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Using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility  

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility is used to install, remove, and manage layered software products on Alpha or VAX systems. It can also save information about software products such as system requirements, installation options, and your answers to questions asked during the product installation procedure.

Perform POLYCENTER Software Installation utility operations from the DCL prompt. Use the following command format to invoke each operation:

$ PRODUCT subcommand product-name[/qualifier1,...]
For example, to install COBOL Version 2.2 and the latest version of Fortran, enter the following command:

The following products have been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS COBOL V2.2           Layered Product
    DEC AXPVMS FORTRAN V7.0         Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return] 
Installing with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility describes installation.

You can enter PRODUCT commands at the DCL prompt ($) or in a DCL command procedure. Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M--Z for subcommand syntax information.

To run the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility as a batch job, see Performing the Installation as a Batch Job.

DCL Commands and Descriptions lists DCL commands the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility can perform and describes each of them.

Table 3   DCL Commands and Descriptions
DCL Command Description
Creates a product configuration file (PCF)
Copies a software product kit or converts it to another format
Deletes one or more patch recovery data sets

Retrieves a specified file or files from a software product kit
Retrieves the product description file (PDF) from a software product kit
Retrieves the product text file (PTF) from a software product kit
Retrieves the release notes from a software product kit
Displays the name of product kits found in a specified directory
Installs one or more software products and updates the product database
Lists a file or files contained in a specified product kit that is packaged in sequential format
Creates a software product kit in either sequential or reference format
Modifies the configuration of an installed product and updates the product database
Records information in the product database about one or more installed products that are not yet registered in the database
Records a change in volume label in the product database
Uninstalls one or more software products and updates the product database
Displays in chronological order the operations performed on software products
Displays information about objects created during software product installation
Displays information about installed products
Displays patch recovery data sets in chronological order
Displays information about the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
Uninstalls one or more patches for which recovery data has been saved

Privileges Required

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility requires specific privileges to perform certain operations, as shown in Privileges Required by the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility.

Table 4   Privileges Required by the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility
Operations Privileges Required
SYSLCK and SYSPRV (or a system UIC)

Some commands might also require BYPASS or NETMBX privileges.

The execution of command procedures from the kit you are installing might require additional privileges. Check the installation guides that you receive with product kits for these privileges.

Product Files and Databases  

The following files are used by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility:

Format of Software Product Kits  

Software products compliant with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility are distributed in one of three formats:

Software Product Name Conventions  

A software product kit packaged in sequential copy format has a container file named in the following format:

A software product kit packaged in reference copy format has a product description file in the root directory named in the following format:
Each subfield is separated by a hyphen and is defined as follows:

Table 5   PDF Kit Types and Values
Value Type of Kit Description
Layered product (application) software.
Operating system
Operating system software.
An upgrade to currently installed software that replaces or provides new files. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product.
A correction to currently installed software that replaces or provides new files. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product.
An integrated set of software products (product suite).
Product information used to register (in the POLYCENTER Software Installation database) a product that was installed by VMSINSTAL or other mechanism. This kit includes only a PDF and (optionally) a PTF; it does not provide product material.
Mandatory update
A required correction to currently installed software that replaces or provides new files. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. Functionally the same as a patch kit.

Version Identification Format  

The version of the software product kit is in the format tmmnn-ue. This format is described in Format of tmmnn-ue Version Identification.

Table 6   Format of tmmnn-ue Version Identification
The type of version (a single uppercase alphabetic character).
The major version number (decimal integer 01 through 99).
The minor version number (decimal integer 00 through 99).
The hyphen is required in all cases. When both update level (u) and maintenance edit level (e) are omitted, the version will end with a hyphen and the file name will have a double hyphen (- -) preceding the kit type.
The update level (decimal integer 1 through 999). The level is optional.
The maintenance edit level (one or more alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character). This level is optional.

The following table of examples shows how to use the format:

Example Description
In this example:
  • Version type: V

  • Major release: 06

  • Minor release: 01

  • Update level: 0 (implicit)

  • No edit level

In this example:
  • Version type: V

  • Major release: 06

  • Minor release: 01

  • Update level: 1

  • Edit level: H2

In this example:
  • Version type: T

  • Major release: 06

  • Minor release: 02

  • Update level: 0 (implicit)

  • Edit level: FT2

Software Product Name Examples  

The following examples show how the format is used for one sequential and two reference copy format kits:

Creating a Product Configuration File (PCF)  

You can create a PCF before or during an installation. You can also create more than one PCF for each product, thereby helping you to customize software installations for unique hardware situations or for different usage patterns within a group.

If a PCF is present and it contains a response for a configuration choice, the default for that choice comes from the PCF. The PCF specifies whether the choice can be changed or whether it is required.

If a PCF is not present or does not contain a response for a configuration choice, the default choice comes from one of two places:

Configuration Options  

Some options available for customizing the PCF are:

Configuration Commands  

To create a PCF, use the PRODUCT CONFIGURE command. For example:

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility creates a PCF in your current default directory. The default PCF is named DEFAULT.PCSI$CONFIGURATION. To override the default file name or directory, use the /CONFIGURATION=OUTPUT qualifier. Refer to the sample procedure in the next section.

Recording Configuration Choices  

After defining the PCF, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility prompts you with questions about the product. Determine how and whether your responses are recorded in the PCF by responding to the questions and using two predefined function keys. The following table shows how your responses configure the PCF:

Key Action by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
Accepts the default or explicitly entered choice for the current operation and for entry into the PCF, and then moves to the next choice.

If the Defer option is in effect, this entry can be changed when the PCF is used for future installations or upgrades.

If the Defer option is not in effect, this entry cannot be changed when the PCF is used for future installations or upgrades.

If the Write option is in effect, this entry, including the Defer option, is written into the PCF and used when the PCF is used for future installations or upgrades.

If the Write option is not in effect, this entry, including the Defer option, is not written into the PCF and is not used when the PCF is used for future installations or upgrades. In this case, the default for the future installation or upgrade will come from the PDF or PDB.
Toggles the Defer option. By default, the Defer option is not in effect.
Toggles the Write option. By default, the Write option is in effect.

Press the Return key after each response.

Sample Procedure for Creating a PCF shows how to use keys F17 and F18 in the PCF. Note that this is an example only and does not necessarily represent an actual PCF for a product. A description of the callouts follows the example.
Example 1  Sample Procedure for Creating a PCF  


The following product has been selected:
DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.2 [Available]

Do you want to continue [YES] [Return] 

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product 
and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.

*** DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.2: OpenVMS Operating System

Copyright © 1998 Compaq Computer Corporation

    Compaq Computer Corporation

    Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] N Return  

    Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] F17  
%PCSIUI-I-DEFER, that item has been deferred; please set the default value

    Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] F17  
%PCSIUI-I-UNDEFER, that item is no longer deferred; please set the value

    Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] F17  
%PCSIUI-I-DEFER, that item has been deferred; please set the default value.

    Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] [Return]  

    Access Control List Utilities [YES] F18  [5]  
%PCSIUI-I-UNWRITE, that item will not be written to configuration file;
please set the value.

    Access Control List Utilities [YES] [Return]  [6]  

    Print and Batch Queue Utilities [YES] NO [7]  

    DECdtm Distributed Transaction Manager [YES] [Return]  [8] 

    Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] NO
    Programming Support [YES] Return  

    Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] NO
    Do you want to review the options ?[NO] Return  [9] 

%PCSI-I-WRICON, writing configuration file 
%PCSIUI-I-SUCCONFIG, CONFIGURE operation completed successfully

The callouts in the example mark the following actions:

  1. Chooses to select values for individual options instead of accepting default values for all of the options.
  2. Requests (by using the defer key, F17) that the installer be given the choice of whether or not to install the optional example files.
  3. Toggles the defer option (twice to illustrate the toggle effect).
  4. Records the default response [Yes] in the PCF. Because the defer option was in effect, when the PCF is used during a future installation, the installer can select the Accounting Log Report Generator utility by default, or can choose not to select it.
  5. Requests the nowrite option key (F18) so that this choice will not be written to the PCF.
  6. Chooses not to install the Access Control List utilities. Because the nowrite option is in effect, this choice is not written to the PCF.
  7. Chooses not to install the Print and Batch Queue utilities. Because the nowrite option is not in effect (by default) and the defer option is in effect (by default), this choice is written to the PCF and the question is not asked again when the PCF is used during a future installation.
  8. Accepts the default to install the DECdtm Distributed Transaction Manager. Because the nowrite option is not in effect (by default) and the defer option is in effect (by default), this choice is written to the PCF, and the question is not asked again.
  9. Requests that the configuration options be displayed.
  10. Displays the name of the PCF that has been created, MYPCF.PCSI$CONFIGURATION. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility displays this message only when you enable message logging by using /LOG with PRODUCT CONFIGURE.

When you use a single DCL command to install or configure more than one product and write the responses to a PCF, the information for all the products that are installed or configured is in a single PCF. Use separate operations to install or configure a set of products when you want to keep each product's configuration values in its own PCF.

Modifying an Existing PCF  

You can use DCL to modify an existing file. Specify the name of the PCF to be modified and the name of the PCF to be created. Include both the INPUT and the OUTPUT keywords with the /CONFIGURATION qualifier on the PRODUCT CONFIGURE command line. For example, read the default values in the file PRODUCTA_REV1.DAT, make changes to the file, and save the changes to PRODUCTA_REV2.DAT, the output file:


Using a Product Database  

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility automatically stores information about product installation, configuration choices, and objects, such as files and directories, that make up the product in the product database. The product database is useful for recalling information about products installed on your system and for detecting and tracking product dependencies.

Adding Information to the Database  

Although the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility stores product information for you automatically, you can also add your own information. When you perform a task, you can include a remark---a comment to be recorded in the product database---along with the other information about the task being performed.

To add a remark to the product database, use the /REMARK qualifier with any of the following DCL commands:

Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M--Z for information about this command and the /REMARK qualifier.

Registering a Noncompliant Product  

To register a product that was installed with a tool other than the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, enter PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT. This command records information that a PDF provides. For example:

If you do not have a PDF for a product you want to register, enter the following command:
This procedure prompts you for the product name, version, and producer. For example, the producer for DIGITAL products is DEC. The procedure uses this information to create a temporary, minimal PDF. It then executes the PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT command to register the product, and deletes the temporary PDF.

Because PCSI$REGISTER_PRODUCT.COM creates only a minimal PDF, it cannot register with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility database all the information about the product. For this reason, if a PDF for the product is available, use it.

Although a transition PDF is intended specifically for PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT, you can also register full and operating system PDFs.

Detecting and Tracking Software Dependencies  

Some software products depend on other software products to work correctly. For example, a product might work only when a specific version of another product is installed on the system. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility detects and tracks the dependencies of the products that you install. The utility also attempts to satisfy the requirements of multiple products. In some instances, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility is unable to resolve product dependency issues. In such instances, the utility provides feedback on the nature of the conflict and asks you to decide how to proceed.

Understanding Recovery Data Sets  

You can use recovery data sets in the following circumstances:

A recovery data set is, in a sense, an extension of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility product database. A recovery data set consists of the following types of files:

A recovery data set is, in other words, a combination of the directories and files that are replaced by newer ones when a patch kit is installed. Recovery data set files are saved in a designated directory for possible future use. The data files that describe the replaced files and directories and their contexts are also saved.

Recovery data sets are stored in the following directory tree on the same system disk as the product database files, where nnn is the recovery data set number:


The two major uses of recovery data sets are discussed in the next two sections.

Recovering from a Failed Installation of a Patch Kit  

To be able to recover completely from a failed installation of a patch kit, you must install the kit using the following command:


When you enter this command, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility installs the patch kit in what is called recovery mode. When you install a kit in recovery mode, the files that the installation modifies or replaces are saved; they make up a recovery data set. If an error condition interrupts the installation or if you intentionally terminate the installation, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility can use the recovery data set to roll back the original files. This action restores the product environment that existed prior to the interrupted installation.

Once the rollback completes, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility destroys the recovery data set. The utility also destroys the recovery data set at the end of a successful product installation or reconfiguration. You can, however, prevent the deletion of the recovery data set by using the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier with the PRODUCT INSTALL command. The next section explains how to do this.

Undoing One or More Patch Kit Installations  

You can create a recovery data set when you install a patch kit, and, at the same time, explicitly request the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to save recovery data. You do this by entering the following command:


When you enter this command, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility permanently saves the files that the installation of the patch has removed. You can subseqently use the recovery data set to uninstall the patch product; you enter the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command to do this. However, once you use the recovery data set to uninstall the patch product, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility deletes it, and you cannot use recovery data set files again.

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility also destroys the recovery data set when you enter any of the following (unrelated) DCL commands:

$ PRODUCT INSTALL (without the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier)

Using Other Recovery Data Set Commands    

You can use the following PRODUCT commands to view and delete recovery data sets:

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