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LAN Device Information  

You can obtain informationon controller characteristics by using the Get Device/Volume Information ($GETDVI)system service. (Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.)

$GETDVI returns controller characteristics when you specifythe item code DVI$_DEVCHAR. Ethernet Controller Device Characteristics lists these characteristics, which are defined by the$DEVDEF macro and in the file SYS$LIBRARY:DEVDEF.H.

Table 31   Ethernet Controller Device Characteristics

Static Bits (Always Set)
Device is available.
Input device.
Network device.
Output device.

DVI$_DEVTYPE and DVI$_DEVCLASS return the device type anddevice class names, which are defined by the $DCDEF macro and inthe file SYS$LIBRARY:DCDEF.H. The device class name for the LANEthernet controllers listed in OpenVMS VAX LAN Devices and OpenVMS Alpha LAN Devices is always DC$_SCOM.

DVI$_DEVBUFSIZ returnsthe maximum message size. The maximum send or receive message sizedepends on the packet format and whether padding (NMA$C_PCLI_PAD)is enabled (see Sections Read and Write ). DVI$_DEVDEPENDreturns the unit and line status bits and the error summary bitsin a longword field as shown in DVI$_DEVDEPEND Returns.  

Figure 20  DVI$_DEVDEPEND Returns  

Ethernet Controller Unit and Line Status lists thestatus values and their meanings. These values are defined by the$XMDEF macro. XM$M_STS_ACTIVE is set when the port is started. XM$M_STS_BUFFAILand XM$M_STS_TIMO are dynamically set and cleared by the LAN driver.

Table 32   Ethernet Controller Unit and Line Status
Port is active.
Attempt to allocate a systemreceive buffer failed.
Timeout occurred.

The error summary bits are set when an error occurs. Theyare read-only bits. If an error is fatal, the Ethernet port is shutdown. Error Summary Bits lists theerror summary bit values and their meanings.

Table 33   Error Summary Bits
Error Summary BitMeaning
Hardware or software error occurred onthe controller.

go to previous page: Features of Packet FormatsFeatures of Packet Formats
go to next page: LAN Function CodesLAN Function Codes