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go to beginning of chapter: System Security BreachesSystem Security Breaches
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Indications of Trouble  

When your system is vulnerable and possibly under attack,your first indications may come from the following sources:

Reports from Users  

User observations frequently point to system security problems.A user may contact you with the following situations:

Follow up promptly when one of these items is reported toyou. You must confirm or deny that the condition exists. If youfind the complaint is valid, seek a cause and solution.

Monitoring the System  

Ongoing Tasks to Maintain a Secure System lists thosetasks that can help you detect potential security breaches on yoursystem. The following list details possible warning signs you mayuncover while performing the recommended tasks:

All these conditions warrant further investigation. Some indicatethat you already have a problem, and some may have simple explanations,while others may indicate serious potential problems.

go to previous page: Forms of System AttacksForms of System Attacks
go to next page: Routine System SurveillanceRoutine System Surveillance