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Selecting VMSINSTAL.COM Options  

When you use VMSINSTAL.COM, the command procedure allows you to select up to six options (summarized previously in VMSINSTAL.COM Options.) The following sections describe those VMSINSTAL.COM options in detail.

Using the Autoanswer Option (A) (Layered Products Only) 

The Autoanswer option makes it easier to reinstall a product by providing responses to VMSINSTAL.COM questions and prompts during the reinstallation. You use the Autoanswer option most often to reinstall products after an upgrade.

If you specify the Autoanswer option when you install a product initially, an answer file is created in the form product.ANS in the SYS$UPDATE directory, where product is the product name parameter that you provide when you start VMSINSTAL.COM.

The answer file contains a record of your responses to questions and prompts from VMSINSTAL.COM. For example, if you install the product NEWAID010 with the Autoanswer option, VMSINSTAL.COM creates an answer file called NEWAID010.ANS.

When you reinstall the product and specify the Autoanswer option (typically after upgrading your operating system), VMSINSTAL.COM reads the answer file instead of asking you questions.

If you want to create a new answer file when you reinstall a product, you must first delete the existing answer file.


To use the Autoanswer option, specify the following command:

You can then examine the file:
* Do you want to install the entire kit [Y]? \
* Are these selections correct [Y]? \
* Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? \Y
* Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? \
* How many minutes for system shutdown [0]: \
* Do you want to do an automatic system reboot [YES]? \

Using the Alternate Working Device Option (AWD=)   



Before using this option, check with the product's installation guide to be sure this option is supported by that product.

You can use the Alternate Working Device option to specify an alternate working device for the temporary working directory (defined as the logical name VMI$KWD). This option allows you to perform an installation with fewer free blocks on the system disk than are otherwise required.

If you do not specify this option, VMSINSTAL.COM creates the temporary working directory in the following location:SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSUPD.facvvu]

Format of facvvu Save-Set File Name explains the format of facvvu.

How to Perform This Task

Use the following format to specify this option:AWD=dev:[dir]


Specifies the alternate working device
Specifies the directory under which the facvvu subdirectory will be created

Specifying a directory is optional. If you do not specify a directory, VMSINSTAL.COM creates the working directory on the specified device with the following directory specification: [000000.facvvu]. If you specify a directory, VMSINSTAL.COM creates the working directory as a subdirectory within the directory that you specify (for example, [WORK.facvvu]). If the directory that you specify does not exist, VMSINSTAL.COM does not create it.


To use the working directory [INSTALL] on the alternate device DUA2:, issue the following command:


Using the Get Save Set Option (G) (Layered Products Only)  

NoteYou cannot use this option to copy operating system kits.

Installing products either from a distribution tape or from console media directly onto your system disk is time-consuming. The Get Save Set option saves you time by allowing you to copy product save sets and store them temporarily while you do other work; you can then perform an update more quickly at a time that is convenient for you.

You might consider dedicating a user disk on a node that other licensed system users can access. You can store product save sets on this dedicated user disk to give other licensed system users fast access to the product save-set directory.

Storing a Product Save Set  

To store a product save set on a disk directory using the Get Save Set option, enter a command using the following syntax: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COM product-list source OPTIONS G device:[directory]

The directory you specify must exist, and the device must be mounted.


If you specify just one option, enter the disk directory name immediately after the OPTIONS G parameter, leaving a space between G and the disk directory. For example, if you are storing save sets for a product named NEWAID010 from the console drive into disk directory USER1:[PRODUCTS], enter the following command:

If you specify more than one option, place the disk directory name after the last option, leaving a space between the last option and the disk directory name. For example:
VMSINSTAL.COM creates one or more files to store the product save set in the disk directory. The save-set file name has the following format: facvvu.x

Format of facvvu Save-Set File Name explains the format of facvvu. The format of the file type (x ) is:

A literal file type that identifies save-set files, where A is the first save set, B the second, and so forth

Installing a Product  

To install the product on your system, enter a command in the following format:@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-list device:[directory]


For the product NEWAID010, enter this command:

VMSINSTAL.COM installs the NEWAID product on your system disk.

Specifying Backup Qualifiers  

When you use the Get Save Set option, you can specify three BACKUP command qualifiers: /VERIFY, /LOG, and /CONFIRM. The qualifiers must be enclosed in quotation marks because they are passed as a parameter of the Get Save Set option (G). VMSINSTAL passes the parameter to the BACKUP command within VMSINSTAL. The following example includes the Get Save Set option and BACKUP qualifiers:

The following table contains explanations of the qualifiers shown in the example:

Qualifier Explanation
Compares the contents of the output specifier with the contents of the input specifier after a save, restore, or copy operation completes. If a file does not compare successfully, an error message reporting this fact is displayed.
Causes the file specification of each file processed to be displayed at the terminal during the operation. The default is /NOLOG.
Displays a prompt on your terminal before each file is processed. To process the file, enter Y or YES and press the Return key. The system interprets any other response, including simply pressing the Return key, as NO.

Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information about the BACKUP command and its qualifiers.

Using the File Log Option (L)  

The File Log option logs all file activity to the terminal during installation. File activity as any action that alters the disposition of a file, such as creating a new file, updating a library, or deleting a file.

Using the Release Notes Option (N)  

Use the Release Notes option to display or print the online release notes file supplied by a layered product and by the update procedure.

NoteNot all layered products provide online release notes.

The release notes file receives the file name facvvu.release_notes, where facvvu represents the product name code, version, and update numbers (see Format of facvvu Save-Set File Name); for example, NEWAID010.RELEASE_NOTES.

How to Perform This Task

If release notes are available and you specify option N, VMSINSTAL.COM asks you the following questions. (The default answers are indicated in brackets.)

Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP.
Additional Release Notes Options:
    1. Display release notes
    2. Print release notes
    3. Both 1 and 2
    4. None of the above.
[1] *Select option [2]:
[2] *Queue name [SYS$PRINT]:
[3] *Do you want to continue the installation [N]:
The following list contains explanations that correspond to the numbered entries in the example:
[1] This prompt allows you to choose options 1 through 4.

[2] This prompt is displayed only if you select option 2 or option 3. If you enter the name of a print queue, the system displays a message saying that the release notes have been queued successfully to the printer. If you do not specify a print queue, the release notes are sent to SYS$PRINT by default.

[3] This prompt allows you either to continue or to end the installation. The default is to end the installation.

If the product does not supply release notes, VMSINSTAL.COM displays two error messages. It also asks whether you want to continue or to end the installation, as follows:

%VMSINSTAL.COM-W-NOFILE, New File facvvu.RELEASE_NOTES does not exist. 
%VMSINSTAL.COM-W-NORELNOTE, unable to locate release notes. 
*Do you want to continue the installation [N]:
To continue the installation (whether or not release notes are available), enter Y (for YES) and press Return.

Using the Alternate Root Option (R)  

You can use the Alternate Root option to install the product on a system disk other than that of the running system. You might use this option to test a layered product without disturbing the running system.

The operating system in the alternate root must be complete and have the same version or update level as the running system. All files and software products that the product installation refers to must be present in the alternate root.

NoteNot all optional software products allow you to install a product on an alternate root. Consult the documentation of the specific product to determine whether you can install the product on an alternate root.

Also, HP does not support the installation of a product on an alternate root on the existing system disk.

If you specify option R, the product is installed on the alternate root. However, you cannot create accounts or request a system reboot on an alternate root.
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