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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
The ASSIGN command in this example places the logical name GROUP_DISK in the group logical name table. The DEASSIGN command specifies conflicting qualifiers; because the /GROUP qualifier is last, the name is successfully deassigned.
Deassigns a logical queue from a printer or terminal queue and stops the logical queue. The DEASSIGN/QUEUE command cannot be used with batch queues. FormatDEASSIGN/QUEUE logical-queue-name[:] Parameter
DescriptionOnce you enter the DEASSIGN/QUEUE command, the jobs in the logical queue remain pending until the queue is reassigned to another printer queue or device with the ASSIGN/QUEUE command. Example
FormatDEBUG Heap Analyzer
Marks the beginning of an input stream for a command or program. FormatDECK DescriptionThe DECK command marks the data that follows it as input for a command or program. The DECK command can be used only after a request to execute a command or program that requires input data. Qualifier
#1 |
In this example, the Fortran and LINK commands compile and link program A. When the program is run, any data the program reads from the logical device SYS$INPUT is read from the command stream. The DECK command indicates that the input stream can contain dollar signs in column 1 of the record. The EOD command signals end-of-file (EOF) for the data.
#2 |
The CREATE command in this example creates the command procedure file TEST.COM from lines entered into the input stream. The DECK/DOLLARS command indicates that the percent sign (%) is the EOF indicator for the CREATE command. This allows the string $EOD to be read as an input record, signaling the end of the input for the RUN command.
Associates an equivalence name with a logical name.
DEFINE logical-name equivalence-name[,...]
Specifies the logical name string, which is a character string containing from 1 to 255 characters. The following rules apply:
- If the logical name is to be entered into the process or system directory logical name tables (LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY, LNM$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY), then the name can only have from 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters, including the dollar sign ($) and underscore (_).
- If you specify a colon (:) at the end of a logical name, the DEFINE command saves the colon as part of the logical name. (This is in contrast to the ASSIGN command, which removes the colon before placing the name in a logical name table.) By default, the logical name is placed in the process logical name table.
- If the string contains any characters other than uppercase alphanumerics, the dollar sign, or the underscore character, enclose the string in quotation marks (" "). Use two sets of quotation marks ("" "") to denote actual quotation marks. When you enclose a name in quotation marks, the case of alphabetic characters is preserved.
Specifies a character string containing from 1 to 255 characters. The following rules apply:
- If the string contains any characters other than uppercase alphanumerics, the dollar sign, or the underscore character, enclose the string in quotation marks. Use two sets of quotation marks to denote an actual quotation mark. Specifying more than one equivalence name for a logical name creates a search list.
- When you specify an equivalence name that will be used as a file specification, you must include the punctuation marks (colons, brackets, periods) that would be required if the equivalence name were used directly as a file specification. Therefore, if you specify a device name as an equivalence name, you must terminate the equivalence name with a colon.
The DEFINE command allows you to assign multiple equivalence names to a single logical name. For example, you can use the same logical name to access different directories on different disks or to access different files in different directories.
The DEFINE command creates a logical name that represents one or more equivalence names. An equivalence name can be a device name, another logical name, a file specification, or any other string.You can limit the use of a logical name to a process, a job, a group, an entire system, or an entire OpenVMS Cluster system. How you use a logical name depends on the table you created in it. You can specify a table with one of the following qualifiers: /PROCESS, /JOB, /GROUP, /SYSTEM, or /TABLE.
The first four qualifiers represent the process, job, group, or system logical name tables, respectively, whereas the /TABLE qualifier is used to specify any type of table. Furthermore, the /TABLE qualifier is the only one to use when specifying a clusterwide logical name table.
If you enter more than one of the qualifiers, only the last one entered is accepted. If you do not specify a table with one of the qualifiers, the logical name is added to your process logical name table.
To specify the access mode of the logical name you are creating, use the /USER_MODE, the /SUPERVISOR_MODE, or the /EXECUTIVE_MODE qualifier. If you enter more than one of these qualifiers, only the last one entered is accepted. If you do not specify an access mode, a supervisor-mode name is created. You can create a logical name in the same mode as the table in which you are placing the name, or in an outer mode. (User mode is the outermost mode; executive mode is the innermost mode.)
You can enter more than one logical name with the same name in the same table, as long as each name has a different access mode. (However, if an existing logical name within a table has the NO_ALIAS attribute, you cannot use the same name to create a logical name in an outer mode in this table.)
If you create a logical name with the same name, in the same table, and in the same mode as an existing name, the new logical name assignment replaces the existing assignment.
You can also use the ASSIGN command to create logical names. To delete a logical name from a table, use the DEASSIGN command.
Avoid assigning a logical name that matches the file name of an executable image in SYS$SYSTEM:. Such an assignment prohibits you from invoking that image.To create a logical name with no equivalence name (and therefore no indices), use the $CRELNM system service.
If you want to specify an ODS-5 file name as an equivalence name, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials.
For a complete description of logical names and logical name tables, except for their use in applications, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual. For the use of logical names in applications, refer to the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual. For managing clusterwide logical names, refer to the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. In this manual, see also the description of the lexical function F$TRNLNM, which is used to translate logical names.
Requires SYSNAM (system logical name) privilege to create an executive-mode logical name.Creates an executive-mode logical name in the specified table.
If you specify the /EXECUTIVE_MODE qualifier and you do not have SYSNAM privilege, the DEFINE command ignores the qualifier and creates a supervisor-mode logical name. The mode of the logical name must be the same or less privileged than the mode of the table in which you are placing the name.
Requires GRPNAM (group logical name) or SYSNAM (system logical name) privilege to place a name in the group logical name table.Places the logical name in the group logical name table. Other users who have the same group number in their user identification codes (UICs) can access the logical name. The /GROUP qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$GROUP qualifier.
Places the logical name in the jobwide logical name table. All processes in the same job tree as the process that created the logical name can access the logical name. The /JOB qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$JOB qualifier./LOG (default)
Displays a message when a new logical name supersedes an existing name./NAME_ATTRIBUTES[=(keyword[,...])]
Specifies attributes for a logical name. By default, no attributes are set. Possible keywords are as follows:
CONFINE The logical name is not copied into a spawned subprocess. This qualifier is relevant only for logical names in a private table. The logical name inherits the CONFINE attribute from the logical name table where it is entered; if the logical name table is "confined," then all names in the table are "confined."
NO_ALIAS A logical name cannot be duplicated in the specified table in a less privileged access mode; any previously created identical names in an outer (less privileged) access mode within the specified table are deleted. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. Only the attributes you specify are set.
/PROCESS (default)
Places the logical name in the process logical name table. The /PROCESS qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS qualifier./SUPERVISOR_MODE (default)
Creates a supervisor-mode logical name in the specified table. The mode of the logical name must be the same as or less privileged than the mode of the table in which you are placing the name./SYSTEM
Requires write (W) access or SYSNAM (system logical name) privilege to place a name in the system logical name table.Places the logical name in the system logical name table. All system users can access the logical name. The /SYSTEM qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$SYSTEM qualifier.
Requires write (W) access to the table to specify the name of a shareable logical name table.Specifies the name of the logical name table in which the logical name is to be entered. You can use the /TABLE qualifier to specify a user-defined logical name table (created with the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command); to specify the process, job, group, system, or clusterwide logical name tables; or to specify the process or system logical name directory tables.
If you specify the table name using a logical name that has more than one translation, the logical name is placed in the first table found. For example, if you specify DEFINE/TABLE=LNM$FILE_DEV and LNM$FILE_DEV is equated to LNM$PROCESS, LNM$JOB, LNM$GROUP, and LNM$SYSTEM, then the logical name is placed in LNM$PROCESS.
The default is the /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS qualifier.
Equivalence-name qualifier.Specifies one or more attributes that modify an equivalence string of the logical name. Possible keywords are as follows:
CONCEALED Indicates that the equivalence string is the name of a concealed device. When a concealed device name is defined, the system displays the logical name, rather than the equivalence string, in messages that refer to the device. TERMINAL Logical name translation should terminate with the current equivalence string; indicates that the equivalence string should not be translated iteratively. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. Only the attributes you specify are set.
Note that different equivalence strings of a logical name can have different translation attributes.
Creates a user-mode logical name in the specified table.User-mode logical names created within the process logical name tables are used for the execution of a single image; for example, you can create a user-mode logical name to allow an image executing in a command procedure to redefine SYS$INPUT. User-mode entries are deleted from the process logical name table when any image executing in the process exits (that is, after a DCL command or user program that executes an image completes execution). Also, user-mode logical names are automatically deleted when invoking and exiting a command procedure.
#1 |
In this example, the DEFINE command defines TM1 as equivalent to a file specification. After the next image runs, the logical name TM1 is automatically deassigned.
#2 |
In this example, the DEFINE command associates the logical name CHARLIE with the directory name [CHARLES] on the disk XXX1. The PRINT command queues a copy of the file XXX1:[CHARLES]TEST.DAT to the system printer.
#3 |
In this example, the DEFINE command places the logical name PROCESS_NAME in the process logical name table with an equivalence name of LIBRA. The logical name is created in supervisor mode. The program WAKE translates the logical name PROCESS_NAME to perform some special action on the process named LIBRA.
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