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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

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D.3.7.1 Changing the BIND Database

If multiple master BIND servers are running in a cluster, and a change is made to the common BIND database, the database must be reloaded on each node running the master BIND server. To reload the BIND database on every node in the cluster where the master BIND server is running, enter the following command:


The /CLUSTER qualifier takes the directory specification of the common BIND directory as a value. If you omit the device and directory, it defaults to:


In this case, common_device is automatically generated in the following manner:

  • If the SYSUAF logical is defined, then the common disk is determined from its definition.
  • If SYSUAF logical is not defined, the system uses SYS$SYSDEVICE as the default device.

D.4 Populating the BIND Server Databases

To populate the BIND server database files, use one of the following methods:

  • Convert an existing host database with the CONVERT/UNIX BIND command.
  • Manually edit the ZONE.DB files.

D.4.1 Using Existing Databases

To populate the BIND server database by copying information from the hosts database and other database files, enter the CONVERT/UNIX BIND command. This command does the following:

  • Creates a BIND server database (if needed).
  • Extracts data from the hosts database. (The BIND server uses UNIX-style formatted files.)
  • Extracts Mail Exchange (MX) information from the routes database.
  • Populates the BIND server database with the host and MX records.
  • Creates a forward translation file with the following characteristics:
    • It has address, canonical name, and MX entries.
    • If a file with the same name as the output file already exists, the serial number from that file's start-of-authority (SOA) entry increments and becomes the serial number of the new output file.
    • If no previous version of the output file exists, the serial number for the new file is 1.

    When you specify forward translation (by omitting the /DOMAIN qualifier), any host in the hosts database that is not qualified with a domain is included in the target domain. For example, if the local domain is x.y.z. , the CONVERT/UNIX BIND command includes: a , b.x.y.z , c.x.y.z.z but does not include d.x.y.h .
  • Creates a reverse translation file if you specify /DOMAIN=(domain.name) and the end of domain.name is IN-ADDR.ARPA.
    The created reverse translation file has the following characteristics:
    • Only records applicable to the domain you specify are placed into the output file.
    • The output file has domain name pointer entries.
    • If a file with the same name as the output file already exists, the serial number from that file's SOA entry increments and becomes the serial number of the new output file.
    • If no previous version of the output file exists, the serial number for the new file is 1.
    • Selects hosts with IP addresses that match the partial IP address from domain.name. For example, /DOMAIN=16.99.IN-ADDR.ARPA does a reverse translation and selects hosts whose addresses begin with 99.16.

If the BIND server's directory is SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND] and you have specified domain abc.def.com , the default output file is named SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]ABC_DEF_COM.DB.

HP suggests that you do not change the default directory name. If you do, the file is created in your current directory.

On the command line, specify the full OpenVMS file specification. Do not specify a version number, and do not use wildcards. The following example uses the domain ucx.ern.sea.com , creates a UCX_ERN_SEA_COM.DB file, creates a 208_20_9_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB file, and checks the results by displaying directory listings with the new file.




127_0_0.DB;1        208_20_9_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB;1

D.4.2 Manually Editing Zone Files

All name server zone files use the same type of records to define domain database information. HP recommends that you review these resource records before editing any BIND files. The standard resource records (RR) are summarized in Table D-11.

Table D-11 BIND 8 - Standard Resource Record Types
Record Type Description
SOA Start of authority. Marks the beginning of a zone's data and defines parameters that affect the entire zone.
NS Name server. Identifies a domain's name server.
A Address. Maps a host name to an address.
PTR Pointer. Maps an address to a host name.
MX Mail Exchange. Identifies where to deliver mail for a given domain.
CNAME Canonical name. Defines an alias host name.
HINFO Host information. Describes a host's hardware and operating system.
WKS Well-known service. Advertises network services.

The format of DNS records is as follows:

[name] [ttl] IN type data

In this format:

name Specifies the name of the domain object referenced by a resource record. The string entered for name is the current domain unless it ends with a dot. If the name field is blank, the record applies to the domain object last named.
ttl Defines the length of time, in seconds, that the information in this resource record should be kept in cache. Usually, the time-to-live field is left blank, and the default ttl, set for the entire zone SOA record, is used.
IN Identifies the record as an Internet DNS resource record.
type Identifies what kind of resource record this is. (See Table D-11 for the record types you can specify.)
data Information specific to this type of resource record. For example, in an A record, this is the field that contains the actual IP address.

D.4.3 Saving Backup Copies of Zone Data

The name server saves backup copies of the zone data in SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]. Do not delete these backup copies. When the master server is down and the secondary server is started, the secondary server cannot perform a zone transfer until the master server is up. However, with backup copies, the secondary server has some data (though possibly out of date) to perform its basic tasks.

D.4.4 Sample Database Files

The following sections provide sample BIND database files.

D.4.4.1 Local Loopback: Forward and Reverse Translation Files

In the LOCALHOST.DB file, the local host address is usually The following sample LOCALHOST.DB file shows the forward translation for the local loopback interface.

; BIND data file for local loopback interface (forward
; Provided for HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.
$ORIGIN localhost.
@                 1D IN SOA       @ root (
                                  42              ;Serial
                                  3H              ;Refresh
                                  15M             ;Retry
                                  1W              ;Expiry
                                  1D )            ;Minimum
                  1D IN NS        @
                  1D IN A

The following sample 127_0_0.DB file shows the reverse translation for the local loopback interface.

; BIND data file for local loopback interface (reverse
; Provided for HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.
$ORIGIN 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.
@                 1D IN SOA       localhost.
root.localhost. (
                                  42              ;Serial
                                  3H              ;Refresh
                                  15M             ;Retry
                                  1W              ;Expiry
                                  1D )            ;Minimum
                  1D IN NS        localhost.
1                 1D IN PTR       localhost.

These local host databases provide forward and inverse translation for the widely used LOCALHOST name. The LOCALHOST name is always associated with the IP address and is used for local loopback traffic.

D.4.4.2 Hint File

This file contains root name server hints. Any name server running on a host without direct Internet connectivity should list the internal roots in its hint file.

The following sample shows a ROOT.HINT file. In earlier releases, this file was called NAMED.CA.

; Data file for initial cache data for root domain servers.
; Provided for HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.
; <<>> DiG 8.1 <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 13, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 13
;;      ., type = NS, class = IN
.             6D IN NS H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.             6D IN NS A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     5w6d16h IN A
;; Total query time: 608 msec
;; FROM: ucx.ern.sea.com to SERVER:
;; WHEN: Mon May 18 15:26:19 1998
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 17  rcvd: 436

This cache initialization file contains NS records that name root servers and A records that provide the addresses of root servers.

To create a ROOT.HINT file do the following:

  2. Select the Server Components menu.
  3. Select the BIND server.

This procedure creates the ROOT.HINT file and places the file in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND] directory.

D.4.4.3 Forward Translation File

The forward translation file, domain_name.DB, stores host-name-to-address mapping. For example, for the domain ROBIN.BIRD.COM, the following database file is created: ROBIN_BIRD_COM.DB. The following example shows a domain_name.DB file:

$ORIGIN ucx.ern.sea.com.
@               IN      SOA     owl.ucx.ern.sea.com. pmaster.owl.ern.sea.com.
                                23      ; Serial
                                600     ; Refresh
                                300     ; Retry
                                172800  ; Expire
                                43200 ) ; Minimum
                IN      NS      owl.ucx.ern.sea.com.
                IN      NS      condor.ucx.ern.sea.com.
thrush          IN      A
condor          IN      A
birdy           IN      A
                IN      MX      10 birdy.ucx.ern.sea.com.
                IN      MX      100 inet-gw-1.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      100 mts-gw.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      200 crl.emu.com.
                IN      MX      300 nester.emu.com.
seagull         IN      A
                IN      MX      10 seagull.ucx.ern.sea.com.
                IN      MX      100 inet-gw-1.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      100 mts-gw.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      200 crl.emu.com.
                IN      MX      300 nester.emu.com.
owl             IN      A
                IN      MX      10 owl.ucx.ern.sea.com.
                IN      MX      100 inet-gw-1.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      100 mts-gw.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      200 crl.emu.com.
                IN      MX      300 nester.emu.com.
peacock         IN      A
                IN      MX      10 pultdown.ucx.ern.sea.com.
                IN      MX      100 inet-gw-1.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      100 mts-gw.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      200 crl.emu.com.
                IN      MX      300 nester.emu.com.
redwing         IN      A
                IN      MX      10 redwing.ucx.ern.sea.com.
                IN      MX      100 inet-gw-1.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      100 mts-gw.pa.emu.com.
                IN      MX      200 crl.emu.com.
                IN      MX      300 nester.emu.com.
robin           IN      A
                IN      A
                IN      A

This file is created only for the master server. All other servers obtain this information from the master server. This file contains most of the domain information and has the following characteristics:

  • Begins with an SOA record and a few NS records that define the domain and its servers.
  • Maps host names to IP addresses.
  • Contains A, MX, CNAME, and other records.

MX records identify the servers in a domain that are used for forwarding mail. Use MX records and preference numbers to define the order in which mail servers are used. The lower the preference number, the more desirable the server.

D.4.4.4 Reverse Translation File

The reverse translation file, address.DB, stores address-to-host-name mapping (reverse mapping) information. For example, for the same domain, a file with the name 208_20_9_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB is created.

The following example shows an address.DB file.

$ORIGIN 208.20.9.in-addr.arpa.
@     IN   SOA   owl.ucx.ern.sea.com. pmaster.owl.ucx.ern.sea.com.
                          1       ; Serial
                          600     ; Refresh
                          300     ; Retry
                          172800  ; Expire
                          43200 ) ; Minimum
      IN      NS      owl.ucx.ern.sea.com.
      IN      NS      condor.ucx.ern.sea.com.
53              IN      PTR     thrush.ucx.ern.sea.com.
10              IN      PTR     condor.ucx.ern.sea.com.
47              IN      PTR     birdy.ucx.ern.sea.com.
30              IN      PTR     seagull.ucx.ern.sea.com.
72              IN      PTR     owl.ucx.ern.sea.com.
73              IN      PTR     peacock.ucx.ern.sea.com.
79              IN      PTR     redwing.ucx.ern.sea.com.

PTR records predominate in this file because they are used to translate addresses to host names.

D.5 Examining Name Server Statistics

The BIND server collects statistics that record server activity. To examine BIND statistics, use the SHOW NAME_SERVICE/STATISTICS command. This command logs statistics to the file TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_STATISTICS.LOG, located in SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND].

The following sample shows a statistics log:

34250   time since boot (secs)
15670   time since reset (secs)
12      Unknown query types
20000   A queries
540     SOA queries
2399    MX queries
867     ANY queries
3       AXFR queries

++ Name Server Statistics ++
        RR      RNXD    RFwdR   RDupR   RFail
        RFErr   RErr    RAXFR   RLame   ROpts
        SSysQ   SAns    SFwdQ   SDupQ   SErr
        RQ      RIQ     RFwdQ   RDupQ   RTCP
        SFwdR   SFail   SFErr   SNaAns  SNXD
        2 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0  2 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 5  0 0 0 0 0
-- Name Server Statistics --
++ Memory Statistics ++
      3:           9 gets,           2 rem
      4:           7 gets,           0 rem (1 bl, 1022
      5:          16 gets,           1 rem
      6:           7 gets,           5 rem
      7:          10 gets,           5 rem
      8:          97 gets,          16 rem (1 bl, 485 ff)
     13:           6 gets,           4 rem
    664:           5 gets,           1 rem (1 bl, 5 ff)
    732:           2 gets,           0 rem (1 bl, 5 ff)
   1040:           1 gets,           1 rem (1 bl, 2 ff)
>= 1100:          23 gets,           9 rem
-- Memory Statistics --
--- Statistics Dump --- (907337687) Fri Jan 7  10:14:47 2000

The log lists information about how long the server has been running and how long since the last reset, and provides a count of the number of queries processed for each available resource record type.

In the Memory Statistics section, statistics for each size are displayed showing, in the following order:

  1. The total number of times that a buffer of that size was allocated (gets).
  2. The number of buffers of that size which have not yet been freed and currently remain allocated (rem).
  3. The number of blocks currently allocated. Note that buffers are allocated in large groups at a time, and these groups are called blocks (bl).
  4. The number of buffers within those blocks that are currently free (ff, which stands for free fragments).

D.6 Configuring BIND with SET CONFIGURATION Commands

The following sections describe how to manually set up BIND servers by using SET CONFIGURATION BIND commands.


These commands create a UCX Version 4.x configuration. If you set up your BIND name server using these commands, you must also use the CONVERT/CONFIGURATION BIND command to convert the databases to the BIND 8.1 format. If you omit this step, your changes will not take effect.

D.6.1 Setting Up a Master Name Server

To instruct the master name server to read the appropriate database files using the information in TCPIP$CONFIGURATION.DAT, use the SET CONFIGURATION BIND command. Use the SHOW CONFIGURATION BIND command to display BIND information from the configuration database (TCPIP$CONFIGURATION.DAT).

The following commands tell the name server to read the appropriate files:

Example D-9 BIND 8 - Reading Database Files





To view these settings, use the SHOW CONFIGURATION BIND command.

D.6.2 Setting Up a Secondary (Slave) Name Server

Configure a secondary server to populate itself by copying the DNS database files from the master server.

To configure a secondary server, enter the following commands:



_TCPIP>            HOST:OWL)

_TCPIP>             FILE:208_20_9_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB, -

D.6.3 Setting Up a Cache-Only Server

To configure a cache-only server, enter:


This command points the server to the file NAMED.CA.

D.6.4 Setting Up a Forwarder Name Server

To configure a forwarder, enter the following command:


In this command, host specifies the forwarding server.


You cannot set up a server to be both a forwarder and a caching server.

D.7 Configuring the BIND Resolver

Your host uses the BIND resolver to obtain information from a name server. When a request for name translation arrives, the resolver first searches the local host database for the host information. If not found, the resolver then queries the BIND name server for host information.

The resolver is automatically configured by TCPIP$CONFIG when you choose "Option 1 --- Core Environment." To display your resolver configuration, enter the following command:


TCP/IP Services displays the following data:

BIND Resolver Parameters

 Local domain: ucx.ern.sea.com


  State:     Started, Enabled

  Transport: UDP
  Domain:    ucx.ern.sea.com
  Retry:     4
  Timeout:   4
  Servers:   lark
  Path:      ucx.ern.sea.com,ern.sea.com,sea.com


  State:     Enabled


Here, host LARK in the current domain is the default name server. To add records to the local hosts database, use the SET HOST command. For example, the following command adds host birdy to the local host database. (See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference manual for more information on using SET commands.)


To delete server entries from the configuration database, or to add new entries, enter the following command:


This command modifies the volatile database. To make changes permanent, also enter a SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE command to add the change to the permanent database. Enter a SHOW CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE command to view the results.

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