BGA . For example, BG + 1234 would produce the device name BG1234: .

The TCP/IP device name may be altered in a future release. It is good programming practice to use the DVI$_DEVNAM or DVI$_FULLDEVNAM items to obtain the full device-name string. Such programs are not based on the assumption that the TCP/IP device name is BGnnnn or BGA nnnn , and would not be affected by any change in the TCP/IP device name strategy.

3.2 RCP Full Transparent Copy Operations

RCP on OpenVMS is best used for transferring text files. By default, RCP converts any type of OpenVMS file that is not Stream_LF to Stream_LF format using the standard OpenVMS $CONVERT utility with the following conversion specification:


Then RCP sends the converted file using block-mode RMS file I/O (SYS$READ()) and on receive writes the data using block-mode (SYS$WRITE()).

This behavior has been changed so that RCP does not convert Fixed or Undefined files (in addition to Stream_LF files). You can restore the old behavior using with the TCPIP$RCP_SEND_FIX_FORMAT_AS_ASCII logical name. If this logical name is set, the original behavior of converting Fixed and Undefined files is restored. If this logical is set to a number other than 1, the original behavior is restored, except for files with a fixed-length record size that exactly matches the value of this logical name, which are not converted.

For example, if you define this logical to 512, all Fixed and Undefined files are converted except for Fixed files with a fixed-length record size of 512 (such as OpenVMS executable image files).

The receiving peer, if OpenVMS, always creates a file of type Stream_LF. The RCP protocol provides no method of transferring file type information between sender and receiver. Therefore, the receiving peer has no way of knowing anything about file structure.

In an OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS transfer, if the original file was Fixed or Undefined and was not converted, the user can change the attributes on the Stream_LF copy to correspond to the format of the original file. This can be accomplished using the DCL command SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES.

For example, after transferring an OpenVMS executable image file (Fixed with a record-length of 512 bytes), enter the following command to make it an executable again:


RCP also has file-size limitations. These are due to RCP's dependence on the Compaq C RTL (run-time library). The RCP protocol requires the length of the file to be sent as part of the protocol. The length is interpreted as a signed 32-bit integer. On OpenVMS, the file's length is determined using a Compaq C RTL call to fstat() . Therefore, files transferred using RCP must be less than 2 GB minus 1 byte (2147483647 bytes).

In comparison, FTP does not have any of these limitations, but it utilizes a different security model.

3.3 BIND Version 9 Does Not Run on VAX Systems

The new BIND Version 9 DNS server does not run on VAX systems. Please note that future support of BIND 8 on VAX systems will be limited. If you are running a BIND server on a VAX system, you should upgrade to an Alpha system.

3.4 NFS Problems and Restrictions

The following sections describe problems and restrictions with NFS.

3.4.1 NFS Server Problems and Restrictions

If the NFS server and the NFS client are in different domains and unqualified host names are used in requests, the lock server (LOCKD) fails to honor the request and leaves the file unlocked.

When the server attempts to look up a host using its unqualified host name (for example, johnws ) instead of the fully qualified host name (for example, johnws.abc com ), and the host is not in the same domain as the server, the request fails.

To solve this type of problem, you can do one of the following:

  • When you configure the NFS client, specify the fully qualified host name, including the domain name. This ensures that translation will succeed.
  • Add an entry to the NFS server's hosts database for the client's unqualified host name. Only that NFS server will be able to translate this host name. This solution will not work if the client obtains its address dynamically from DHCP.

3.4.2 NFS Client Problems and Restrictions

  • To get proper timestamps, when the system time is changed for daylight savings time (DST), dismount all DNFS devices. (The TCP/IP management command SHOW MOUNT should show zero mounted devices.) Then remount the devices.
  • The NFS client should properly handle file names with the semicolon character on ODS-5 disk volumes. (For example, a^;b.dat;5 is a valid file name.)
    The current version does not handle these types of file names properly; they are truncated at the semicolon.
  • The NFS client included with TCP/IP Services uses the NFS Version 2 protocol only.
  • With the NFS Version 2 protocol, the value of the file size is limited to 32 bits.
  • The ISO Latin-1 character set is supported. The UCS-2 characters are not supported.
  • File names, including file extensions, can be no more than 236 characters long.
  • Files containing characters not accepted by ODS-5 on the active OpenVMS version or whose name and extension exceeds 236 characters are truncated to zero length. This makes them invisible to OpenVMS and is consistent with prior OpenVMS NFS client behavior.

3.5 IPv6 Requires the BIND Resolver

If you are using IPv6, you must enable the BIND resolver. If you do not have the BIND resolver configured, you can enable it using the TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure. From the Core menu, select BIND Resolver. If you do not have access to a BIND server, specify the node address as your BIND server. You must specify the BIND server to enable the BIND resolver.

3.6 TCP/IP Management Command Restrictions

The following restrictions apply to the TCP/IP management commands:

    This command requires the SYSNAM privilege. If you enter the command without the appropriate privilege at the process level, the command does not work and you are not notified. If you enter the command at the system level, the command does not work but you do receive an error message.
  • SET SERVICE command
    When you modify parameters to a service, disable and reenable the service for the modifications to take effect.

3.7 NTP Problems and Restrictions

The NTP server has a stratum limit of 15. The server does not synchronize to any time server that reports a stratum of 15 or greater. This may cause problems if you try to synchronize to a server running the UCX NTP server, if that server has been designated as "free running" (with the local-master command). For proper operation, the local-master designation must be specified with a stratum no greater than 14.

3.8 SNMP Problems

This section describes restrictions to the SNMP component for this release.

3.8.1 Incomplete Restart

When the SNMP master and subagents fail or are stopped, TCP/IP Services is often able to restart all processes automatically. However, under certain conditions, subagent processes may not restart; that is, the DCL command SHOW SYSTEM display does not include TCPIP$OS_MIBS and TCPIP$HR_MIB. If this situation occurs, restart SNMP by entering the following commands:


3.8.2 SNMP IVP Error

On slow systems, the SNMP Installation Verification Procedure can fail because a subagent does not respond to the test query. The error messages look like this:

Shutting down the SNMP service... done. 
Creating temporary read/write community SNMPIVP_153. 
Enabling SET operations. 
Starting the SNMP service... done. 
SNMPIVP: unexpected text in response to SNMP request: 
"- no such name - returned for variable 1" 
sysContact could not be retrieved.  Status = 0 
The SNMP IVP has NOT completed successfully. 
SNMP IVP request completed. 
Press Return to continue ... 

These types of messages in the IVP can be safely ignored.

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