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Modifying System Parameters with a Conversational Boot  

NoteAlthough you can modify system parameters with a conversational boot, HP recommends that you use AUTOGEN or the System Management utility (SYSMAN). For more information, see Modifying System Parameters with AUTOGEN and Managing System Parameters with SYSMAN.

Use a conversational boot only to change isolated system parameters temporarily or in an emergency. For example, during a system upgrade, you would use a conversational boot to modify STARTUP_P1 to use a minimum startup.

Remember that if you change a value and do not add the changed value to the AUTOGEN parameter file MODPARAMS.DAT, AUTOGEN will overwrite the value the next time AUTOGEN executes.

With a conversational boot operation, you can modify the active parameter values in the following ways before the system boots:

Task For More Information
Modify active values for individual parameters
HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials
Initialize active values using values stored in a parameter file other than the default parameter file
HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials
Reinitialize active values using default values
HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

At the end of the conversational boot, the default system parameter file is modified to store the new active parameter values.

CautionParameter values modified with a conversational boot will be overridden by the AUTOGEN command procedure. To keep parameter modifications made with a conversational boot, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT as explained in Controlling AUTOGEN's Parameter Settings with MODPARAMS.DAT to specify the new parameter values.

go to previous page: Managing System Parameters with SYSGEN Managing System Parameters with SYSGEN
go to next page: Tuning BAP System ParametersTuning BAP System Parameters