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Features of Packet Formats  

The Ethernet controllerscan transmit and receive both Ethernet and 802.2/802.3 packets.Each port on a controller is able to transmit and receive eitherEthernet or 802 packets. Ethernet and 802 ports can be assignedon the same controller at the same time.

The FDDI controllers can transmit and receive FDDI frames.There is a mapped Ethernet frame format that is comparable to theEthernet packets sent and received by the Ethernet controllers.

At the time each port on the controller is started, one ofthree packet formats can be specified: Ethernet (default), standard802 (referred to as 802 packet format), and extended 802. If noformat is specified, the default format is used.

Each port on the controller must be unique on that controller.For each packet format, there is a parameter that distinguishesthe port from all other ports with the same packet format. For Ethernetpacket format ports, the 2-byte protocol type parameter definesthe port. For 802 packet format ports, the 1-byte SAP defines theport. For extended 802 format ports, the 5-byte protocol identifierdefines the port.

Sections Ethernet Packet Format, IEEE 802 Packet Format, and IEEE 802 Extended Packet Format describe the three packetformats and the characteristics unique to each format.

Ethernet Packet Format  

The Ethernet format specifiesa two-byte protocol type field followed by an optional length field.The length field is included in transmit packets and expected inreceive packets with the PAD parameter is enabled. The followingsections describe these features.

Ethernet Protocol Types  

Every Ethernet frame hasa 2-byte protocol-type field. This field is used to determine theport to which a packet belongs. Protocol types are independent ofaddresses; unique protocol designations can be assigned by Xeroxa particular station starts an Ethernet port, that user must specifythe protocol type to be used on that port. Messages sent over thatport always have the protocol type attached to them by the devicedriver, and messages rece that protocol type are delivered to thestarter of that port. Valid protocol types are in the range 05-DDthrough FF-FF.

The following lists the cross-company protocol types:

IP protocol (ARPAnet)
Address resolution protocol(ARPAnet)
Ethernet Loopback protocol

THe following lists some commonly used protocol types.

DNA Dump/load (MOP)
DNA Remote Console (MOP)
DNA Routing
Local Area Transport (LAT)
Customer use
System Communication Architecture(SCA)
DNA Naming Service
CSMA/CD Encryption
DNA Time Service
LAN Traffic Monitor
Local Area System Transport (LAST)

Ethernet Packet Padding  

This sectiondescribes the PAD parameter NMA$C_PCLI_PAD, which is used only inthe Ethernet packet format.

All CSMA/CD frames must be at least 64 bytes in length. Thisincludes the Ethernet header, the user data, and the CRC. If theuser data, CRC, and Ethernet header together are less than 64 bytes,zero padding bytes are inserted between the user data and the CRCto make a 64-byte packet. This packet padding cannot be turned off.

The PAD parameter directs the LAN drivers to place a data-sizefield in the packet between the standard header and the user data.If padding is on (NMA$C_STATE_ON is specified), a 2-byte lengthfield is inserted after the Protocol Type field and before the userdata.

If the PAD parameter is off (NMA$C_STATE_OFF is specified),Ethernet packets have the following characteristics:

If the PAD parameter is on (NMA$C_STATE_ON is specified),Ethernet packets have the following characteristics:

Protocol Type Sharing  

Protocoltypes are usually nonshareable; however, an application may benefitfrom a shared protocol implementation. The protocol access parameter(NMA$C_PCLI_ACC) allows a protocol type to be opened in either oftwo shareable modes: shared-default (NMA$C_ACC_SHR) and shared-with-destination (NMA$C_ACC_LIM).The LAN drivers also provide the nonshareable exclusive mode (NMA$C_ACC_EXC). (See P2 Attributes.) The rules and requirementsfor using each mode are as follows:

IEEE 802 Packet Format  

The IEEE 802 packet formatsaccepted for a port depend on the service enabled on that port.All 802 packet formats have an 802.2 header. The service on theport determines the valid values for the 802.2 fields.

When a port is started, the NMA$C_PCLI_SRV parameter in theP2 buffer selects the service on that port. A value of NMA$C_LINSR_CLIspecifies Class I service and a value of NMA$C_LINSR_USR specifies user-suppliedservice (the default).

Class I Service Packet Format  

ForClass I service, only three packet formats are transmitted and received:UI, XID, and TEST. Class I Service 802.2 Header showsthe 802.2 header format for Class I service.  

Figure 16  Class I Service 802.2 Header  
Class I Service 802.2 Header

The control field for an 802 packet is always an unnumberedcontrol field. The unnumbered control field, which is always 1 bytein length, is passed by the P4 argument of the write QIO and canbe one of the following binary values:

An 802 format port with Class I service is allowed to transmitUI, XID, and TEST commands. An 802 format port with Class I serviceis allowed to receive UI commands and XID and TEST responses.

Refer to the IEEE 802.2 Standard for more information on thesecontrol field values and response messages.

User-Supplied Service Header Format  

User-Supplied Service 802.2 Header shows the 802.2header format for user-supplied service.  

Figure 17  User-Supplied Service 802.2 Header  
User-Supplied Service 802.2 Header

The user provides the control field values, which are documentedin the IEEE 802.2 Standard. The user-supplied packet format is thegeneric packet format as specified in the IEEE 802.2 Standard. ClassI packets (see Class I Service Packet Format )are a subset of this generic packet format; therefore, if the controlfield value of the user-supplied packet is UI, XID, or TEST, thepacket is the same as a Class I packet. Note that Class II packets,as defined in the IEEE 802.2 Standard, include the UI, XID, and TESTcommand/response formats.

ServiceAccess Point (SAP) Use and Restrictions  

TheIEEE 802.2 Standard places restrictions on both user SAPs and sourceSAPs (SSAPs). All SAPs are 8 bits long. DSAP and SSAP Format shows the format of destination SAPs (DSAPs) andSSAPs.  

Figure 18  DSAP and SSAP Format  
DSAP and SSAP Format

Definition of the least significant bit depends on whetherthe SAP is a source SAP (SSAP) or a destination SAP (DSAP). Fora DSAP field, the least significant bit distinguishes group SAPs(bit 0 = 1) from individual SAPs (bit 0 = 0). For an SSAP field,the least significant bit distinguishes commands (bit 0 = 0) fromresponses (bit 0 = 1). Because these two bits are located at thesame bit position within the SAP field, a group SAP cannot be usedas an SSAP. If this were allowed, a group SAP would be interpretedas an individual SAP with the command/response bit set to 1, thusimplying a response. The IEEE 802.2 Standard reserves for its own definitionall SAP addresses with the second least significant bit set to 1.You should use these SAP values for their intended purposes, asdefined in the IEEE 802.2 Standard.

Up to four group SAPs can be enabled on each 802 port. Thegroup SAPs enabled on a controller do not have to be unique foreach port; for example, two 802 format ports can have the same groupSAP enabled. This allows a single packet coming into the controllerto be duplicated and passed to each port on the controller thathas the group SAP enabled--assuming the packet has a DSAPvalue that is a group SAP. If the received packet has an individualSAP for a DSAP, the packet goes to, at most, one port.

IEEE 802 Extended Packet Format  

The 802E format usesthe 802.2 and 802.1 headers, as shown in 802 Extended Header.  

Figure 19  802 Extended Header  
802 Extended Header

For an 802E packetformat, the DSAP and SSAP fields are always set to the SNAP SAP(AA hex). The SNAP SAP value is a special SAP value reserved for802 extended format packets. The SNAP SAP value distinguishes an802 packet from an 802 extended packet. The only valid control fieldvalue for 802 extended packets is UI (unnumbered information).

Protocol Type PID Sharing (Alpha Only)  

OnAlpha systems, the 802E format allows user's protocol identifier(PID) sharing. PIDs are usually nonshareable; however, an applicationmay benefit from a shared protocol implementation. The protocol accessparameter (NMA$C_PCLI_ACC) allows a PID to be opened in either oftwo shareable modes: shared-default (NMA$C_ACC_SHR) and shared-with-destination(NMA$C_ACC_LIM). The LAN drivers also provide the nonshareable exclusivemode (NMA$C_ACC_EXC). (See P2 Attributes.) The rules and requirements for using each modeare as follows:

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