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go to next page: Forms of System AttacksForms of System Attacks
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10System Security Breaches  

Along with developing a security policy and selecting appropriatesecurity measures to implement that policy, a site needs to establishand test procedures for handling system, site, or network compromises.The procedure should address two areas:

This chapter describes how to recognize when an attack onthe system is in progress or has taken place and what countermeasurescan be taken.

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Forms of System Attacks
Indications of Trouble
Routine System Surveillance
Handling a Security Breach
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HP supportgroups include the Software Security Response Team (SSRT) in theUnited States and the European Security Program Office (ESPO).

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go to previous page: Managing the Auditing SubsystemManaging the Auditing Subsystem
go to next page: Forms of System AttacksForms of System Attacks