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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

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MAC address #1
MAC address #2
Management overview
    Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND)
    BOOTP server
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol #1
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol #2
    event logging
    load-balancing methods
    logical names
    LPD concepts
    network controllers and interfaces
    NFS client
    NFS concepts
    NTP synchronized time keeping
    serial connections
    serial lines
        uses for PPP and SLIP
    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
    SNMP concepts
    static and dynamic routing
    TELNET print symbiont
Managing remote access
    an OpenVMS file system
    dynamic and static
    user accounts
    user identities
        proxy database
        UID/GID pairs
Master agent
Master configuration file
Master file directory (MFD)
Master server
    see Auxiliary server
Master time source
Master zones
Masters list
    displaying NTP statistics
    extending for FTP
    disabling OPCOM for SNMP
    event logging for SNMP
    POP mail server
    POP server
    POP server logging #1
    POP server logging #2
    redirecting SNMP logging
    SNMP trace logging
    suppressing OPCOM for TELNETSYM
    TELNET login/logout
    trace log for SNMP
    trap for SNMP
Metric server
    calculating load
Migrating from BIND Version 4 to BIND Version 9
MIME mail
    file system characteristics
    NFS server attributes
    TCP/IP Services configuration
    translation tables
Mount options
    and NFS server shutdown
MOUNT service
    file systems with NFS client
    NFS client automounts
Multihomed hosts
MX database
    adding entries to
    displaying entries
    routing mail
Name server
    configuration template
    configuration types
        caching-only servers
        forwarder servers
        secondary (slave) servers
    modifying the DHCP name pool
Negotiating time synchronization
    exchanging UDP datagrams
    modifying DHCP network masks
Network device
    defining new
Network File System (NFS)
    see NFS, NFS server
Network interfaces
    configuring for PPP
    defining pseudointerfaces #1
    defining pseudointerfaces #2
    defining with SET INTERFACE command
    displaying #1
    displaying #2
    specifying network mask
    supported number per device
Network masks
Network printing
Network services
    configuring the Portmapper
    SET SERVICE command
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
    see NTP
Networks database
    differences between UNIX and OpenVMS file systems
    file locking
    file system types
NFS client
    and default user
    authenticating users
    converting file names
    creating customized ADFs
    device names
    DNFS devices
    extended file specifications
    granting file access
    handling multiple file types
    mapping user identities
    mounting files and directories
        background mounts
        mount options
        occluded mounts
        required privileges
        shared mount
    registering users
    storing file attributes #1
    storing file attributes #2
    using ADFs for non-STREAM_LF files
NFS server
    access to client superuser
    adding entries to the proxy database
    authenticating clients
        container file system
    container file systems
    export database
        adding entries
    exporting a file system
    extended file specifcations
    file system integrity
    file system setup
    granting user access
    in OpenVMS environment
    maintaining a container file system
    mapping user identities
        default user
    modifying attributes
    on OpenVMS Cluster
    proxy database
        displaying information
    registering users and hosts
    security controls
    security options
        bitmask values for
    selecting a file system
    SHOW NFS_SERVER command
        behavior with mount options
    starting and stopping
        active threads
        SYSGEN parameters
    user accounts
Notify feature
    BIND Version 9
nslookup utility
NSUPDATE utility
nsupdate utility
NTP #1
NTP #2
    accepting and rejecting peers
    adjusting system time
    authenticating peers
    backup time server
    configuration guidelines
    configuration statements
    creating the configuration file
    event logging
        sample log file
    negotiating synchronization to peers
    sample configuration file
    selecting time sources
    setting date and time
    time servers
    tracing time source
    using with other time services
NTPDATE utility
NTPDC utility
    control message commands
    interactive commands
    making run-time changes
    request commands
NTPQ utility
NTPTRACE utility

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